Unboxing a PlayStation 2 Console 24 Years Later!

Unboxing a PlayStation 2 Console 24 Years Later!


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@matthewfield2958 - 13.01.2025 23:32

My relationship with games consoles started in the mid 1990s with a brand new Sega Megadrive II. I had a wide range of games but my favourite was Micro Machines. Then i flirted with a PS One, which belonged to my brother in law and i would play infrequently, though i cannot for the life of me what games i actually played. I first bought a PS2 in 2006, second hand and i had about three or four games, including GTA San Andreas and, my personal favourite, Crazy Taxi. I remember the good old days where i would sit in my bedroom and play Crazy Taxi continually for anything from 1 hour to 8 or 10 hours.

@user-st1le7jo7q - 14.01.2025 01:03

wow Clint you've aged. been watching you for a decade. how time has passed.

@TD-dw8bq - 14.01.2025 01:10

Love all the normal cars on GT.

@metaorior - 15.01.2025 06:21

Wtf happened to video game industry

@Rafman3166 - 15.01.2025 20:53

I see you have Tony Hawk’s Underground, in my opinion the greatest video game ever made.

@Arminius420 - 16.01.2025 04:54

I never owned one myself, I bought the Sega Dreamcast instead and really enjoyed it but I did miss out on a lot.

@Agamola - 16.01.2025 10:16

I can smell it

@YTPewp - 17.01.2025 11:31

What an outstanding console. I went through several of them, probably due to using a CodeBreaker disc all the time, but I'm so glad I kept my final one and all my games. The hours upon hours spent playing Splinter Cell, GTA, Max Payne, Tekken 5, and so many other series with friends is something I'll always look back on fondly.

@zaki97 - 17.01.2025 12:02

rip david lynch

@jarrettsnapp8102 - 17.01.2025 18:33

Expansion Bay was for the stash

@MusicIsMyTherapy193 - 18.01.2025 02:36

my cousin has a ps2. i have a ps3, ps4, and ps5

@bedfordshiremodeller4491 - 18.01.2025 12:06

I paid £300 for mine in what used to be Choices whereby you could buy latest newly released VHS films 6months after they hit the cinema and the 1st game that i bought for it wss GTA San Andreas

@bedfordshiremodeller4491 - 18.01.2025 12:34

Hav you thought about downgrading to aless bulky TV? 💁‍♂️😁🖥

@DW-th4xi - 21.01.2025 18:23

weird synchronicities... the first ad for PS2 was by David Lynch who just passed away. riiip

@k29king1 - 21.01.2025 23:29

I had both a PS2 and Xbox. Loved the sheer amount of games available for the PS2 and Sony’s first party games, but loved the Xbox because of how much more powerful it was than the PS2 and how games did look better on it.

@alphawolf-dr4ux - 22.01.2025 10:24

That is a hell of a load of games from your Thefts series! I go thefting with my carer at Cex for PlayStation games due to the celebration of the 30th Anniversary of PlayStation, I started with the PS3 when I was seven years old in 2012, moved on to PS4 in 2017, and in the latist so far with my PS5 along with my PlayStation Portal. I love PlayStation so much that I just get games by PlayStation Studios, EA, Activision or THQ

@alphawolf-dr4ux - 22.01.2025 10:33

Also, there was a Sony Bravia TV with a PS2 bulit in.

@tigoes - 22.01.2025 16:04

This brings up memories. I had it soo early that no one believed me before comming home to actually see it.

@superbunnybun - 27.01.2025 16:07

Talking of Maxtor drives, have you considered a video on the history of Maxtor? Or as it used to be called, Quantum? and their infamous 'fireball' drives, one of the first multi-gig drive that was less than $100, and was aptly named.

@yourguysheppy - 27.01.2025 21:38

Ebay is one of those sites where I hate both buyers and sellers. Just an all around garbage website

@totodile0411 - 30.01.2025 21:45

What kind of shirt are you wearing, and what kind of bird is that? Just curious, that’s all. And I also like your shirt, by the way.

@vladimir567568 - 02.02.2025 17:16

Our analog of Ebay in Russia - Avito - also has sketchy selles. But sometimes we can find really good consoles and games. Yesterday I'd bought PS1 SCPH-9002 PAL Boxed. It has same serial numbers on console and box. In American dollars it costs 180$. Not unused but really closed to new console, same for acessories and instructions. It was in box after short game in 1999-2000. Dualshock was also like new in original package. Soft cords, new buttons. It's really cool!

@weismeister121 - 03.02.2025 18:45

My PS2 had a yellow box...probably because i'm from Europe

@CasperTheGhost64 - 06.02.2025 05:57

I loved going to my baby sitter because her teenage son would sneak me into his room so we could play grand theft auto iii 🤣 He passed away a couple months ago from fentanyl actually

@andrewowen7174 - 06.02.2025 20:08

Katamary Damacy. is still a great game! Reroll yes, is a PC re-release.

@MrSirViking - 07.02.2025 03:53

Gran Turismo 4 is still one of the greatest racing games ever made, for console or PC. I love that game so much. And for the time, having 722 cars was wild. And i loved just taking a car i had seen on the street in real life and then see how fast i could get it going. Its incredible how much they actually managed to muck up GT 5 and 6. I like those games, but why would you go away from the GT 4 style when it worked so well. I think for GT 5 or 6 they did not even have a test track. That came later with DLC i think. So GT 4 will always be the greatest and as i said, to this day its still incredible. Like just take GT 4 and upgrade the graphics and add a few extra cars and you are golden.

@amir-zt8mu - 08.02.2025 11:28

Ps2 Linux lol

@jonchapman6821 - 08.02.2025 17:41

I used to use PS2 controllers with my PC (via a USB adapter) back in the day, I bought a load of new controllers because I didn’t want to have to deal with used junk in the future…now it is the future and my original controller is still working and in perfect condition and I’ve still got loads of brand new, unused controllers just sitting there, doing nothing.

Had no idea at the time they would be so well made.

@jonchapman6821 - 08.02.2025 18:24

I didn’t get a PS2 until 2004, but my buddy got one soon after launch.

A bunch of us would meet up round his place most evenings, sunk many hours into SSX, Tekken Tag Tournament and of course many DVDs!

My buddy died (unexpectedly and for no apparent reason according to the post-mortem) in 2023, the PS2 has now become synonymous with his memory.

The mystery now is, what happened to his memory card? I asked his sister and they haven’t found one when they were packing his stuff away, I NEED to salvage some of those saves.

@alienfish8521 - 09.02.2025 19:25

Yeah. The PS2 was my first DVD player.

@birdblackbird4766 - 09.02.2025 23:19

oh I have the dvd remote @-@ it's awesome

@ambyungbae - 13.02.2025 01:50

Man, Mark Eccos "Getting Up" is a Game i wish had a modern adaption !

@malcolmchellquist6338 - 17.02.2025 03:31

You gotta do the linux set up.

@AlanpittsS2b - 17.02.2025 20:29

Anyone know why it is easier to find new in box japanese ones more than an american release? And what is the difference?

@DankRedditMemes - 20.02.2025 11:58

Meanwhile, I've had the Xbox and GameCube, not to mention the PS1, PS3, and PS4, but never a PS2. I just never got one.

@12racoons - 22.02.2025 20:02

I remember getting a USB microphone for some singing game like American Idol on the PS2. It was the highest quality microphone I owned until like 2016 (according to my friends on calls lol)

@GokuAang-z7d5k - 25.02.2025 02:53

the Sony Ps2 is way better then the ps4/ps5 it can play all my pop punk music cds something the shitty ps5 cant do

and the style on ps2 looks wayy better then the ps5 same with the ps1/ps3 they are much better then ps4/ps5 on style and they both still play all my music cds some newer playstation lost on the 4/5

@hi_tech_reptilezz - 25.02.2025 09:17

I still have one of these in my living room as part of my "essential" retro setup, with a VGA CRT and Ypbpr to VGA scaler. FreeMCBoot and an SSD, and I jump between emulation and the real hardware depending. The library is so big, its good to always have one. Similar with PSX, but I havent got that setup yet lol

@jeremyancelin7582 - 27.02.2025 16:20

Oh the disc unreadable error especially on the fat systems there's a gear for tuning the focus of the lens. Sometimes and after long play hrs it can become thrown off.

Usually just testing out different settings helps out to tune the laser focus of the disc assembly

@_MisterC - 27.02.2025 23:59

You could have tested the PlayStation 2 Backward Compatibility with PSone Games.

@johnnycash5858 - 02.03.2025 12:04

Nope, PS controllers were @ss until later PS3 revisions and mostly with the PS4 redesign. Never owned a PS or PS2 because the controllers literally made my hands cramp after 15 minutes. Just trash ergonomics. I eventually bought a PS2 and modded it to accept PS4 controllers, and have been enjoying playing games my friends used to brag about back in the day.

@riversart2030 - 03.03.2025 07:51

Gran Turismo 6 has way more cars than GT4. It's a great game too. The only problem is the amount of credits you get from races is severely limited in order to push the online play (which of course no longer works.) You can still play through the game fine though, just don't expect to buy any supercars without some serious grinding.

@rnevex - 06.03.2025 16:22

Please do more of these

@LGR - 20.11.2024 22:48

As mentioned in the previous video, I'm currently in a rental situation until my house can be repaired from the hurricane. Could be 6-12 months. But LGR things continue in the meantime, as normally as I possibly can!

For a bit of behind-the-scenes here, this episode was very close to not happening at all. This boxed console and my entire PS2 collection was right below where the trees crashed through my home during the hurricane, in the room that became a wet moldy mess. By pure chance I had moved all this PS2 stuff closer to the door for easy access since I was planning on making this video soon... and if I hadn't, then all this stuff would've been where a ton of nasty storm water leaked in through the busted ceiling. It would've been ruined. Crazy how things randomly work out sometimes.
