What is Vedanta? | Swami Sarvapriyananda

What is Vedanta? | Swami Sarvapriyananda

Vedanta Society of New York

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Dean Morrissey
Dean Morrissey - 08.10.2023 12:14

I love our beautiful personality of our father Sri Krishna ❤️

Vasantha Kumar B V
Vasantha Kumar B V - 04.10.2023 11:55

This lecture is one of the most valuable one. I'm blessed listened to this.
The two great sanyasis got together

MrDigitalEducator - Hindi
MrDigitalEducator - Hindi - 12.09.2023 08:43

Thankyou sir for all the knowledge ❤

Pavel Smith
Pavel Smith - 07.09.2023 19:28

Akoshic Records and the Chakra Scale.
How to utilize? How the enter, then how to exit? Unreal to real.

kms asmr
kms asmr - 28.08.2023 22:49

Im trying to understand the philosophy of Vedanta for my own knowledge as well as for NET exam. And here I am, I stumbled upon this video and Im very glad I did. Thank you Swami ji.

Santosh Mohanty
Santosh Mohanty - 25.08.2023 23:38

26th.August.2023. Saturday.
🕉️Om Bhur Bhuvah Swohah Tat Savitur Barenyam Bhargo Devasya Dheemahee Dhiyo Yonah Prachodayat ⁉️⁉️🚩🚩🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🚩🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

Dipten Kundu
Dipten Kundu - 25.08.2023 21:13

Pranam Gurudev!

AngeL Cosmic
AngeL Cosmic - 18.08.2023 23:46

Turns my stomach🤢…🤮. 🤧sorry, couldn’t stop it sickening.

P Stewart
P Stewart - 18.08.2023 23:44

Turns my stomach🤢…….🤮.🤧sorry couldn’t stop it sickening.

AK - 18.08.2023 10:02

Namaskara, I have a query: how can a good person be one identity with other who does bad deeds?

subrat_upsc - 12.08.2023 10:28

God and me Or beyond
Sat chit anand
Brahma satya jagat mithyaa

1........who am i Meditation (Selfawakening)

1.......God showing me. ( devotional)

Dinesh Lama Aringal Rumba
Dinesh Lama Aringal Rumba - 02.08.2023 22:40

brahmana means pure conciousness. sunyata means lack of conciousness. thats all the difference. brahmana is the reason reality exists, multiple universe exists. sunyata means lack of pure conciousness. sunyata is one step deeper into truth. brahmana is someting which is resonsible for creating reality, it is the God all religion describes. quantum feild in scitific term is brahmana pure conciousness. where brahman can create reality-mltiple reality. it is when person has some level of desire, curisity, ignorance that brahmana is created. without desire as buddha said, even brahmana, pure conciousness don't comes into existence. also told by shiva to saptarishi when one asked who created reality what is reality. shiva has told reality/universe is dream, illusion. until spritual person don't abadons brahmana, pure conciousness, god, the creator of reality, he cant escape from samsara-reality-dream-illusn. so buddhism vanishd from india at that time cas at taht time more realized buddhist guru was not present in india. the true buddhist and hindu sages are only prestn in nepal. not in india, aryans do'nt have that level to understand all this. buddhism is pholspy which matches with modern scice more than advanta etc, including shiva's teacings.

now one can say so if i'm un-concious or dead etc, isn't brahmana dead as i'm totally unconcious? no. u'r just unaware just like animals, the brahmana still exists for u. Note: noting is real. with every intent universe/reality is shifiting for u. consider brahaman as reason reality exists. emptyness as ceasion of brahmana though ceasaion of desire totally i.e presence of no sub-nocious vibrations also.

shiva's teaching is buddhas teaching also. brahmins were outward focues homo sapins before comming in indian subcontinet so theri natural insintct of curisoty didn't understood sunyata.

in math way say a point(x,y,z) in 3d space. 3d space in brahman and point is something, reality brahman created in this 3d space, brahman is observer not space itself with no bondary. now what is emptyness here? emptyness is not looking at space or point. so even if i don't watch the point in this 3d axis dont it exists? it don't if u'r brahman has cessed or u'r advaned sage who can play with u'r brahman. i.e ability to vanish from one place to another all this phenonmen which physical logic can never descirbe such things happens when u have acess to u'r brahman. wt about othr pepls brahman or even animals brahman? => brahman is illusion. neither u have brahman nor they have.

Note: If you accept brahman as supream reality like brahma considered himself infront of shiva. you will never get moksha, nirvana cas u r still identifying u'rslf with brahman. which can't exists without thought, something to describe eg. a point in space. it exists but is not ultimate reality as reality itself don't exists as ultimate.

DRK - 06.07.2023 06:16

Beautiful ♥️♥️♥️♥️🙏🙏🙏🙏

Shwetabh Senpai
Shwetabh Senpai - 28.06.2023 07:27

eastern philosophy > abrahamic stuff

Shwetabh Senpai
Shwetabh Senpai - 28.06.2023 07:02

one cannot be a hindu if he doesn't go by the vedanta

jiban kumar sarkar
jiban kumar sarkar - 23.06.2023 09:04

Pronams revered Swamiji, my spiritual teacher, bless me.

nsprphg - 15.05.2023 17:41

Thank you for your efforts to educate us. 🙏

Hare Krishna
Hare Krishna - 10.05.2023 13:29

I am not being sceptic but I am inquisitive and I want to know.

Hare Krishna
Hare Krishna - 10.05.2023 13:28

Swami ji if all are one and if we hurt someone it's hurting ourselves what about people hurting me? What should my attitude towards people someone trying to kill me? What about rapists? Am I the rapist as well? If all are same why some people harbours anger or lust for others?

USA TAMONDOMUNI - 01.04.2023 15:30

What Are The True Vedantas or Final Sciences of Everything for the True Lasting World Peace and Order?
1The Hindu Vedanta, that is, Veda-Conclusion or Final Science, which contains the chief stupid philosophies and sciences of the ancient Hindu chief stupid munies or philosophers and scientists, is dealing mainly with the Upanishadic doctrines of the identities of spirit immaterial Brahman and Atman, that is, Spirit or Breath, the Hindu notorious animals that NEVER did exist in reality.
2Therefore, I am right that the Hindu Vedanta is the troublemaking by cause it is NOT truthful, and is NOT like The True Vedantas or Final Sciences of Everything for the True Lasting World Peace and Order of USA ta Mondomuni.
3It is falsely taught and believed in Hinduism or Buddhism that the true enlightenment or self-realization is that Atman is your individual self and that you are identical with Brahman.
4That Hindu troublemaking and crazy-fools-making schizophrenia or thought disorder is exactly the basis of the troublemaking and crazy-fools-making schizophrenia or thought disorder of the Christians and of their idol Jesus Christ: “I and my Father are one.”—it is the abominable madness 1+1=1, John 10:30 KJV
5The word or name “Brahman”, which can be the origin of the name of the troublemaking Israelis’ and Arabs’ father “Abraham” who also NEVER did exist, is the nominative plural of the nominative singular “Brahma”.
6It also simply means that the word or name “Atman” must be as plural as “Brahman”.
7The singular of “Brahman” is “Brahma”. “Brahman” refers to the Hindu stupidity “Trimurti”, which is the origin of the Christian stupidity “Trinity”, the Theos/God the Father, Theo/God the Son Jesus Christ and Theos/God the Holy Spirit (Atma).
8The original Trimurti are composed of Brahma as the Creator; Vishnu as the Preserver of the Creation; Shiva as the Destroyer of the Creation.
9All of them are fathers or males, like those in Trinity, which correctly means that the Hindu Trimurti and Christian Trinity are all merely schizophrenias or thought disorders. Therefore, kill them all in your minds before they can kill you all in your thermonuclear psychopathic religious and political wars.
10Switch now to USA ta Mondomuni’s or USAist true forever-living Trimurti or Trinity, the First Matter (First Mother), First Space and First Time, for your own sanity and goodness sake and for the true lasting world peace and order.
11The Hindus’ and Christians’ doctrines and beliefs about the true Supreme Being, like those of all other religious people, are all their psychopathic conclusions reasoned or inferred from their premises that were /are full of stupidities or disordered thoughts and ignorances, NOT sciences.
12Their earliest humbug leaders NEVER knew the invisible materials, such as the nitrogen and oxygen, in our breaths or spirits.
13They NEVER even knew that in heaven or outer space of the earth there is NO air with which their flying and breathing animal angels, gods and goddesses, like the Lord God and his fuckner Frigg, Theos or Deus and his fuckner Hera, El or Allah and his fuckner Ashtaroth, Jehovah Elohim, Brahma, Vishnu, Krishna, and Shiva, could breathe or fly.
14Therefore, by those true truths now, we have known with complete certainty that those religious chicken-headed religious people, who believed in those heavenly flying and breathing animals, must all be the troublemaking psychopathic liars and deceivers in our world.
15The increase of their knowledge did just begin, yet in their conceitedness, stupidities and thought disorders, they felt or believed it was the final, and so they wrote their conclusion of knowledge or science, that is, Vedanta.
16Some of them wrote:
• “The words of the wise [like USA ta Mondomuni] are as goads, and as nails fastened by the masters of assembly . . .
• “And further, by these, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end . . .
• “Let us hear the conclusion [anta] of the whole matter [veda]: Fear God [Elohiym] and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. [But the true truth is that we all have NO duty to the true Almighty, All-Self-Sufficient NO-Problema, NO-Judging, NO-Punishing All-Loving true Supreme Being.]
• “For God [Elohiym] shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.” (See Bible’s Ecclesiastes 12: 11- 14 KJV)
17Some of them even terrorized their readers, saying that if any man adds anything to what they had written in their book, God will add and lay upon him plagues, like calamities and COVID’s; and if anyone takes words away from their book, God will cancel and take away his part out of the book of life (Revelation 22:18,19).
18Indeed, naturally, when we began to exist as beings or things, that is, as assemblies of almost countless invisible, but NOT atman or spirit, self-conscious and self-moving immortally living material atoms, we also began to be self-conscious and self-moving immortally living, and we began able to taste, feel, smell, hear, observe, watch, look, find, ask, inquire, note, know, learn, detect, sense, study, write, read, experience, experiment, analyze, discover and ascertain the things inside us and the things around us.
19Thus, when we began to exist, our sciences of everything also began to increase, that is, our minds or memory banks or stores of our informations, knowledges, vedas or sciences in our brains, computers or ebooks also began to increase.
20That is simply our nature and so we DONNOT need any troublemaking hungry-and-angry-everyday, psychopathic God El or Allah (Psalms7:11Ecclesiastes7:9) with his equally troublemaking psychopathic liar and deceiver prophets to prophesy that “knowledge [knouleche=act of knowing, veda or science] shall be increased” (Daniel 12:4 KJV).
21Now in our time, the philosophers and scientists have been talking about “The Final Theory of Everything” by cause now our knowledges (vedas) or sciences (NOT theories) have already increased to their final level (anta) where all the knowledges or sciences (NOT theories) of everything, which are necessary for effectively making anyone truly wise and for effectively making our true lasting love, happiness, unity, security, prosperity, justice, peace and order in our world, have already been reached.
22For example, the troublemaking evil effects of tobacco, alcohol and animal foods to human lives have already been known (sciens) now.
23Therefore, the wise bases for illegalizing all over the world the troublemaking vices or evil habits or moralities of humans in eating animals, drinking drug alcohol and smoking tobacco have already been known (science).
24Therefore, those wise bases must be used now in making laws on illegalizing all over the world all those troublemaking vices or evil habits or moralities of humans for our true lasting love, happiness, unity, security, prosperity, justice peace and order in our world.
25Another example, the First Matter (Mother) First Space and First Time, the true All-Self-Sufficient and All-Mighty Supreme Being of all beings, who is the First Cause of all goods and evils and who, therefore, NEVER gets angry with any evildoer or sinner and NEVER needs NOR accepts any sin offering or sacrifice, atonement or any ritual for religion (that is, tying [ligion] again or back [re], or making friends again with enemies [satans, evildoers or sinners]), has already been known (science or veda) now originally by USA ta Mondomuni.
26Therefore, the wise basis for illegalizing all over the world all the troublemaking religious organizations and all religious evil teachings and beliefs, which misrepresented or devilrized the true Supreme Being to be the troublemaking psychopathic angry-every-day and punishing, needing and accepting of sin offering or sacrifice Father Theos or Deus, Father God, Father Allah, Father El Shaddai, Father Jehovah Elohim, Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, Krishna, or to be any of the supposed male and female supernatural beings of all religions, has already been known (science or veda).
27Therefore, that said wise basis must be used now in making laws on illegalizing all over the world all the troublemaking religious organizations and all those said religious evil teachings and beliefs for our true lasting love, happiness, unity, security, prosperity, justice peace and order in our world.

USA TAMONDOMUNI - 01.04.2023 15:27

28Another example, the correct vedas, knowledges or sciences and true truths have already been known:
• That we are all created equal . . . equal in possession of the whole world or lands and all other natural resources;
• That “the profit of the earth is for all”. (Ecclesiastes 5:9 KJV—it is a book of the Bible, containing thoughts about the wealth or riches of the earth, life and its meaning.)
• That every human being has the birthright to the full benefits of the Providence, that is, ALL the lands or natural resources, that are the Foreseeing love and care of our true All-Loving Supreme Mother (the First Matter, First Space and First Time, the true Supreme Being) over ALL of us Her beloved Children, Chinese or not Chinese, Hindu or not Hindu, English or not English, good-looking or bad-looking.
• That in every second a human being is born in our world.
29Therefore, it is the mental order, correct knowledges or sciences, correct reasons, true truths and true wisdoms:
• That even the perfectly equal partition and privatization of all lands or natural resources to all of us will only be wise and good in one second;
• That the privatization of lands or natural resources must be against ethics, against our human nature and/or against the natural laws;
• That the privatization of lands or natural resources must be against the true sanity, true wisdoms, and correct reasons that are based on correct knowledges or against logic, the science of sciences;
• That the privatization of lands or natural resources must be the troublemaking stupidity or thought disorder that has been causing to most, if not to all of us, so many sufferings, thirsts, hungers, hardships, poverties, terrorisms, wars and other disorders, including the mental and physical disorders. (Note that from malnutrition, hunger or lack of food alone 50 million of us die every year. And it is those abominable stupid or thought disordered, shameless overly selfish capitalists, or anticommunist brute animals who are the causes of the troubles, disorders, malnutrition, hunger, thirst, wants, sufferings, hardships, and poverties in the lives of almost all of us—97.5 percent of the population of this super-rich world of ours. To only 2.5 percent of our world population the whole world belonged to their schizophrenic selfish hands as owners or possessors, according to FAO [Food and Agricultural Organization] of the UN. I learned it from a page of the newspaper that I chased and caught, which was being blown by the dusty wind when I was walking alone in the hot Arabian Desert in the Middle East in 2008.)
30Therefore, those wise bases for illegalizing all over the world all the troublemaking privatization of lands or natural resources of our world have already been known (science).
31Therefore, those wise bases must be used to illegalize all over the world all the troublemaking privatization of lands or natural resources of our world for our true lasting love, happiness, unity, security, prosperity, justice, peace and order in our world.
32The True Vedantas or Final Sciences of Everything for the True Lasting World Peace and Order are the USA ta Mondomuni’s original news or latest and final sufficient known (sciens) informations:
• About the Nothings and the Yesthings, which are NOT yet written even in vocabularies, dictionaries and encyclopedias;
• About the psychotropic Nothings that are the Nonexistent timeless or eternal Lord God, Allah, El Shaddai, Jehovah Elohim, Theos or Deus, Brahma, Shiva, Vishnu or Krishna, Jesus Christ, Nam, Hashem, Ahura Mazda and all the other supposed Supreme Beings in religions that have been believed by the troublemaking brilliant and psychopathic people to be the Creators of their nonexistent Universe or of everything;
• About the psychotropic Nothings that are the Nonexistent Angels, Satans, Devils, Demons, Jinns, Dwarfs;
• About the psychotropic Nothings from or out of which the religious and nonreligious brilliant and psychopathic people believed their nonexistent Universe came to exist;
• About the First Yesthing, who is the true First Cause First Matter (First Mother), First Space and First Time, the true Supreme Being and the Origin of everything that is material, of whom NONE of all USA ta Mondomuni’s fellow brilliant scientists and philosophers has known (sciens) and so of whom as of now NONE of them teaches in schools, colleges, universities or anywhere in the material world;
• About the material hydrogen atoms that came from the First Yesthing First Mother (“material”=“motherfrom”) as Her Firstborn (NOT the psychopathic liar and deceiver “firstborn” Jesus Christ (Colossians 1:15-10) in what we, the brilliant scientists and philosophers, called “Nature” (=“Born”, literally);
• About all the other material things, such as the planets, plants, peoples, and all other animals, DNA, RNA, AIDS, COVID, HD or heart disease, cancer, kuru, molecules, genes, cells, microorganisms, like the bacteria and viruses, atoms and quarks;
• About energy, gravity, strong force and weak force, positive and negative electromagnetism, yin and yang, good and evil, morality and immorality, fate and predestination, freedom of choosing or free will and free deed or freedom of doing, wickedness, righteousness and wrongeousness, grace and disgrace, sin and obedience, idolatry and adultery, fucking and fighting, penises and vaginas, bullshits sin offerings, strong wine or drug alcohol drink offerings, fleshes and bloods offerings to the stone idol El of Israel and stone idol Allah of Arabia;
• About the true truths and true wisdoms, proof and evidence, sciences and scientists, logic, arithmetic and mathematics, reasons and computations, calculations, consciousnesses, thinkings or thoughts, minds or memories of planets, plants, peoples, and all other animals of the animalkind;
• About all the things that are or may become the objects of their consciousnesses, thinkings or thoughts, minds or memories, which include invisible spirits, demons, angels, gods and demigods, goddess and demigoddesses, lords and lorddesses, God Odin, Allah, El Shaddai, Yehovah Elohiym, Ashera, Ashtaroth, Baal, Inat, Yam, Mot, Poseidon, Zeus, Theos, Thoec, Deus, Dios, Hashem, Nam, Ahurah Mazda, and all other supposed supernatural beings, Adam, Eve, Abraham, Isaac, Ishmael, Jacob or Israel and his fuckners, Lea and Rachel, and their children, Israelites, Arabs, Greeks, Romans, Zoroaster and Zoroastrianism, Music, Moses and Mosesianism or Judaism, Jesus Christ and Christianity or Stupidity, Muhammad and Muhammadanism, Hindus and Hinduism, Buddha and Buddhism, histories, stories or myths, religions, atonements, sacrifices, offerings, tithes, zakats, ransom money for the souls, payments of vows, blessings, holiness, holydays or festivals, like Ramadan, Christmas, Pesach and Sabbath,
• About economics, sociology, politics, capitalism, communism, democracy and sophiocracy;
• About drugs, such as alcohol, tobacco, coffee, marijuana, shabu or methamphetamine, vices and crimes;
• About vegetarianism, animalarianism, sugar, fish, milk, meat, egg, chicken, pigs, camel, gull, bat, eagle, ossifrages, ospreys, vultures, kites, falcons, ravens, ostriches, hawks, sea gulls, owls, cormorants, ibises, storks, herons, hoopoes, swans, ducks, bat, crimes, diseases, endemic, epidemic and pandemic plagues;
• About religions, religious robbery extortions and profiteerings of the prophets, popes, priests, pastors, ministers, rabbis, brahmins, imams and all other religious leaders;
• About the psychotropic false ballots in political elections, lies, deceptions, poverty, hunger, thirst, terrorisms and thermonuclear wars;
• About the true truths, true wisdoms, health and wealth, commonwealth and commonhealth, moneys, gold, diamond and all other precious metals and stones, every worldly thing that your heart may desire, true lasting love, happiness, unity, harmony, security, prosperity, equality, equity, justice, peace and order in our present world;
• About the incarnation and reincarnation, reward and punishment, heaven and hell, life and body, birth and death or The End of everything in our present world.
33Those said “known informations” are knowledges or sciences gained through the latest or final studies, experimentations, observations, research, communication, mathematics and correct reason, the best guide to the true truths and true wisdoms, as in 1+1=2, NOT through dreams (the favorite of the psychopaths as guides or indicators), miracles, hearing voices, seeing visions, inspirations and revelations of God or Holy Spirit, which is merely Folly Spirit.
34The English word “science” is from the Latin word “sciens”, which literally means “known”. Thus, those “known informations” must be sciences.
35The word “sci” in “science” is the combining form of the Latin word “scire”, which literally means “to know”. The Latin word “sciens” (“science”) is just the past participle of “scire”, which is “known” in English.
36Thus, any known thing, knowledge or information, good or evil, must be science, and any person who practices, is expert in, or is concerned (ista) with knowledge or with knowing of something, good or evil, must be a “scientist”, like you and USA ta Mondomuni.
37Thus, don’t ever be fooled by anybody who says that the people like the physicists, cosmologists and geologists, are the only scientists by cause even the rapists, terrorists and robbery extortionists, like the priests, are also scientists.

धर्म की बात
धर्म की बात - 09.03.2023 18:21

I will just sleep

Sw.Nityapremananda - 06.03.2023 21:01

Yes. Obvi9usly

Rockey Allen
Rockey Allen - 04.03.2023 15:23

A sad reality is that the Hindu identity today in India is more about hating Muslims and Christians and less about intellect or spirituality.

yin taichi
yin taichi - 04.03.2023 00:20

Ramakrishna Order Swamis are ALL TALK . They don't know the difference between Vedanta and Hinduism. If they did they would Dress like 'Westerners' like Vivekananda , and
Stop Importing Hinduism into the USA.After 10 years as a Monk in the Vedanta Society, just seeing a Hindu in PINK makes me want to Puke .

Vasuki Nagabhushan
Vasuki Nagabhushan - 01.03.2023 03:58

Vedanta does not explain the uniqueness, which exists in life. Saankhya which has the concept of infinite purushas, explains uniqueness in existence.

Vishwas Acharya N
Vishwas Acharya N - 28.02.2023 10:55

Pranaams Swamiji 🙏🙏 Could 'Anta' also be interpreted as 'AntaH' with a visarga, which means inside. So could Vedanta mean the 'core', the 'foundation' of the Vedas?

Malay Joshi
Malay Joshi - 18.02.2023 10:15

Extremely thought provoking ..!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻 Best Video seen so far on Vedanta ..!!

Arpit Bhatnagar
Arpit Bhatnagar - 06.02.2023 20:29

Every being is capable of becoming bhagwan

Ravi Ranganathan
Ravi Ranganathan - 05.02.2023 18:03

Excellent lecture on Vedanta

TANIA CHATTERJEE - 23.12.2022 15:59

From Shukto to Payesh - So rightly said !!

Natalie Jane Wallace
Natalie Jane Wallace - 22.12.2022 04:20

Thank you.

Orlando Brown
Orlando Brown - 11.11.2022 14:33

"Unity in diversity"

SUDIPTA ROY - 03.11.2022 11:12


Umesh Patil
Umesh Patil - 19.10.2022 18:34

Very nice video ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

Ansh Chadha
Ansh Chadha - 08.10.2022 12:17

The laws of physics if you think about it are beyond our mind and body and the Maya we experience. The laws provide an additional meta layer of information on top of the existing order, and you are one with those laws with that truth.

The Wisdom Foundation
The Wisdom Foundation - 17.09.2022 18:53

Such a clear, rich teaching - thank you! Anybody know who he's quoting on "Serve all beings knowing them to be none other than God"? Can't tell if it starts with Sri or Shiva.

The Random Dave
The Random Dave - 06.09.2022 08:06

that was really wonderful

Seunarine Maharaj
Seunarine Maharaj - 28.08.2022 17:05

vedanta is the highest spiritual knowledge

Mala Lentin
Mala Lentin - 25.08.2022 18:24

In the end I couldn't say Shanti Shanti Shanti, all I could say was Wow Wow Wow!

Sumanyou Singh
Sumanyou Singh - 21.08.2022 05:54

I find many similarities between his teachings and Sandeep Maheshwari sir spirituality.

Deepak S
Deepak S - 16.08.2022 18:14

Wisdom ( vedantic knowledge) + Bhakti ( Devotion/Love) + Karmayog + Dhyan ( Meditation) leads to DIVINE 🥳

Deepak S
Deepak S - 16.08.2022 18:02

The substratum of all the differences is Advaita. That substratum is God, but The word God is such a puny word that it can't even reach There to describe IT. only one word can be ascribed to it & that is A U M ॐ

Bakta-Tim - 13.08.2022 15:14

Sir would you bey Guru,

Mintu Saren
Mintu Saren - 05.08.2022 09:39

Krishna vs shukla.
