Zizek Challenges Peterson: "Set Your House in Order Before You Change the World?"

Zizek Challenges Peterson: "Set Your House in Order Before You Change the World?"


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@thestruggler776 - 17.01.2024 20:51

good sniffs, zizek probably one of the best thinkers of all time

@TheGinglymus - 09.01.2024 00:52

I would love to see them debate Freud and Jung

@abreathingcoffin8089 - 04.01.2024 01:00

Jordan Peterson used to be an interesting person to listen to before the right wing pundit cycle threw him through the woodchipper

@phifu7 - 27.12.2023 00:06

why do women have to woo at everything? one thing stopping me from putting my house in order is society's allowance of women to be talking

@jennybrucks2215 - 14.12.2023 20:52

How can the majority of Africans set their houses in order after centuries of slavery and robbery from the West wich is continuing to this day?

@aleksandars9254 - 28.11.2023 02:54

Zizek is 0 compared to Peterson. Talks like a methead.

@romanbarna1316 - 26.11.2023 03:30

Peterson's argument essentially boils down to "fix yourself and you will make the world a slightly better place". It's not wrong; it's just incredibly simplistic.

It's precisely because people fought, marched, organized, changed people's hearts and minds, voted, and sometimes even died, that we have labor rights, women's rights, democracy, minority rights, secularism etc. For a guy that screeches about western civilization all the time, he sure doesn't know much about how it was created.

Finally, he claims otherwise, but his argument is always built around the idea that you have to either choose between self-improvement and activism, when in reality most people are capable of both.

... Not to mention how much of a conservative activist he himself has become these past few years. What a clown. Just like most of his fans.

@FernandoGracaOficial - 13.11.2023 18:34

Rightism is a mental illness.

@E.Humperdinck - 11.11.2023 09:44

Jesus CHRIST the audio is such sh!+.

@emcats84 - 11.11.2023 04:46

Leftism is a mental illness.

@Sevey11 - 10.11.2023 15:08

How often does he need to touch his nose.

@evil_twit - 09.11.2023 11:50

Actively TRY to set "your house in order" though. Don't give up!

@dabig_guy2204 - 06.11.2023 02:19

Two men who come from completely different academic circles; Peterson chose to stand for the freedom of speech and had put his career on the line to fight the governments and toxic universities. He continues to help large masses of young men and women with his father-figure life advice and assessments. He is a clinical psychologist and continues to help many people from self-harm and mental illness. I have nothing but the deepest respect and admiration for Dr. Peterson. Much of the woke culture has tried to cancel Jordan Peterson, including the loss of his clinical psychologist licence. This man has seen his life turned upside down in order to fight for the little guy.
Dr. Slavoj Žižek is an academician with many years in the field of pure philosophy but in my opinion, can not be compared to the stature and all the work of Jordan Peterson.

@jrobinson5661 - 05.11.2023 18:31

That man is a spaz…he needs to work on self control during debates.

@ia1530 - 05.11.2023 07:21

Peterson uses metaphors. Zizek uses examples. There is no debate here—except us the audience shadows on the wall. This is really sad.

@Geebee67 - 04.11.2023 22:27

2023 Peterson says “give ‘em hell” to Netanyahoo meaning murder all in Palestine. Crackhead.

@viewer-1. - 04.11.2023 15:22

The subtitle were the most racist thing I’ve ever seen💀

@thechocablockman - 03.11.2023 16:49

One person here is an intellectual who knows how to construct an argument and deliver it, the other is Jordan Peterson who is a complete fraud. Even if you don't agree with Zizek there is no doubting his knowledge and capabilities in debate, Peterson meanders through debates and babbles on. I would love to have seen Christopher Hitchens debate Peterson and show the world just how weak he is.

@thebrasenose - 03.11.2023 13:16

This was a beautiful debate, very respectful and interesting. Ironic that the "Radical Revolution" posting this here as a prize fight is exactly the kind of group-versus-group craziness that both speakers were deploring.

@peterrogers1616 - 02.11.2023 22:42

Why won't this coke stay in my nose. Damn

@peterrogers1616 - 02.11.2023 22:41

One hell of a drug and always will be

@FernandoLopez-tx6lr - 02.11.2023 18:46

el burro hablando de orejas

@rebounders - 02.11.2023 16:34

Simple answer to the first question: If you don't get your house in order, you are just as likely to support the North Korean government as you are to rebel against it, because you have no idea what is affecting you or why, and are in fact more likely to escape the true problem than you are to challenge it, thereby fighting for the status quo (hence making your society worse) instead of challenging it.

@patrickmcgovern438 - 01.11.2023 23:35

Only a slob would get so upset about this point

@theoneandonly7213 - 30.10.2023 04:12

Dude is high af

@diogofonseca3161 - 29.10.2023 18:02

He challenges him and Peterson, as always, show that he knows what he's talking about.

@wastelander1015 - 28.10.2023 22:21

Petersen is a school boy next to Zizek.

@pauloh9818 - 28.10.2023 20:15

I feel like all the peterson fans are applauding that theres a respectful mature conversation, but isnt that the lowest bar you can set for a professor 😂

@piercebrady3088 - 28.10.2023 20:13

This has got to be the most misleading thumbnail I've ever seen

@whereisplain - 27.10.2023 21:18

What you learn in school (to listen to each other, discuss and let others finish) and eventually profit from having different truths to center and focus a problem from different angles towards the center is a big difference to the debates on a lot of political exchanging journalism platforms, where they fight for which truth wins, because only one is allowed to exist and therefore move to left or right and are not balanced.

@hvitis - 26.10.2023 19:55

Both are rich so can debate. Poor ppl have biases

@emilianosintarias7337 - 26.10.2023 00:25

in 2023, Peterson despite his admirable opposition to overdoing gender stuff on kids, has lost all credibility. All his buddies in the IDW have as well, with their opposition to free speech and their opposition to a ceasfire in gaza. Zizen is still solid, as are a few other rebel pundits like Greenwald.

@emilianosintarias7337 - 26.10.2023 00:06

People misunderstand this debate, because in our time few people study marx. Zizek felt if he responded to Peterson's lecture, he would turn off Peterson fans, because opinons aside, Peterson's claims were just empircally false. It would be total ownage. So instead he decided to chat about the world, and culture and Petersons book,to show them that you can be a non-woke leftist.

@AlexNovakim - 25.10.2023 15:49

Its nice to hear Peterson back when he was sane...

@user-ir7kh6vv8u - 25.10.2023 11:53

Is he having a seizure? touching his nose and face constantly

@piplee1439 - 19.10.2023 21:59

Take 50mg of Valium and kick back Jordy eh?

@clovisdacruz6078 - 19.10.2023 18:00

Not everybody has a house.

@CM-jb7fs - 19.10.2023 03:47

Now imagine if we could understand a thing he’s saying…

@thetransferaccount4586 - 18.10.2023 22:16

nice question and nice answer by peterson. how often do we see that?

@steppingintointellectualism - 18.10.2023 06:32

everyone is commenting on how the debate is so healthy and civil.
no one is talking about the actual points mentioned.
including me.

@vladchiriac2101 - 17.10.2023 22:25

Why is Zizek shaking like a crazy guy?

@Genesizs - 17.10.2023 01:28

The man quotes DR. Jordan Peterson takes that quote literally without actually have done any research what he meant with it , he was clear about that clean you room means : if someone is not capable of solving or bettering their own life first taking care of their immediate surrounding small problems how the heck are they gonna solve the worlds problems ?

and he is exactly right , there always some loud climate activist or oil activist who screams so loud but they never have a solution, even the veganists are killing more animals then any meat farmer would but they never have anything to say back on that then they always sit in silence ignore that fact and continue rambling

this guy was very anoying to me to listen to , with his lisp and everything he seemed aggressive and highly biased without having done his research and just looked up some main quotes on BBC or something , DO SOME RESEARCH before you ask something that everyone knows who knows Dr. Jordan Peterson

Even the last thing he said that lisp ass mofo, he DID NOT even listen to one word Dr. Jordan Peterson said he just wanted to continue rambling HIS narrative, so annoying man.

@popdanish4969 - 15.10.2023 09:31

Peterson's assertion is ultimately useless. Society will only improve when ppl come together and address systemic faults within the power structure. Figuring yourself out and getting your stuff together is good, and can help how u address systemic oppression, but most ppl do that, or at least try to, and don't see much improvement. It's hard when u don't have access to enough resources, and have to worry about gamifying your life just to meet your basic needs.

@JoeArog14 - 13.10.2023 05:53

JP: "Exposure therapy is what everyone and your mother agrees on"


@annalisavajda252 - 12.10.2023 10:47

Well he's an intellectual he has a doctorate degree and wrote a couple of self help books but there are thousands of self help books and undeniably he has issues of his own depression,dietary, drug addict, controlling and he started out advocating for free speech but he has not just offended LGBTQ minority groups but women too and that's half the population so young men that he targets as his audience are getting bad advice if they parrot his attitude toward women they will be rejected incels. Sure we like a guy that does the dishes and makes his bed but not one that treats us as inferior then expects us to breed with them and be abused.

@Davieboy-dovbear - 12.10.2023 07:31

watching this guy speak and listening is sterssful, I don't care how accomplished some people might think he is...

@RunDMS - 12.10.2023 06:24

Cocaine and slurred speech. Love it.

@nicholasfry4253 - 11.10.2023 16:20

Because JBP is controlled opposition. He is put there to deradicalize people to stop the system from changing.
