How Indonesia Is Diversifying Its Crop Production For Food Security | CNA Correspondent

How Indonesia Is Diversifying Its Crop Production For Food Security | CNA Correspondent

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@continuousself-improvement1879 - 31.08.2023 14:07

One way to strengthen food security and bringing prosperity to Indonesian farmers, IMO, is by labeling all food products. Indonesians should know the origin of the food they are consuming: is it local or imported? No use of distributing sorghum, but then it turns out to be imported. Indonesians would take pride in buying local produce and grains, doing their share of strengthening the local farmers.

@hanipbet4357 - 30.07.2023 17:10

I can replace eating rice daily with corn rice 'ampok' , cassava rice 'thiwul' , & sago easily. the problem is the price. i still cant afford it

@nzkningratan8173 - 29.07.2023 13:14

dun forget tiwul aka cassava rice, pretty much safe for diabetic n gastric

@chvhndrtntlr3482 - 06.07.2023 16:27

the best food is the food that you can grow locally

@deanbowie3774 - 03.07.2023 19:43

Java comes from the word Jawadwipa/Yavadvipa, meaning rice island/barley island. Since ancient times many grain crops have been cultivated since ancient times. This is evidenced by archaeological findings in the form of burnt grain at the Liyangan Site, Temanggung, due to the eruption of Mount Sindoro. In Dieng, during the repair of the temples in the Dieng area, the researchers found barley seeds stored in a flat stone box inside the temple's well. Java has always been famous for rice production, but many also cultivate rice substitute crops such as Shorgum, Jola-jali corn, Barley, Sago as staple foods. But this has been replaced by the prestige of these foods with rice over time. From the colonial period to independence, rice was a symbol of prosperity & glory, so the slogan "you haven't eaten if you haven't eaten rice" appeared. This proves the high prestige of rice compared to other staple crops. After Suharto came to power, there was a Mataramization movement, in which one of the campaigns was about the priority of rice over other staple foods. This has the effect that the dependence of the Indonesian people on rice is very high, and this threatens the sustainability of staple crops such as Shorgum & Sago which dominate Eastern Indonesia and other regions in Indonesia. That's why it's important to find alternative food sources so you don't have to depend on imported rice or wheat all the time.

@dscm14-pv5ph - 02.07.2023 14:26

Farmers won't plant sorghum when there is no market. Current use of sorghum is fir animal feed viz pigs in China.

@56fbb2 - 17.06.2023 16:51

Jawar Roti...from Sorghum.

@sashascarface - 28.05.2023 06:53

In the Philippines sorghum is a bit extensive it's a round 2$ to 3$ per kilo
I will give a try and plant this year in my garden
It's good for animals , making bread even sirop and molasses .
Quinoa can replace Rice it's a power house .
High in protein 1 cup 2x more then Rice
Fiber 5g more then Rice
Quinoa contains fewer calories and carbohydrates than rice.

@belajarsaham3273 - 24.05.2023 04:23

Indonesia sebagai negara kepulauan dan beragam etnis dan budaya sebenarnya sudah dari nenek moyangnya makanan pokoknya diversifikasi.

Nenek buyut kami makan nasi yg dicampur jagung dan atau ketela.

Adalah suharto presiden ke 2...yg saat itu berjuang untuk swasembada pangan dan Standarisasi dia segala bidang.

Standarisasi yang niatnya bagus mempunyai efek samping, yaitu dijadikannya beras sebagai standart makanan karbohidrat terutama bagi pegawai negri sipil.

Tidak hanya itu beras menjadi paramater utama dalam pengambilan kebijakan yang kala itu masih jawa sentris dimana beras adalah makanan utama.

Lambat laun semua pulau selain jawa pun tergantung akan beras. Menjadikan bottleneck dalam industri pangan.

Upaya diversifikasi dilakukan menjelang akhir rejim suharto....sayang POLA makan rakyat Indonesia sudah berbah menjadi tergantung pada beras.

Butuh waktu panjang lagi untuk diversifikasi .

@alfancahyadi - 22.05.2023 14:15

Traditional tongue is hard to receive the taste of sorgum to replace the rice

@srisetyonowartowarto2852 - 26.04.2023 22:30

Kita tunggu realisasi di lapangan oleh pemerintah terutama oleh kementan bekerjasama dengan Bulog untuk stok dan distribusi, kelemaham terbesar adalah pada implementasi di lapangan dan masih massivenya korupsi kolusi manipulasi di Nkri.

@gaza1677 - 18.04.2023 09:16

Breadfruit is better
You plant once and you forget

@ryxarkhalyx - 17.03.2023 14:19

more indonesians need to watch this! 👍

@noelproperty4958 - 14.03.2023 09:28

Wait we growing white people food

@icysan889 - 10.03.2023 11:17

for 5 Kg of rice I can only get about 2Kg of sorghum rice, it's hard to help this plant replace the rice

@ivangeo3319 - 06.03.2023 19:28

Singapore want it

@koshurkot3892 - 26.02.2023 05:03

Sorgum can be an alternative to wheat🌾
Education is needed in wheat consuming markets like middle East and others regarding it.
Indonesia can be a good supplier of sorgum to the world. And given it's stability and geopolitics, it can be a safe supplier as well.
May Allah bless them farmers of Indonesia and bless Indonesian economy.

@Ocean-zj6vh - 24.02.2023 17:32

Universiti pertanian malaysia buat ape?? Tahniah indonesia!!

@hustletroos1383 - 22.02.2023 10:12

Lah balik tahun 70an akhir makan sorghum lagi,

@burnthem6430 - 18.02.2023 18:00

Hopefully this project can stabilize bird food prices....

@Christperson - 13.02.2023 14:29

Mbah daksoko ni bwuooss... Senggol dongg !!! 😂😂🔥🔥🔥

@harukrentz435 - 29.01.2023 20:51

Ooh btw ive been eating FuFu for dinner for a week. Delicious, easy, cheap, and filling. Perfect to subtitute rice.

@harukrentz435 - 29.01.2023 20:46

They say you can make cookies and bread from sorgum if that is true then it's no brainer as Indonesia is the 2nd biggest wheat importer in Asia.

@dwidana2574 - 25.01.2023 13:37

Remember, sorghum, sago, and millet are not a replacement for rice, but a subtitute. It's all about crop diversification. We, as an Indonesian, need to diversify our source of carbs. Crop diversification leads to better health and economy of Indonesia.

@pustakarileks7404 - 20.01.2023 15:09

Kata orang rasanya sorghum seret, bener gak sih?

@aldinoruswandi - 19.01.2023 02:48

I was shocked when she started to speak Indonesian fluently 🤣🤣

@allenarefirahmawati3515 - 13.01.2023 15:58

So excited to consume soghum, hopelly it'll soon distributed in all Indonesia's area

@leenamyon1720 - 10.01.2023 15:39

Those mangrove trees, are they bakau trees,,, if somebody enlightens me, I appreciate.

@karokaron2802 - 08.01.2023 06:38

I am proud to live in Indonesia, a fertile land

@ongesinaiya - 07.01.2023 15:43

Javanese called it Canthel (Chan - tell) .. it was my ancestor diet to survive when rice crops failed.
If Sorghum become famous and familiar to all Indonesian citizen... adios to Wheat

@hendricahyana - 06.01.2023 12:59

Rice is still the best la.

@majujaya8217 - 06.01.2023 10:48

Ribuan hektar tanah milik Prabowo di Kalimantan hampir saja di beli sama orang Singapura, ketika kejatuhan presiden Soeharto tanah itu diambil alih oleh Prabowo tidak jatuh di tangan asing, tapi jika negara memerlukan silahkan ambil kata Prabowo. Jika tanah itu dimiliki Singapura bakal ada negara Singapura dikalimantan. Dan sangat mengerikan lagi ramalan otodamus dibuku ramalannya pulau Kalimantan bertuliskan Singapura bukan Indonesia.

@BayuAH - 06.01.2023 09:53

The problem with rice substitutes is rice is high calories. Just eat small amount of it can make your tummy feeling full.

@iskotayo1 - 06.01.2023 09:01

Sorgum has been developed here since 8-10 years ago I really want to know how it taste. And I'm glad it would become true in the near future...

@ktan8 - 05.01.2023 19:36

I never knew that the "sago" in Watermelon Sago is actually made from the trunk of a palm tree.

@altair4849 - 05.01.2023 17:39

cant wait for this to be massively available here in the states
