Ditch Adobe in 2023

Ditch Adobe in 2023

ben designs

1 год назад

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@channelofstuff6662 - 03.02.2024 02:08

i would go FCP over resolve for mac unless you setup network rendering if not FCP. for Affnity i have the all device license because it does everything i need it to do. i dropped adobe everything when they went sub. inflation is a bad excuse for adobe since they have all digital products it does not affect them there is no commerce or packaging involved.

@sohappyilltry - 08.01.2024 17:58

ipad versions has so many bad reviews, im not sure if ill ever leave adobe, but i want to switch on ipad

@christophetirman2115 - 16.12.2023 16:05

I use Adobe at work and Affinity at home and prefer Affinity. It's faster, smoother and a lot more fun to use. I can switch from my iMac and iPad if I want to work outside or at Starbucks.

@karinamosegard - 05.12.2023 20:59

yes, I want to ditch Adobe CC in 2023, but have a problem: I stopped using Adobe CC for a while, but I'm back now and have an Adobe CC subscription again. Because my problem was to open my files, from earlier, in both Indesign and illustrator and eps and I could not open pdf files I had created in Adobe at all. Affinity programs are really good and clip studio paint for digital painting so if I was new to this kind of programs I wouldn't choose adobe CC but the problem is opening my old files and that's important to me.

@EurocatGames - 30.11.2023 18:56

How did you handle transferring all your colors and assets saved in your libraries from the creative cloud? Did you just have to recreate years of assets saved in the libraries?

@coldtruth3944 - 29.11.2023 00:18

Adobe became so huge all the potential buyers already bought it and they are not paying to upgrade every time hence they moved to subscription base to create billions of stable revenue. The problem is they don’t differentiate professionals and light users like Davinci Resolve or Protool just because they don’t have to. Incredible corporate greed example.

@JennaMaloneArt - 15.11.2023 16:28

I just ditched adobe for the first time now in at affinity has the V2 versions of their apps. I like how good their software is, and I like how affinity builds real apps for the iPad

@stephen-wahl - 27.10.2023 21:03

Seems it's in the works, I'm learning DaVinci Resolve and I'm actually checking out capture one and dxo

@MichaelSouhoka - 10.10.2023 10:51

What about Adobe Acrobat alternatives? I need Acrobat alternatives for PDF editing.

@bubbadaluva191 - 23.09.2023 17:26

So this video is only for Apple users.

@user-wg7vw1dc1h - 22.09.2023 15:39

I really don't want to use adobe, but the assetts in Envato are staggering, and video templates are the best.

@digitalsketchguy7844 - 20.09.2023 19:15

The new shape builder tool and flood fill tool in Affinity Designer 2.2 are so welcome.

@thefrecklepuny - 14.09.2023 11:38

Ditched Adobe for Corel when they went subscription only. And then dumped Corel for Affinity when they went to a subscription model and made their perpetual licence far too expensive, esp as they've now gone to a yearly upgrade. Affinity is not only much more sensibly priced, the parent company Serif have pretty regular deals, reducing the already low cost significantly.

@billyoung1826 - 06.09.2023 20:09

Love the videos and insights Ben. I agree with many of the comments as well. After over 30 years (yep, Illustrator v.1) I left Adobe CC a few years back and have no regrets. The Affinity suite has filled all my needs and in the case of a few few holes (Designer's lack of blend and image trace) there are workarounds. I originally left for price reasons however, if you have even a slightly successful design business going, the monthly cost is not an issue and is further softened by the tax break as a business necessary expense. Over time however, the real issue was that I'm always tied to a 3rd party as my creative files are never really mine. It's like buying the locks but renting the key. Thankfully my Adobe files have all opened well in Affinity (minus some of the fonts), however Adobe doesn't play well with others so opening files saved as Affinity or other competitors' files becomes problematic at best, if not completely unsuccessful. Looking forward to what's ahead for Affinity.

@homeoffice3524 - 06.08.2023 15:48

I'm using just iPad for photo manipulation. So it's easy to ditch adobe. Don't care about subscription style. Other things is I love to creat stuff myself. Photoshop is pretty much auto bashing "ai" crap now.

@c.augustin - 11.07.2023 13:02

I'm staying with Adobe CS6 (Illustrator, InDesign, Acrobat, and if need be I could get away with Photoshop CS6) for my professional work, supplemented with the Photography Plan (primarily for Lightroom, but also for advanced features in Photoshop, and I get font access too, even though only limited to Photoshop images). I only rarely need a video editor – and I use DaVinci Resolve for that (nice to know that it has come to the iPad, even though I can't use mine for most of my work, just too limited). I have started to use Affinity Photo and Designer here and there, because both can lead to solutions for specific rendering problems, or to open the one or other SVG or EPS file were AI struggles (and vice versa). Other than those occasional uses, the (old) Adobe programs work better for my needs. I might ditch Adobe some years from now when I retire (6 years ahead if nothing goes wrong) and completely switch to other alternatives (most likely Affinity apps and some additions here and there).

@binxwinx8434 - 15.06.2023 23:13

Once you try Affinity you will never go back to rip off Adobe!

@jppalm3944 - 15.06.2023 03:03

Apple suck. Go with pc version

@jppalm3944 - 15.06.2023 03:02

I got rid of Autocad, sketchpad, Adobe any sw that requires me be connected to internet

@cyberlizardcouk - 11.06.2023 02:03

what Adobe need to do but they won't is to release the software for non-professional purposes at a low price.

@DigitalArtGuru - 06.06.2023 22:18

I dished Adobe a few years ago and I am very happy with the change!

@dicebeatsofficial2525 - 26.05.2023 17:52

Has no generative fill.thats all I can say

@art_by_adrian2913 - 20.05.2023 14:51

Affinity is incredible I've been using it for 2 yrs + ❤ I didn't need to upgrade to affinity 2.0 but did just to support the company so that they keep being amazing I hope they continue to keep making amazing software

@juliegalaise455 - 14.05.2023 01:54

I want to leave Adobe as well. I’m just getting agile with the tool so it’s a bit of a drag to learn new ones but absolutely worth it for all the reasons you mention.

@blessidunion - 05.05.2023 15:38

Isn't the adobe photography now $20 per month?

@ArtOfHardingmal - 02.05.2023 23:13

Adobe is a predatory company, making buggy dated software, I’ve never looked back! Seven years on Resolve now and very happy 🎉

@pixunPL - 01.05.2023 21:31

Ah, Adobe programs - those ancient fossils riddled with errors! Thank heavens for the uprising of rivals like Affinity and DaVinci, dethroning the software monarchy with a wink and a nudge. Long live the underdogs!

@liamdoran2257 - 29.04.2023 10:48

Im looking at Affinty Photography, and replacing PS. Does Afffinty have a camera raw type feature?

@Knowledge01 - 28.04.2023 21:22

Just ditched adobe before they hit my account again, but not before they gave me a free month to hope I would forget to cancel!

@CMoDZ92 - 27.04.2023 15:46

Affinity is so much better than photoshop, a bit of a learning curve but i'm improving everyday

@LexyFed - 18.04.2023 13:14

i still miss the possibility to save/export assets from layer. You can do it as webdesigner in PS by naming layers and pushing "save"...

@herwarthaug - 12.04.2023 14:06

Today I cancelled my Adobe subscription, because they raise the price! 🤮

@Jazielleijaa - 10.04.2023 16:11

Why yall hate adobe? Their products are good, and easy to learn, they been around a long time and there hundreds of videos on how to use the programs. I dont see why to switch when you can have all three as options when needed, Honestly ive used capcut to edit when i am editing non paid for fun type of work. I will try these alternatives but "switching" completely no. Ill use programs for their strengths and as needed.

@rickymcc9072 - 10.04.2023 13:35

Perhaps there is room for both? But IMO it all depends upon your skill level with any given package. I have been using Photoshop for about 25+ years and seen it change and grow, albeit perhaps not so much of late. Ditto Lightroom - I was in at the beginning and, as a photographer primarily, find I use it more than Photoshop now. So for these apps I can't envisage switching any time soon. However for other areas, where I have yet to acquire the knowledge, skill and usage experience, then that's a different story. I'm now looking at a multi supplier approach, not least because I never did much like the Adobe subscription model!

I recently bought a Studio license for DaVinchi Resolve and feel that, as a newbie video editor, I might just as well devote my time and effort in learning DVR rather than Premier. Plus it seems superior in several respects - not least stability.

I'm shortly going explore desktop publishing options as I have an imminent need to produce an A4 catalogue, with a high level of design finesse. I'm probably going to buy an Affinity Publisher v2 license rather than spend time learning to use Adobe's In Design. I hope it can work well with Lightroom and Photoshop (any views?). If I had a graphic design need (nothing imminent) then I'd seriously consider Affinity Design rather than Illustrator - but, as mentioned above, it has as much to do with my familiarity and comfort level as absolute cost. If Adobe were to start adding restrictions or upped their cost then that would also force me to explore alternatives to Photoshop and LR, but for now I think I'll stay Adobe on those apps and keep looking out for future changes and market movements.

IMO time and cost invested in learning is worth far more than the cost of buying any one license or subscription. You don't want to 'back the wrong horse' as it's just effort 'down the drain'. So in that sense at least I can understand why many pro users swear by the Adobe stable of creative apps. If I could acquire knowledge and skill as easily as the many books and training courses I buy then I'd be pretty smart by now. Instead I have an extensive 'help' library, many apps, not much time, and too many things to achieve to the point where, honestly, I find it difficult to cope some days. Oh .... to be really smart and good at almost everything - now that really would be worth paying for!

@ashrafalameldin7173 - 09.04.2023 17:39

I ditched windows for linux, but unfortunately, affinity is not available for linux!!

Now i am using darktable instead of Lightroom, but i can't find a decent alternative for photoshop.

@catsmad48 - 07.04.2023 01:53

The system adobe have adopted is akin to legalised theft. Affinity does it all. Greed, the worst sin.

@Digmen1 - 02.04.2023 01:22

As occassional amateur phtoographer, I wish there was one progarm that did everything, Editing, grading, reviewing photos (rating) and tethering.

@R3yedit - 31.03.2023 22:59

Adobe audition alternative?

@zocuad6710 - 28.03.2023 08:04

I never liked the subscription only model. Been using Affinity and DaVinci Resolve since. Far more affordable and just as good if not better.

@PLIDD - 26.03.2023 01:02

Good info

@kevinhouse7143 - 25.03.2023 04:00

Been an Affinity user since 2014 and wrote a book on Designer last year. I use Artstudio Pro instead of Procreate, it's real mix brushes are awesome!

@dangerous8333 - 23.03.2023 14:12

I ditched adobe the day they went subscription.

Never looked back. These are the exact apps I use as well. 👍

@gideonsteward93 - 16.03.2023 16:26

be careful, adobe might buy affinity out. like it did figma.

@jubeidu01 - 15.03.2023 18:24

Adobe bout to get blockbustered

@imnobodywhoareyouu - 14.03.2023 06:20

I’m working on releasing my own magazine, so I’ve been using Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign.
The issue is that I already have my job, this is a side project of mine. I already did Illustrator and InDesign courses and I would hate to do Affinity courses all over again.

@renatosoto3413 - 13.03.2023 04:37

Happily let Adobe for Affinity, continuously learning DaVinci Resolve.

@vasiovasio - 03.03.2023 21:24

Useful video Ben! Please put the other videos where you compare the software into the description for easy access.

@beyondalldreams - 02.03.2023 22:46

wait, davinci resolve on Ipad ? 💀 all I need is logic pro or other professional DAW on Ipad, and I'm leaving laptops/PC and I'm actually moving to Ipad Pro lol

@gbartosz83 - 14.01.2023 01:18

How about Adobe Animate alternatives? Can you recommend something?
