AE2 ME Storage system design, setup, and functionality

AE2 ME Storage system design, setup, and functionality


2 года назад

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@wesrc13 - 17.04.2023 08:10

this video was very helpful. commenting to boost to more people. thanks.

@dominicswartz3485 - 28.05.2023 18:09

This video cleared up all confusion

@olibrtsz - 06.07.2023 17:58

hey, i dont understand how you got power to the large controller and the smaller one on the top. either the top one receives power and the large one doesnt, or they both become red

@dunnersduke - 11.01.2024 07:58

Hey nice storage system thanks heaps

@GrimGearheart - 16.01.2024 00:37

Does this video still apply to the current version of the mod? I've been playing Create mod and I want a unified, networked storage mod.

@GrimGearheart - 16.01.2024 00:58

I find the 2nd half a little confusing. I think it would help to see it in use in an actual base I guess. Also...does a mod like this on a multiplayer server differentiage between different players' builds? Could 5 players have their own networked storage systems?

@rankoutsider1110 - 16.02.2024 23:44

Can i use one controller for storage and a big bundle of controllers connecting to that one for automating stuff ?

@2002BR - 11.03.2024 03:22

you can put donwload map for view better ?

@memo3994 - 16.03.2024 16:41

yo can u make this build a downloadable link

@GlyphicAbyss - 18.03.2024 03:05

Tysm for the guide I was pretty confused on a lot of the differences between some items and you cleared that up great!

@kp0ngg - 21.03.2024 05:59

could you make this into a create schematic so I can easily copy and paste it into my world? its really simple. thanks

@-eman_ - 04.05.2024 04:12

What mod pack

@hernan13_06 - 13.05.2024 16:42

maybe silly question, but in the average "run with friends" in an average modpack that contains AE2 would you need that much storage space or number of channels?

@madmurdoch2000 - 12.07.2024 13:04

first the energy accepter dont use a channel when connected to a network whether you use normal smart cables or quartz fibe. secound if your using a creative energy cell you dont need a energy accepter. third NEVER have a loop of cables, if a device has more than 1 route to take to get to a controller it can and does confuse the system this is why there is such a thing as a CABLE ANCHOR they are not just decorative. if you dont believe me just look up channels on the AE2 wiki it explains how the system uses the shortest route logic if a device has 2 routes of the same distance then said device just doesnt work. also with P2P tunnels you should ALWAYS put a single bit of dense cable between the P2P tunnel and the controller. why you ask? well it's simple SO YOU KNOW HOW MANY CHANNELS THAT TUNNEL IS USING. how can you know if a controller face can handle more channels if you dont know how many channels your already using and yes each face can only handle 32 channels. also if you place a controller on the cable side of the P2P tunnels and dont connect it to the main controller you can then have seperate cable networks and not use the main controller to supple channels to the tunnels themselfs.
from watching a number of your vidio's i can see that altho you do have some knowledge of how AE2 works it's not as extensive as you are trying to make it out to be.

@aidenfelhandler1947 - 21.07.2024 10:14

What’s the best way to wirelessly input items from any where into the system

@martear - 05.08.2024 11:35

Hi! Do you have any idea how to store armors and tools more efficient? From farms i have a lot and one armor fill one cell slot, and the cell dont have enough slots. Thanks for the video!

@kingslushie1018 - 07.08.2024 11:21

By any chance could you cover AE2wiry automation in Botania ? I would love that

@marcus914 - 28.08.2024 02:37

Does this work with the POWAH mod? Can I use the reactor from that to generate the power to the ME Terminal

@2002BR - 15.09.2024 21:51

whats is version minecraft map? and mods?

@imdublin4431 - 16.09.2024 18:13

this is so helpful instead of reading reddit tutorial, but i still have one question, so inside the 3 by 3 me controller is supposed to be empty or do you put something in there?

@SadRacc00n1 - 14.12.2024 05:30

Is this still all accurate? wanting to build it in my ATM10 world

@doughnut_panda - 17.01.2025 15:16

Best tutorial out there. Very well explained.

@sam.v.v. - 04.02.2025 17:36

For people wondering . Covered cables are only usefull in sub-networks where you want a more eastethic look . Otherwise just use smart cable or glass cables

@snowyy41005 - 14.02.2025 19:16

yo i tried the 3x3 controller disign, but its showing too many channels. i cross checked multiple times, copied same design but error
