The creation of Cyrillic Script / История за кирилицата

The creation of Cyrillic Script / История за кирилицата

Elektrick Me

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@oneman7638 - 06.02.2024 21:11

Failed to mention Romania, although a latin language, also used Cyrillic for many years.

@jaromirmusil9017 - 15.01.2024 01:24

Funny how the current truth (Third alphabet of the European Union - year 2024) can suggest that it is the third alphabet in Europe. In Europe, after the Greek, Latin, Arabic (Spain) and Runic script, another script was created, the Glagolitic script, and only then did the Cyrillic script appear. The Glagolitic script was created by Constantine of Thessalonica (Saint Cyril) around 862–863 for Great Moravia (the request of the Great Moravian ruler Rastislav to the Eastern Roman Emperor Michael III) due to the need to create a script for acceptable writing of Slavic. In Moravia, the Glagolitic script was used in the years for official state and religious purposes. She studied at the school-academy founded by Constantine or Methodius and where their Moravian disciples were educated. In 886, priests of the Slavic rite were expelled by Bishop Wiching of Nitra, and Glagolitic ceased to be used in Moravia. The Bulgarian Khan Boris I took charge of several of the exiled Moravian priests and entrusted them with the teaching of Bulgarian priests; he founded two academies for this purpose, in Ohrid and Preslav. Boris saw in his own liturgical language and script a guarantee of the independence of the Bulgarian Church from the Patriarchate of Constantinople. From Bulgarian schools, Glagolitic spread to other countries. ++++ And now to the Cyrillic alphabet - although the name may seem that the creator of the Cyrillic alphabet is Saint Cyril (Constantine), this is not the case. The authorship of the Cyrillic script is attributed to Methodius' pupil Kliment of Ohrid, but evidence is lacking. But it will be more likely that the author was a student of St. Methodius, - Constantine called Presbyter, bishop in Preslav. Here, the Glagolitic script was replaced by Cyrillic, as an expression of leaning towards the Byzantine cultural sphere, which was sought especially by Greek priests in Slavic territories. Cyrillic was closer to the Greek script for Greek priests, it is simpler and more practical than Glagolitic. (BTW - Great Moravia - today's territory of Czechia and Slovakia, Lusatia, Silesia, southern Poland, a small part of eastern Ukraine, eastern Austria and, of course, Pannonia - later called Hungary by the arriving Hungarians). +++Sts Cyril and Methodius Day is a national holiday in Czechia.+++

@dispuncho - 05.01.2024 15:36

Здравейте българы

@rondalkb10 - 16.12.2023 05:37

It's original intent was for slavic languages, now it is being used in not just Slavic Languages but also Turkic Languages

@Tntc2 - 19.11.2023 01:51

To be fair, only Soviet Union countries uses Cyrillic , other than few Balkan countries.

@Vladimir.Momirovski - 24.10.2023 04:06

Македонски ☀️

@Smartness_itself - 21.10.2023 03:31


@teodorabrayanova7077 - 07.10.2023 23:11

I have the old/early cyrillic keyboard from gboard

@DamorkaDalilla - 26.09.2023 21:26

Great video

@specalbearguy6951 - 04.09.2023 17:23

From as far as bulgaria to mongolia cyrillic is used

@BulgarGeography - 24.07.2023 16:59

Кирилицата не е във Босна и Херцеговина, Узбекистан, Туркменистан.

@CallMeConnell - 27.06.2023 18:46

What music is in the first minutes?

@smileyp4535 - 10.06.2023 07:13

Why this British guy saying he is Bulgarian? Lol

@ezilvYT - 23.05.2023 22:17

bro made the best cyrillic edit and thought we wouldnt notice🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

@soiah - 04.05.2023 22:26

To call Cyrillic an alfabet that got only 2 letters from Cyrillic alfabet is quite the stretch. To create the Slavonic alfabet they took 2 letters from the Cyrillic alfabet, 31 from an existing nongreek alfabet, that could be seen in archeological artifacts from long before 800AD, and 12 new letters. Was still a complicated alfabet but infinitly more useful than Cyrillic one. The insult and injury is with the non Greek alfabet that they borrowed 31 latters from and to which in time they reverted back almost entirely and call it Cyrillic too.

@billgates3699 - 21.04.2023 16:45

“Then the Cyrillic alphabet spread across the world”

Ah yes, to the Soviet federation and then…uh… Hmm… uh…

@huskytail - 31.03.2023 17:57

So the Cyrillic just appeared out of nothing?

@Yesayan2009 - 24.03.2023 17:32

Польска цицрилица

@bjalon69 - 21.03.2023 13:16

Nice video, little silly though ;-)

In 862 king Rostislav of Nitra (Nitra is the first historicaly documented Slavic kingdom, metropolis of by-modern-historians so-called "Great Moravia") sent a message to the Byzantine Emperor Michael III. with a request to send a bishop and a teacher who would lay the foundations of a church (independent of the Frankish bishops) in Great Moravia (today's western Slovakia and south Moravia). The inhabitants here were already familiar with the church teachings of the missionaries from the East Franconian kingdom at that time, but Prince Rostislav feared the political and religious influence of the East Frankish Empire, and so he had the Frankish priests expelled from Moravia. Thus, there was a lack of clergy in Moravia, and this may have been one of the reasons for Rostislav's request.
The Emperor and Patriarch Photius eventually decided to partially comply with Rostislav's request. For knowledge of the language, Constantine and Methodius were chosen for this mission. In the course of preparation, Konstantin compiled a new script (Glagolitic) for the Slavic language and, together with his brother Methodius, translated the liturgical books necessary for worship into Old Slavonic. Konstantin is credited with compiling the Proglas, that is, the preface to the Old Slavonic translation of the Gospels.
So (and there) our / your Cyrillic alphabet appeared.
It remains a sad fact that later the Franks (today´s Germany and France) were able to impose the Western Catholic rite (and writing) in Slovakia, Moravia, Bohemia and Poland).
Insidious politics and cruelty, of course... to be traced down through centuries and to be see even today in western Russia, Kyjevan Rus, so called Okrajina.

Macedonians, Bulgarians, what are you writing here, that is is You You You who discovered America: we love you, just come back to the Earth, please ;-)

@emilgigov3126 - 13.02.2023 02:33

Думата “славяни” я няма изписана никъде по света преди 16-ти век. Братята Кирил и Методий са превеждали църковни книги на “старобългарски”, а не на “славянски”. Терминът “славянски староцърковен” или “Old Church Slavonic” е използван за пръв път от Josef Dobrovsky във Виена през 1822г. Нищо не намеквам, никого не искам да обиждам, но това са съвсем известни и доказани факти.

Освен това нямаме много славянски некрополи и т.н.
Спокойно можем да заместим името "славянски език" с "български език"./

The word "Slavs" was not written anywhere in the world before the 16th century. The brothers Cyril and Methodius translated church books into "Old Bulgarian" and not into "Slavic". The term "Old Church Slavonic" or "Old Church Slavonic" was first used by Josef Dobrovsky in Vienna in 1822. I'm not implying anything, I don't want to offend anyone, but these are well-known and proven facts.

Also, we don't have many Slavic necropolises, etc.
We can easily replace the name "Slavic language" with "Bulgarian language".

@Knight_Horus - 31.01.2023 06:05

Big ups Bulgaria

@priestkingskeptic - 04.01.2023 03:34

but cyrillic script is artificial and created by two drubk was not naturally evolved...latin script is far older...just like orthodox church cyrilliuc will die too

@priestkingskeptic - 04.01.2023 03:32

One of the most idiotic scripts ever invented

@19n05k83 - 09.12.2022 21:40

I don't like Cyrillic because it doesn't have developed minuscule and looks archaic.

@pradrev - 19.08.2022 05:47

This video is a lie. The video is not mentioning for whom the writing was created, that it was for Moravians. So the Bulgarians falsely claim the ownership of the writing.

@__Man__ - 15.07.2022 20:56

Latin is full of inconsistency because of the palatalisation of c and g and the i that turned become j and y in Spanish. Hence, you can see that inconsistency in English "c" can be pronounced similar to "k" or "s". "Z" can be pronounced from "z" to "ts". "C" can be pronounced as "k", "ts", "ch" and "j" in various language and many more. While with Cyrillic, you have "ц" will be the same letter for "ts" in any language that uses it and so on. That's the reality, Cyrillic alphabet is the best pair for Slavic languages because it supports consonant weakening that happens largely in Slavic languages. That's why some Slavic languages like Slovak and Czech, they have very much letter, while if they use Cyrillic the number of the letter can be reduced, for example, the letter "d" and "ď " can be written as "д" and "дь" using Cyrillic, the same for "t" and "ť " can be written as "т" and "ть" using Cyrillic. But, this is all because of the religious issue in the past

@dzxn3728 - 05.07.2022 15:05

This isn't named for the same cyril that had hypatia murdered right?

@Kuzinatras - 12.06.2022 12:54

Почему Кирилл произносится как Сирилл?😳

@snezhanamilanova4382 - 29.05.2022 04:16

Филмчето не предтсавя коректно историческите факти и заблуждава. Българицата (българската азбука, наречена от византийците славянска, за да ни отнемат рождеството и) е създадена от Климент Охридски по разпореждане на Цар Симеон, а не на Цар Борис 1ви. Също така премълчава защо е наречена Кирилица, когато Глаголицата е кирилица, а Българицата е създадена 30г след смъртта на Кирил.

@mariamincheva2645 - 24.05.2022 12:58

И това видео отново не може да се намери никъде в инстаграм, за да може човек да го сподели.

@dezl2552 - 24.05.2022 04:16

Cringe Ohrid is Macedonia it has NEVER BEEN IN BULGARIA

@dusankostic0748 - 20.05.2022 15:40


@mkd191 - 11.05.2022 01:01

Святые Кирилл и Мефодий (др.-слав. Кѷриллъ и Меѳодїи) - македонские братья из Фессалоник в девятом веке[3][4][5][6], ставшие миссионерами христианства среди славян Великой Моравии и Паннонии. Своим трудом они повлияли на культурное развитие всех славян, за что и получили титул Апостолов славян. Им приписывают изобретение глаголицы, первого алфавита, использовавшегося для расшифровки старославянского языка.[7] После их смерти их ученики продолжили работу и деятельность среди славян. Оба брата почитаются в Восточной Православной Церкви как святые с титулом равноапостольных. В 1880 году папа Лев XIII ввел их славу в римско-католический календарь. В 1980 году Иоанн Павел II объявил их сопокровителями Европы вместе с Бенедиктом Нурсийским[6].
Спасибо македонским братьям 🇲🇰❤️🇷🇺

@rotkatzeredcat4284 - 03.05.2022 08:53

Background music too loud

@user-hx2xl2km2e - 30.04.2022 16:02

And Never forget: Russian alphabet is like American language, it simply doesn't exist.

@yabuslay - 28.04.2022 00:59

Human stories can't be told without language but definitely can be told without script

@stinkypoonda4364 - 18.04.2022 03:25

The Russian Title is a legit tounge twister

@gundjaloneko5731 - 14.04.2022 21:10

Bullshit. This alphabet existed some 5 000 years before those two rag tag paedophile monks were even born.

@kostadingeorgiev1362 - 14.04.2022 02:21

The brothers only unify church texts and the church canon! The Bulgarian language and alphabet are much older!

@fedassignment6261 - 03.04.2022 18:29

This is actually my favorite alphabet so far.

@xZxOxVx - 20.02.2022 11:47

Cyrillic alphabet doesn't have anything with bulgarians, Cyrillic alphabet came from Macedonia and bulgarians just came from the steppes as nomads in that century.
Bulgarians didn't even speak our language, they were Tatars until they mixed with Serbs and other Slavic tribes

@bjalon69 - 29.01.2022 03:03

Pekne videjko, len trošku smiešne..;-)

В 862 году Hитрянский (Великоморавский) князь Ростислав отправил послание византийскому императору Михаилу III. с просьбой прислать епископа и учителя, который заложил бы основы церкви (независимой от франкских епископов) в Великой Моравии (сегодняшняя западная Словакия и Южная Моравия). Жители здесь уже были знакомы с церковными учениями миссионеров из Восточно-Франконского королевства в то время, но князь Ростислав опасался политического и религиозного влияния Восточно-Франкской империи, и поэтому он имел Франкские священники изгнаны из Моравии. Таким образом, в Моравии не хватало духовенства, и это могло быть одной из причин просьбы Ростислава.
Император и Патриарх Фотий в конце концов решили частично выполнить просьбу Ростислава. Для знания языка были выбраны Константин и Мефодий для этой миссии. В ходе подготовки Константин составил новую письменность (глаголицу) для славянского языка и вместе с братом Мефодием перевел на старославянский язык богослужебные книги, необходимые для богослужений. Константину приписывают составление Прогласа, т. е. предисловия к старославянскому переводу Евангелий.
Так (и там) появилась наша/ваша кириллица.
Oстается печальным фактом, что впоследствии франки смогли навязать западно-католический обряд (и письмо) в Словакии, Моравии, Чехии и Польше.
Коварная политика и жестокость, конечно...
Македонцы, болгары, что вы тут пишите, что вы вы вы!!! открыли Америку: мы вас любим, только вернитесь на землю, пожалуйста ;-)


@monikastojanovska9654 - 22.01.2022 18:34

Напишано на кирилица изгледа многу поубаво, не знам зашто моите сонародници претпочитаат да пишуваат на латиница.

@vkrgfan - 07.01.2022 08:34

The two brothers were born in Thessalonica, then located in a Byzantine province with the same name, (today in Greece) – Cyril in about 827–828 and Methodius about 815–820. Cyril was reputedly the youngest of seven brothers; he was born Constantine,[9] but was given the name Cyril upon becoming a monk in Rome shortly before his death,[10][11][12] according to the Vita Cyrilli ("The Life of Cyril"). Methodius was born Michael and was given the name Methodius upon becoming a monk in Polychron Monastery at Mysian Olympus (present-day Uludağ), in northwest Turkey.[13] Their father was Leo, a droungarios of the Byzantine theme of Thessalonica, and their mother was Maria.

The exact ethnic origins of the brothers are unknown, there is controversy as to whether Cyril and Methodius were of Slavic[14] or Greek[15] origin, or both.[16] The two brothers lost their father when Cyril was fourteen, and the powerful minister Theoktistos, who was logothetes tou dromou, one of the chief ministers of the Empire, became their protector. He was also responsible, along with the regent Bardas, for initiating a far-reaching educational program within the Empire which culminated in the establishment of the University of Magnaura, where Cyril was to teach. Cyril was ordained as priest some time after his education, while his brother Methodius remained a deacon until 867/868.[17]

@panagiotisfouk2290 - 06.12.2021 17:20

Love from Greece ❤️

@krzychol83 - 05.12.2021 12:49

Now it's very explainable. Thanx. :)

@MuayThai-cq9lu - 18.10.2021 16:29

Много лепо! Ово би требало да нас учитељи уче.

@jkswim6757 - 09.09.2021 14:55

Прекрасно видео! ❤️🇧🇬

@denisbeslimov2279 - 08.09.2021 01:00

Geliefde Liefde has a cult of accounts spamming around Bulgarian Videos like "Learn the Cyrillic alphabet in one Video". Under the name Dove and oldest alphabets under the name Grace he deleted. This troll is obsessed and doesn't provide actual facts, just states website titles and says go read it. He is contradicting himself and a liar about the Bulgaria culture, language and Cyrillic alphabet.

@dove5591 - 01.09.2021 10:48

The Macedonian language is the root of all Slavic languages. The Glagolic and the Cyrillic Alphabets are made only for the Macedonian language open Britannica on Old Church Slavonic.
