I'm Hated For How I Feed My Kids | MY EXTRAORDINARY FAMILY

I'm Hated For How I Feed My Kids | MY EXTRAORDINARY FAMILY


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@user-fu3hu6un5j - 11.02.2024 04:07

Let me say that boys brain can judge and feel intimacy at the age of 3, you making this thing public opened them for being rediculed too without their consent. Let me say you might think it's right but women we were very close to animals about 10000 years ago, opening child for intimacy can lead him to be hyper sexual all the time and loose focus on career, this is material capitalistic world where primal fetish won't get you anymore.

@bar1338 - 10.02.2024 02:10

Most people have memories from being 5 years old and even earlier.
I can't imagine remembering sucking on my mom's boobs and not feeling weird everytime i look at her

@victormattison5110 - 08.02.2024 20:07

I don’t agree with breastfeeding the five year old, but see no problem with it for the two year old

@crystalgriffin6057 - 08.02.2024 07:45


@31yearold. - 08.02.2024 06:00

That’s lazy when she said better than washing out bottles..
Imagine them watching this when they’re older.

@alcole5392 - 07.02.2024 12:15

It’s not the breast feeding that ppl are upset w/ 😂no school age child should still be breast feeding. Your child can speak full sentences and use the bathroom on their own. I think she’s one of those extremely codependent ppl that needs to feel needed 24/7.

@daytripper0912 - 06.02.2024 22:24

Should be registered on Megan's law

@dreamoutloud2629 - 06.02.2024 21:14

The breastfeeding is its own thing. Idk what to think about it and dont think it matters as much qnd the exploitation of the kids online for the moms ego. If the mom wants to breastfeed her kids why make a whole show about it? All these "spiritual" types talk the talk but sell their souls for a couple likes and sponsorships on the internet.

@dreamoutloud2629 - 06.02.2024 21:09

This feels more selfish of the mother than benefitial to the children.

@oheyitskayyyyyy - 05.02.2024 18:17

Ma'am those kids need actual food not just milk 😐

@Xoe3612 - 05.02.2024 04:00

Um no offense but they are kinda past the age of breastfeeding they will never want to stop

@ZoraVada-kn7tv - 04.02.2024 09:16

Recommended to only breastfeed up to 24 months.

@phototheka - 03.02.2024 19:58


@jalennelson6008 - 03.02.2024 16:35

That little boy's mullet tho? Don't do that to them like that!

@coyotedust - 03.02.2024 08:43

For an older child breastfeeding isn't about the milk. Older children will even dry-nurse if their mother allows them. So why do it? Why breastfeed a child that doesn't need the milk? It's an emotional need or comfort on the part of the mother and the child. The most common reason for mothers is to calm the child down and comfort them. Some mothers find that some children need to "wind-down" before a nap, or going to bed. Breastfeeding gives them that emotional bonding time to relax and prepare for rest. The child is calmer and the transition to nap and bedtime are smoother. Sometimes mothers find it a way to comfort a child after a painful fall, or separation anxiety when the mother returns from a visit or work. It also provides security and safety for children going through difficult times perhaps a divorce or a move of address or different school. That snuggle time provides comfort and peace. It provides that bonding time especially for working mothers to reconnect with their child in the most intimate way possible. *It's basically the KID'S EQUIVELENT OF A BUBBLE BATH, GLASS OF WINE, & A GOOD BOOK.

@kmorris101 - 01.02.2024 20:32

The only thing weird to me is people getting mad about something that has nothing to do with them nor affect them or their own family in any kind of way! Just let people live dang and it's such a waste of time being angry over someone you don't even know or will ever meet..I could care less about what others are doing and would only say something if the child was being abused that I knew of or I saw a child getting hurt and not safe.. other than that, don't waste your time being upset and go do something positive instead of focusing on what YOU think is negative.. so crazy it's like people enjoy living angry all the time because of what others do or don't do.

@jaalaharris1803 - 31.01.2024 03:36

Ok, but like in this economy. I think she’s on to something. Also, breast milk is extremely beneficial even more so if the mom is eating good healthy foods.

@pandora-is-here - 30.01.2024 18:55

I breast fed my child until around 4 years. It was mostly only night time so he’d calm down and fall asleep when fussy. He’s now a typical teenager. My son always refused a bottle or pacifier and hated formula for some reason. I rented numerous breast pumps and he abject refusal to drink from a bottle. He was a pain in the butt, but I would not change it because we are very close and breastfeeding bonds mothers and babies. When he grows up, all I ask for is a boob lift! Jk lol 😂

@Ruby-ev9ym - 30.01.2024 13:41

You do you… but just know that extended breastfeeding often occurs in areas where food/nutrition is scarce, not because they don’t feel like washing out a sippy cup.

@foeshizzel - 30.01.2024 10:20

Every animal that breast feeds cuts off their children at the appropriate age. We humans need to stop trying so hard to go against nature.

@Lindseyhoffmann1 - 29.01.2024 22:45

My sons dad once told me his mom was naked so much he couldn’t stop picturing it . Once we develop memories it’s time to stop.

@Vero2yu - 29.01.2024 05:43

So this person feed their kids and people have negative things to say, lol, well at least she feeds her kids and not let them starve. Personally I think she could give the milk in a bottle for the older child, but I do not care and it is not my business, at least putting it in a bottle does not reduce the vitamins and nutrients that comes from breast milk.

@Vero2yu - 29.01.2024 05:39

After five is where I would stop, if I was selfish enough to produce kids, like a maximum. After that I might just put it in a bottle for them, milk is actually VERY beneficial to people like kids brains sooo Especially breast milk, but it does not have to be taken directly from the ''tap'' lol.
She could have put it in a bottle for the older child.

@katniss3181 - 29.01.2024 02:29

So if they don’t decide to stop breastfeeding until they graduate college are you still going to allow them? This is NOT normal behavior and I suggest you look within yourself to find out what emotional baggage you are dragging that makes you want to still breastfeed a five year old and give her the option of when she and her two year old brother wants to stop.

@latashajones2548 - 27.01.2024 02:27

I don't see a problem you can breastfeed all the way to 5 its natural healing also hemp milk an buffalo milk seamoss keep giving the babies great milk it better than Similac an whole cow milk

@KTtheMELLO - 27.01.2024 01:51

She would have dreadlocks hahaha

@THE_Niccolo_Paganini - 26.01.2024 21:33

I don’t have a problem with this , honestly it’s much better than raising vegan children !

@nups64 - 26.01.2024 15:56

i don't think it's wrong to breastfeed little older child if the child wants so. only thing that's wrong is that they are filming it. child can't give a permission to be filmed on social media, and imagine when they get older and there is a video on internet of you sucking your mom's breasts. i would not like that :D

@I.CU.u.Dun.C.Me. - 26.01.2024 10:01

So this is some sick stuff for kids at a certain age. This is called sexual child abuse. I said what I said, call cps!!

@Southernspeaksfact - 26.01.2024 09:14

There is nothing wrong with breastfeeding, but when the children can walk, talk, and demand boob.... your pushing it way to far

@SarahD-uy5pf - 26.01.2024 05:16

I think mom likes the attention and doesn’t want kids too far away

@SarahD-uy5pf - 26.01.2024 05:15

She could just breastfeed her kids but pump it doesn’t have to be right on the boob

@SarahD-uy5pf - 26.01.2024 05:12

Even animals ween their young

@SarahD-uy5pf - 26.01.2024 05:10

When your child can say boobie, pull up your top, has a full set of teeth it’s probably time to stop breastfeeding

@kylabarnett1030 - 26.01.2024 02:58

At 5 years old you should have a diet of various fruits, veggies, protein, and carbs so that you continue to grow and thrive physically. The fact that her daughter is mostly dependent on breast milk leads me to believe she’s malnourished 🤷🏽‍♀️ say what you want but this is wrong on multiple levels.

@anexaram1393 - 26.01.2024 00:48

When are your kids going to be ready . Will thay be ready when thay get merried.

@babadook3380 - 25.01.2024 22:48

2 years old is okay. 5 years old is not

@tthewizard7667 - 25.01.2024 18:25

a wh*te lady with locs…. sighs

@davidhujber8636 - 25.01.2024 16:21

Engem is megszoptathatnál

@sujoms - 25.01.2024 13:06

That dog licking the baby gave me some stress though....

@attila_anzix - 25.01.2024 12:43

I have an open mind and I support breast feeding.
Anyway, breast feeding has no negative impact for anyone, so if someone does not like it, (s)he does not have to watch it. Everyone should organize theit life.
However, I have a feeling that many people just want to get more attention making self-advertisement.
So, as long as it good for children, why not..? But please do not force it for mother's popularity.

@joshkoehl1452 - 25.01.2024 11:05

Five is like a kindergartner so that’s weird..

@proverbs31woman31 - 25.01.2024 02:56

I can understand the 2 yr old, but 5 umm think that’s a bit old. I breastfed all 4 of my kids and I loved breastfeeding, it was an awesome time of bonding and my children were a lot calmer, didn’t cry a lot. Longest I breastfed was 14 months he stopped on his own. God Bless your beautiful family!!

@user-yo4jp8rv6b - 24.01.2024 20:49


@alegrianodz2416 - 24.01.2024 20:33

I am single, disabled, in a wheelchair, not paralyzed. I feel lonely. I do not have a girlfriend

@Toucan11 - 24.01.2024 14:35

Breastfeeding a 5 year old is abuse. There are limits.

@kathygeselle4960 - 24.01.2024 07:35

Mommy wants this.

@movieedge7370 - 24.01.2024 05:37

Her kids are way too damn old that stuff .

@dylanclinkenbeard3216 - 24.01.2024 05:26

Got room for a third Giggity giggity
