Love the vids, you the goat 🐐
Ответитьnice can u plz do a mp7 and kilo setup plz
ОтветитьPut removed stock on and the hipfire becomes insane
ОтветитьNew microphone LIT. BTW banger vid as always brotha!
ОтветитьAm might come back to this game
ОтветитьDo sykov
ОтветитьPretty sure you're god level with any gun 😅 I'm still better with the cooper carbine tho. As44 at medium/long range gets sketchy for me with recoil sense I don't use Cronus.
ОтветитьLove to see you post it brings a smile on my face everytime 😎😎😎🔥🔥🔥🔥
ОтветитьName of the skin? And can you still buy it?
ОтветитьPrison roof zip line clip was disgusting!
ОтветитьUna pregunta, donde hace los directos ??
A question, where does the live???
Your so nasty 🥶🥶🥶🥶🔥
Ответитьare jaws are going to be open what you mean by that but thanks for the vid
ОтветитьCan you do another copper carbine (smg) or bren
ОтветитьI could watch this to Minecraft music and it would be the most relaxing thing ever.
ОтветитьI killed you klubo 😈
Ответитьsettings vid?? if u havent changed them since ur last one
ОтветитьYou really make the best video loadouts and I was really looking for these loadouts👌
ОтветитьI don’t think I’ve seen you aim down sight with this build, that shit scary 😳
ОтветитьIt’s crazy cuz I just stared using this gun two days and this gun to me is the gru of vanguard
ОтветитьUpdated settings video
Ответитьits so funny that i just ranked my as44 2 70 so this is meant 4 me thx
ОтветитьSetting pliss
ОтветитьI believe you do more than 30 kills in each game, you are a level 500+ and you find against those who are level 47 or 50 or even prestige 2 level 17. okayyyy
ОтветитьAll of your loadouts are godly but this one is 100% number one
ОтветитьYou think the hipfire on AS44 is broken? Wait till you try out the hipfire build for the PPSh. I can give you my loadout if you want.
ОтветитьNot fair is you play ONLY with with players that have the similar k/d and that is fair. I would like to see if you kill 30 in that conditions
ОтветитьLove you roud to200k
ОтветитьWhat attachments do you use on your kar98
ОтветитьLater in the game, when you respawn you get a gun (not great, but better than a pistol)
ОтветитьCan you do a setting vid pls
ОтветитьI was looking for the as44 for a good 2 to 3 mins when I realised it wasn’t actually a smg it’s an AR
ОтветитьThe kid had a satchel
Ответитьhow do we download warzone on are pc?
ОтветитьTry da copper carbine smg build it's hits hard close-mid range n has low recoil
ОтветитьBro u hipped fired the fuck out of all of en
ОтветитьThis man is a no life 649
ОтветитьI’m kinda new to war one so if I see your name I’m leaving the lobby with no hesitation
Ответитьhow do you have such a big lvl
ОтветитьWhats that operator
ОтветитьI just wanted to ask are you playing claw? Because you jump and aim at the same time.
ОтветитьMy dude really dropping heat everyday, Good vids this week Klubo 🥂
ОтветитьBot lobby
ОтветитьSome 🔥🔥 clips on my channel
Ответитьuse the hipfire as44 maybe??
ОтветитьIts too much recoil idk i tried it and didn't like it
ОтветитьLove to see you post it brings a smile on my face everytime
- Mecury Silencer
- Empress 400m
- slate reflector
- removed stock
- gung ho perk
- fully loaded
- pine tarp grip
- .30 russian short 60 round mags
- incendiary rounds
- carver foregrip