Niro Sivanathan: The counterintuitive way to be more persuasive | TED

Niro Sivanathan: The counterintuitive way to be more persuasive | TED


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Gabriel Perez
Gabriel Perez - 24.05.2023 13:19

I guess this can be used the other way around too? Like if you need to tell bad news about your performance to your boss. You can dillute the bad news with other less relevant bad news?

VRAI - 18.01.2023 09:58

Good topic, too wordy

Libor Supcik
Libor Supcik - 16.01.2023 06:35

Beautiful but still the video in its whole to its last minute. The whole is not true to its own medicine. The communication is diluted by too many examples. After a year I think it is clear the public in general did not notice this important but under convincing message.

Stephen Dela Cruz
Stephen Dela Cruz - 14.12.2022 02:29

Dilution Effect... hmm... 🤔

Warren Bradford
Warren Bradford - 13.07.2022 03:51

I will re-watch the video to memorize key points made in it. I want to improve my persuasive skills more.

kelly Peterson
kelly Peterson - 04.06.2022 15:42

Be honest in other words.

Aaron Gilsanz
Aaron Gilsanz - 23.02.2022 05:42

damn I only said 20 -25 $

Cole_Kirby - 31.01.2022 01:02


Abhishek Singhal
Abhishek Singhal - 24.01.2022 17:10

Quality 10 minutes, if implemented to the t, could result in an enormous gain

Daniel Wilson
Daniel Wilson - 19.11.2021 05:09

this idea was early found by Daniel Kahneman <<THINKING, FAST AND SLOW>> . This book is good for everyone to read

SYK - 13.10.2021 22:59

This guy

Kiryl Krasouski
Kiryl Krasouski - 17.09.2021 17:27

Yeah but how about that the major serious side effects are very rare compared to minor side effects?

songyuguang - 23.06.2021 17:14

Less is more

A.D. Owens
A.D. Owens - 06.06.2021 21:35

So strong argument > strong argument + weak argument because of dilution effect in the mind.

Katherine Indita
Katherine Indita - 04.05.2021 08:22


Sandeep Mandrawadkar
Sandeep Mandrawadkar - 25.04.2021 08:52

Great presentation 👏👌👍
Narrated in quite a simple yet effective way 👌

March Forth
March Forth - 26.02.2021 05:23

Nice talk with a good message. However, in the study example, "dilution," made a stronger case for buying the drug. So, the concept is situational. True, but situational.

Charlotte Scott
Charlotte Scott - 03.02.2021 13:27

People are so weird! I would pay the same for both dinner sets and would have said that if I had to choose who had the bigger GPA I would have guessed Tom as he is more rounded as a person. The drug advert one is just crazy. It helps explain why our democracies are so dreadful. Sound bites are preferred to nuanced arguments.

Felix Gugler
Felix Gugler - 03.02.2021 01:25

my question is: what kind of students was he talking to?

jamesonknott - 01.02.2021 20:31

If you've ever been in an argument on the internet you've seen this. If you start with one fantastic counterpoint and include a few weaker counterpoints -- whoever you're talking to will find the weakest one and attack it. They won't even remember the strong one.

Why So Sad?
Why So Sad? - 01.02.2021 11:42

i didn't understand the last part related to pharmaceutical ads. including the minor problems diluted the severity and made it seem it was less harmful? is that what he meant?

Jet W
Jet W - 29.01.2021 08:00

Basically, he is trying to convey the message of speaking less and get to the point. but he spent more than 2 minutes and a half talking about the plates. I almost lost my patience. Although I like his main point, unfortunately, his talk showed me more "the counterproductive way to be more persuasive" 🤷

MrSidney9 - 28.01.2021 22:24

Wow, very eye-opening. And delivered persuasively too. The presentation lives up to the message

Ajay - 28.01.2021 15:14

Indians are literally Amazing ✨

Conscience Cuisine
Conscience Cuisine - 27.01.2021 08:18

thickest eyebrows I've ever seen!!!

Valentin Bonnarde
Valentin Bonnarde - 26.01.2021 21:37

To be more persuasive to dumb people though

Htopher Ollem
Htopher Ollem - 25.01.2021 22:03

this and many other psychological techniques are used against the populus by corporations and politicians to influence our thoughts, biases, and decisions without our even being aware of it.

Joe L
Joe L - 25.01.2021 19:51

I would pay less for the second dinnerware set because I do not want to take the garbage. I would have to throw away the broken dishes.

오예림 - 25.01.2021 18:38

이 강연의 핵심은 무엇인지 1시간째 생각 중인 1인;;;

Magnum Motivation
Magnum Motivation - 25.01.2021 17:56

Five persuasive techniques for you to become successful in life:

Establish trust and develop credibility.
Understand the reader's purpose and align your own.
Pay attention to language.
Consider tone.
Use rhetoric and repetition.


Ashmyka Ferns
Ashmyka Ferns - 25.01.2021 13:12

The graceful burma peripherally offend because picture seasonally scream following a true random. little, soggy handicap

Invisible - 24.01.2021 14:17

he has big eyebrows

Niranjan Hanasoge
Niranjan Hanasoge - 24.01.2021 13:48

Niro insinuates that pharma ads mention minor side-effects deliberately in order to manipulate the viewers. That's not correct. Pharma companies are required by law to disclose all side-effects, major as well as minor.

Isn't it obvious that people reach different conclusions if you give them incomplete, censored information rather than complete, uncensored information? Niro and his Ph.D. student had to do an experiment to prove that? In his dissertation, did the Ph.D. student, advised by Niro, exclude the "minor" details of the experiment in order to appear more persuasive to the examiners? No wonder these behavioral "scientists" have no credibility left.

Oh, and he's also wrong about politicians being persuaded by arguments. They're persuaded by self-interest–money, power, and votes—not public good. As are your fellow voters. So if you want to influence votes a certain way, you appeal to emotion, prejudices, and self-interest. Even the ancient Greeks and Romans knew that, as did Shakespeare and Trump.

Hasnain Qaiyumi
Hasnain Qaiyumi - 24.01.2021 10:11

But isn't telling only relevant quantity of information would mean, omission of other relevant information, because omission of complete information is considered wrong in many jurisdictions.
In some cases organisations can be penalised

reedofwater - 24.01.2021 01:26

This guy has never been overwhelmed by my daughter's barrage of reasons for ice cream.

Liam Ross
Liam Ross - 24.01.2021 00:24

At first I thought the talk was gonna be how to persuade someone to give you the last set of plates you wanted at the store.

James Rad
James Rad - 23.01.2021 13:52

The opener is one of these Daniel Kahnemann "all people are idiots/irrational" things. xD

T C - 23.01.2021 11:24

Going to sleep is important. But so is waking up. Excellent delivery

Colton Snyder
Colton Snyder - 23.01.2021 06:49

This is really interesting, especially when considered along with game theory.

Lê Nguyễn Diệu Linh
Lê Nguyễn Diệu Linh - 23.01.2021 04:41


True Crime Queen™
True Crime Queen™ - 23.01.2021 01:07

Love the channel! Stay safe everyone!

Train Kinder - Get inspired to lead
Train Kinder - Get inspired to lead - 23.01.2021 00:42

Awesome talk. Less is really more. Thank you for sharing!

Prasanna - 22.01.2021 21:33

I can appreciate the speaker exploring the flaws of what we pay attention to and educating people about it for a change rather than selling out to ad companies or social media but to me it seems without direction.. ok there is this flaw, now what?.. isnt the whole point of researching flaws to fix em by compensating their detrimental effects rather than using them as loopholes?

Fevronija Kesic
Fevronija Kesic - 22.01.2021 20:03

So helpful! Thank you!

Fakhruddin Shabbir Husain Musaji
Fakhruddin Shabbir Husain Musaji - 22.01.2021 19:53

In short stick to strong arguments, and then shutup. Talking more and more will only ruin it..

Drick - 22.01.2021 18:46

That was surprisingly pretty good

Yugen - 22.01.2021 17:49

So when i want to persuade someone about something good i tell them less good about it.And when i want to defend something bad i tell them more bad about it...We humans are pretty stupid huh...

Bright Stories
Bright Stories - 22.01.2021 17:41

We need THESE PEOPLE, not Kardashians...

Muzeena Rassip
Muzeena Rassip - 22.01.2021 17:25

That’s a good analysis now I know why I come across as unconvincing to some 😒
