Top 10 Over the Top Singing Performances in Movies

Top 10 Over the Top Singing Performances in Movies


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@TheWyldehart - 23.03.2023 22:57

Hathaway's performance was stunning. They did the scene where her hair is shorn in one take, and it was her real hair. Say what you will about the film, but Anne made her part her own, more than earning her Oscar.

@OldFartLaura - 25.03.2023 20:21

Gerard Butler is my second best phantom after Ramin Karimloo. I loved the gruffness in his voice, as it fit the character role's villainy perfectly. Butler is a charmer, and it radiates from him both off and on the stage. Ramin continues to be my favorite since the 25th anniversary of POTO, when I first heard him sing. (LND fans will understand)

@susiemiddleton785 - 26.03.2023 16:43

No trivia question listed, is that a mistake? Agree with Yivas comments game is too expensive and scenes too long…stopped playing when I realized that

@chereecargill355 - 28.03.2023 09:44

Meryl Streep blew me away singing "Checking Out" in "Postcards from the Edge." I had no idea she could sing until then.

@vetcraft - 28.03.2023 22:17

Ann Hathaway always brings it! Her rendition of ‘Somebody to love’ in Ella Enchanted was glorious.

@kayregulski6828 - 28.03.2023 23:20

Moulin Rouge should be number one. Number two should be Queen Latifah in Chicago. Number three should be Gerard Butler and Phantom of the opera number for should be Val Kilmer

@akimi.y - 29.03.2023 05:40

I love so much Gerard Butler voice <3

@heathercampbell6059 - 29.03.2023 10:09

Really? You put Gerard Butler in here? I was expecting Michael Crawford, Or at least something close and as intense. I did not get that. I didn't even get remotely close. He kind of redeemed himself later on but I thought his performance was forgettable.

@katherinescallan2382 - 30.03.2023 01:56

Moulin Rouge is one of my favorites! Come what May is amazing, but I absolutely LOVE the Roxanne number!

@ghjgme - 30.03.2023 05:00

Yesssss! I'm so happy to have watched this today

@darlenelipuma7769 - 31.03.2023 06:05

If the narrator would shut up and let us hear the actual singing.....we might have an opinion as to which one is "over the top singing" instead of "over the top narration".

@peterratter6603 - 31.03.2023 22:15

Re. Gerard Butler's turns as the Phantom - there was no harm in his amateur rock background. The biggest problem was, as you say, the toning down of the character, in look and actions. The movie adaptation unfairly stripped the mystique/magic away from the character. I can understand 'downplaying' a stage effect for the big screen, but there was nothing monstrous behind the Phantom's mask that could have resulted in the insane drive of his literary or stage progenitor. Erik is meant to be shockingly hideous, a living death's heard. The audience' reaction to his unmasking should be a gasp or shriek of terror, not a 'meh, could be worse'.

@lilyluu973 - 31.03.2023 22:31

Repo! Was OOTP! <3

@christaylor2529 - 01.04.2023 14:20

I went to the theater 5 times to see Ewan McGregor in MOULIN ROUGE!, I fell so deeply in live with him. He was spectacular in this movie. I never wanted a man in a movie more than this one. I love him❤

@ChrisSevla - 01.04.2023 17:40

Hey, what about Austin Butler in Elvis?

@susantownsend8397 - 02.04.2023 05:23

Aretha Franklin in Blues Brothers.

Unpopular opinion: I did not like Ann Hathaway’s I Dreamed a Dream. I don’t want realism in a musical, I want good music.

@cooperwesley1536 - 03.04.2023 02:05

THUMBS DOWN. Based on the title of your video, the only two performers that deserve a place anywhere on the list are Anne Hathaway and maybe Robin Williams. The rest were either standard-issue or cringe. Pity that you didn't bother to include ANY performances from Hollywood's Golden Age of musicals. At the very least, you could have included something from The Rose (Bette Midler) or maybe a Streisand power ballad. Love her or hate her, there's a reason why people still perform Don't Rain On My Parade. Think about it. And for the record, #1 should have been Jennifer Hudson's "I'm Telling You I'm Not Going" from Dreamgirls... which you didn't even bother to include in the "Honorable Mentions" section at the end. SHAMEFUL.

@justaqt3 - 03.04.2023 04:54

WHAT?!?! I'M STUNNED! How is it possible that the top spot does not go to RAMI MALIK for BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY??????? -------he. was. amAZing.

@adc9270 - 03.04.2023 08:16

The whole thing. How could you miss that?

@frejaschramm7556 - 03.04.2023 21:21

Well, I loooooved Phantom of the Opera! I found the songs so well done

@robyngregg4960 - 03.04.2023 22:21

Loved gerard butler in phantom, hated nearly all the casting in les mis. Musicals fall flat on their face when they cast based on fame not musical talent. I know lots of people love hugh jackman but personally his voice isn't to my taste

@Kristallini - 03.04.2023 23:57

The Sequence in Les Miserables with Hathaway was definitely breathtaking, when the picture was just her face with her singing and mimics for several minutes. I definitely also see the performances by Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone in Lala Land in this List, there is so much feeling and intimacy at their parts, it always gives me goose bumps

@Немногоовечном - 04.04.2023 07:00

An ugly black dude in the yellow dress is a Fairy Godmother of Cinderella???
Ok....WE ARE SERIOUSLY f...ed up...

@quinnovamusicisgreat - 04.04.2023 23:12

Anne Hathaway did an amazing job in Les Misérables. By far one of my favorite musicals out there. Her voice is amazing and I love her, definitely deserves number 1❤

@nitztan9936 - 05.04.2023 05:36

I don't know why I laughed when I learned Gerard Butler is in this list 😅
But I'mma say he deserves the top 1 spot more than Anne Hathaway for playing Fantine

@andretorre9493 - 05.04.2023 07:10

Not very accurate sometimes…

@nixycrayton8266 - 06.04.2023 04:27

What about Johnny Depp's Sweeney Todd! His duet with Allen Rickman was awesome!!!

@kidoo2009 - 06.04.2023 20:28

Into the woods really? So lame songs and movie

@infamouscanadiandecomposer - 07.04.2023 06:29

Check out "The Man That Got Away" - Judy Garland 1954 "A Star is Born" in one shot - no edits ! ! ! bob in toronto

@linkinlady06 - 07.04.2023 23:52

Regardless of whether people see it is overdone or not Moulin Rouge was spectacular that's one soundtrack I'm glad to have on my playlist Fly Away, Your Song, El Tango de Roxanne, and Come What May are played on the regular 😂❤

@diogofernandes2604 - 08.04.2023 01:19

Taron Egerton’s Performance in “Rocketman” was Astonishing ❤ You just can’t leave that one out 🌟

@amayaokazaki3407 - 08.04.2023 17:33

There are people who DONT like Gerard Butler in POTO??? I thought his voice was beautiful and haunting. <3

@AlexIsBondarev - 08.04.2023 21:08

Xtina in Burlesque is the best ofc
Also Beyoncé and J.Hudson

@DarwinAwardJudge - 09.04.2023 11:06

why do we have to blast will smith while praising robin williams? they were both amazing for different reasons,

@christinatran7966 - 10.04.2023 05:27

I loved Ewan’s singing. ❤

@chrisgeenadriver1631 - 17.04.2023 17:11

I loved Ton Cruise in Rock of Ages

@Roxxenne - 19.04.2023 00:43

Really? Usually if I don't like I keep scroll but, Gerard Butler as the Phantom? Really?

@user-rl8zr2jt5v - 20.04.2023 19:10

how could you pass over Hugh Jackman- when Anne Hathaway is number one for the same movie???? honestly I normally love these lists but this is one of your worst lists to date..

@Finn_Dameron - 28.04.2023 05:20

Repo!!! Excellent mention

@gogakushayemi - 28.04.2023 11:07

Still not over Moulin Rouge.
Also, fantastically over-the-top for me, Hecules' Muses.

@markwolfking258 - 09.05.2023 07:16

Okay, he's an odd duck, but I have to admit as a theatre guy I was blown away by how good Tom Cruise was in Rock of Ages. Difficult rock pieces to perform and he impressed. Just saying, I don't think honorable mention cuts it. He would have made my list of ten.

@ellecullen3986 - 03.07.2023 22:39

I would've added Austin Butler in Elvis. He gave it his all, and his voice is incredible

@zamyafields6513 - 06.09.2023 05:49

Heath Ledger - 10 Things I Hate About You
Amy Adams - Enchanted
Ewan McGregor - Moulin Rouge
Michelle Pfeiffer - The Fabulous Baker Boys
Gerard Butler - The Phantom of the Opera
Queen Latifah - Hairspray
Anne Hathaway - Les Miserables
Robin Williams - Aladdin

@philabu7376 - 20.09.2023 02:03

Queen Latifah is a singer/performer who also acts.. not an actor who sings.. but then again.. the tiltle of the videos is "top singing performances in movies". so yeah.. I just feel like it's the much bigger achievement for an actor to become a musician than vice versa.. might be unfair though.. I obviously can't do either..

@bobcatbigpaws5597 - 21.09.2023 06:17

Gerald Butler, Ewan McGregor and Ann Hathaway. 👏👏👏👏👏👏

@danaarmas956 - 22.09.2023 06:49

This song is perfect 💕💗💕💗💕💗💕💗💕💗💕💗💕💗💕💗💕.
Coraline Sings Tattoo By Loreen

@rixx46 - 16.10.2023 04:44

How is Michelle Phipher's performance over the top!?

@MelCottle - 16.10.2023 08:21

Gerard Butler rocked the lead role in The Phantom of The Opera !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@claudiokn - 21.04.2024 00:29

Meryl Streep in Postcards From The Edge (at the end of the movie).
