Realistic HDRI lighting for exterior ArchViz in Blender

Realistic HDRI lighting for exterior ArchViz in Blender


1 год назад

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dogo designers
dogo designers - 09.08.2023 12:04

can I get project file

Rob Diaz
Rob Diaz - 13.11.2022 01:03

This is amazing! Now I have control over the little details that the HDRI has that I didn't know existed. Plus, the renders come out "crisper", if that's a word. For the longest time, I've been trying to understand how Vray and Corona can produce exterior renders and they do, manipulate the Gamma, Opacity, and Exposure. Thank you for getting the node setup...I'm definitely going to use this and explore more on it. Keep the tips coming!

diseñodeoccidente gt
diseñodeoccidente gt - 09.07.2022 23:31

Thanks so much

Iron Lord Fitness
Iron Lord Fitness - 19.06.2022 20:13

I never put any gamma node in my hdri, what's the point of them? Especially the main HDRI? Thanks!
