Red Hat: why I'm going all in on community-driven Linux distros.

Red Hat: why I'm going all in on community-driven Linux distros.

Veronica Explains

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@JonathanCarter - 12.07.2023 17:45

Hey Veronice, Debian Project Leader here. Nothing wrong with Flatpacks, they show lots of promise and compliment Debian nicely. That said, welcome to the Debian world, it's very rare that anyone ever regret making this move!

@paintologin - 04.12.2023 00:42

Just found your channel by accident (SSH Key video). I am coming to the final stages of moving all my clients to Debian. I did convert a few to Rocky to start with but then the source code thing hit and I decided I didn't want anything to do with Redhat anymore. It is a shame as I was with them since 1997 v4.1 or v4.2 from memory. Pretty scummy behaviour. But the one good thing is I found your channel and subscribed. I have re-installed 40+ dedicated servers so far and have another 10 or so to do. The rest can't move or are already on debian. I have a handful of clients who use Plesk and this complicates things a little bit as it is far better on Centos/RH than on debian but needs must.

I will miss the 10 year cycle and rpm's but I am wishing I had moved to Debian decades ago now.

For the desktop as a daily driver I found Linux Mint (xfce and cinnamon) to be capable enough and doesn't get in my way at all.

I am now going to start watching a bunch of your previous videos. Thanks 😀👍

@johanneskingma - 03.12.2023 15:34

ehm .Fedora?

@zerocool3466 - 02.12.2023 20:18

lol nice

@t33th4n - 02.12.2023 00:39

I'm very "lucky" to use RHEL on servers... Nobody sane enough uses it for anything.

@artisanbusiness1314 - 29.11.2023 02:04

Microkock has invested 50 billion in AI, they also partner with IBM, so perhaps redhat have something to do with micro AI? who knows, big business are evil. Id like to learn more about linux CLI but i am busy with my business.

@chlordk - 28.11.2023 12:47

Run this command on your video, and then it all make sense:

%s/Red Hat/IBM/g

@darkcggaming - 27.11.2023 19:24

There won't be any "community driven distro" without the giants that pay the bills of software development. You can't just ignore companies like Redhat. They have financed practically everything in the Linux world. Not only money, but huge amount of code. Linux wouldn't be the same without companies like Redhat.

@roku-device23 - 27.11.2023 18:57

Red Hat (IBM) must plan on staying with the current Linux kernel forever, because they can't upgrade to newer kernels without violating the GPL!

@wizpig64 - 27.11.2023 11:06

microsoft is gonna eat them arent they

@MaxXMcGill - 24.11.2023 15:51

Omg! Where did you find the flying toasters??

@sinistan1002 - 24.11.2023 02:15

what do you expect ibm bought redhat they can be worse than M$. I've used debian based for well over 10 years starting with some of the first ubuntu and ubuntu server, for a long time worked as a developer with debian squeeze on the server. and they support fsf gnu/linux term

@user-hv9sg5pl8b - 23.11.2023 07:53

Red Hat was my first foray into Linux back in 1998 - paid for boxed set of version 5.2. I was concerned when they made RHEL and relegated the community to Fedora. I did use Fedora for a while off and on, but eventually worked my way to Ubuntu. I've gone through quite a few distributions over the years, but now I have settled (for now) on Manjaro, MX Linux, Gecko rolling, and Cachey OS. I have also written off anything related to Red Hat.

Yes, Gecko is, in effect, OpenSuse, but so far, I haven't seen much that I am worried about with Suse - hopefully they continue to be a good open source player.

@SuperJMN - 23.11.2023 02:09

I'm a Windows and Linux user and developer. I think Red Hat is going nowhere. I'm starting to hate the "enterprise" suffix because it usually means "it's too good for you, unless you pay".

@Yep6803 - 15.11.2023 14:35

I like to think that Mr Robot's company is a carbon copy of Rhel, this was the first thing I thought even though I'm in love with my Fedora and I like Rhel I'm thinking the company is about Rhel. I like that representation and represents greatly their greed.

@giochi4 - 15.11.2023 02:45

Might make our data centres switch to Ubuntu or even Debian.

@AlibifortheAfterlife - 15.11.2023 02:26

Red Hat: How dare these moochers steal OUR hard work that we stole from the community working on Fedora

@TopTierTales-ux4se - 14.11.2023 01:33

I tested rhel and I hated it instantly. I need an account to upgrade packages! It was for testing only, I switched from Windows to Debian recently. No Windows at home!

@pak_drama1 - 13.11.2023 16:08

A big thanks for this web hosting wisdom! Ive experimented with GoDaddy and DreamHost, however Cloudways with TST20 couupon is the top pick.

@torkiben5952 - 12.11.2023 16:14

How to upgrade from Debian 12 MATE to Debian Sid???????

@szobione - 09.11.2023 17:34

Interesting. This is quite the opposite what SUSE did last year or so. They released their SUSE Enterprise Linux code to the community and now OpenSUSE uses SEL repos in its open source version. I love it and I use it on all my company laptops for my employees. Since the merger OpenSUSE both Leap and Tumbleweed are much more stable and offer a few updates a week. And SUSE is a German corporation and I was surprised by this move. I personally started my Linux journey back in the mid-90's at the university with Slackware and stayed with it. It is one of the oldest distributions and very rare, but very stable releases and on some of my company VMs I am still running Slackware from 2006 and it runs just fine. I prefer console based system administration since I can do it remotely via ssh. I even use Slackware on my company laptop since I do not have to update it all the time, like I do with OpenSUSE and WIndows 10/11. Slackware is very quick server distro without all the bloat. It has what's needed to compile any modern app from source and that's the beauty.

@imthestein - 08.11.2023 18:08

I'm using POP OS right now and I'm really enjoying it but I get what you're saying. I moved to POP from Manjaro which had exactly the issues you're talking about once they went public. I've considered just going pure Debian but for now I'm sticking with POP because of some of the bells and whistles I like taking advantage of

@javiersp - 05.11.2023 21:06

I found my forever distro home with Debian 10 years ago. Never looked back. I have tried almost every popular distro plus many niche ones and in the end I always come back to daddy Debian. I use it on my desktop and servers and fortunately my current company uses it extensively because of…wait for it…stability!

Driver management with the new Bookworm approach is WAY easier and though I still have to manually install a wireless driver on a laptop here and there it is way easier and…again…stable!

Since flatpaks came to Debian and specially during the last year or so where they have improved exponentially if I rarely need something bleeding edge I have it on flatpaks.

The only thing I miss is enterprise support but I am looking for third party support vendors.

@fflecker - 05.11.2023 20:58

What is about Alpine Linux ? It is also free.

@zombieregime - 05.11.2023 18:57

2 x two cents: reddit is just a message board, like the forums of old. But a few years ago some facebook corporate rejects got a hold of it and have been ruining it. And the pandemic didn't help with everyone suddenly having the time to check it out. But yeah, its just a massive forum board.

And Debains slow stability track: it ensures packages released into stable are just that.....stable. And (reasonably) secure (from a source code stand point, you can still misconfigure things and break stuff). But Sid (yes, they have a Toy Story motif) has most of the recent new packages for a lot of the usual categories, the more unusual usecase programs are kind of hit and miss. They're usually on githib anyways, so you can always just compile from source. Sid is like the prestable post development branch, mostly done but can still act naughty. Then there is like 2 levels of testing branches. Im usually running the testing branch of the current version and dont really have problems. Typically, if anything, I end up in some sort of minimum version dead lock for support libraries, so [shrug]....

But yeah, my first real venture into linux was installing gentoo desktop on some old 4U setver hardware long ago. Eventually got around to dual booting deb and xp on a laptop for developing RPi based theatrical effects controllers. At the moment Im 24/7 debian. The last thing I could see needing windows for is my steam library. Admittedly I haven't looking into it in a while, and Ive heard here and there its been coming along....

Anyhoo, thats my unsolicited 2 cents on those topics. Remember folks, even if the software is free, someone had to take the time to develop and maintain it. If you enjoy the software, consider throwing some spare change at the devs! Or at least a kind word or two. They really do appreciate it!

@jeffself7981 - 01.11.2023 16:51

I gave up on Red Hat and switched to Debian 20 years ago when I saw how much better their package manager was. When I ran Linux on the desktop, I never was worried about running Debian Unstable. On my servers though, I always stuck with Debian Stable.

@kayakMike1000 - 31.10.2023 11:54

Nice use of the word "mélange"

@Pugopugo - 31.10.2023 01:15

I switched from Red Hat Linux, the old one that became Fedora, to Debian early 2000:s. I have loved it since then! I always start out very bare, with just the base system, without software selctions. From there I can easily go the server route with just some installs in Aptitude or to a full desktop workstation with KDE Plasma which I love. I have tested other distros, MacOS, etc. But at the end I just want to go back to Debian, where things really feel like home! For desktop machines I have always run testing. I like that Flatpack gives me latest versions of things like Prusa Slicer.

@gambinante - 29.10.2023 23:14

SWAY is awesome, but running steam games is a PITA.

@dougsheets6201 - 29.10.2023 16:56

As a sysadmin too. I appreciate your exposure to other flavors and directions for linux. Because of my customer I'm beholden to RHEL platform but to listen about how you are maneuvering your development platform with relative ease is encouraging. I've been caught in the Big Endian trap of moving code before and a coustomer that refuses to pay for re-development to x86_64.

@computerfan1079 - 28.10.2023 00:24

Very good take, I had a similar opinion of Debian that you had but the Flatpak point made me think. I think a thing to keep in mind with System76 is their goals. Redhat (and Canonical) have as a goal to make money through their OS and the things around it. System76 makes money through selling laptops and PCs. This means their goal is to make their machines be attractive as possible which means they want to make their distro as user-friendly as possible, which aligns a lot more with us end-users, making it a lot less likely that there will be some rude awakening in the future.

@denhafiz1860 - 27.10.2023 17:21

I use Arch btw

@mppdidi9436 - 25.10.2023 21:05

sound M$ triple E tactics | RH is the past | cheers

@00177454419 - 17.10.2023 21:24

Hey Veronica; I just discovered your channel. Interesting that you are a COBOL/Linux person. I'm retired now but back in the day my first job was at Microfocus COBOL where I supported their UNIX based compilers. At the time Linux was not yet prominent but we supported every commercial UNIX distro that was out there.

Isn't what IBM is doing with Red Hat a violation of the GPL 2 on which all Linux is based, including RedHat/Fedora ? Also I wonder what are the ramifications of them taking on a behemoth like Oracle ?

@ADITYAKUMARking - 12.10.2023 07:24

Hello 👋
Any Linux distribution recommendations for Samsung galaxy book 2 pro? I tried Ubuntu on it but there are missing drivers like fingerprint, display brightness slider, Dolby sound. Btw I am completely noob.

@colinstu - 06.10.2023 00:01

that cackle was funny

@javierguajardo1760 - 05.10.2023 04:59

Hi veronica good seeing you, hoppe we can catch up sometime soon

@fossrules - 04.10.2023 17:56

I love and use Debian 12 on multiple systems. I'm a retired school teacher. When I was working I built a computer lab in my classroom using throw away PCs, running Debian 4.0(Etch). The kids loved it. It's sad, but, very predictable about Red Hat. IBM wants to turn a profit on their investment.

@tylersnard - 30.09.2023 17:23

Thumbs up for the intro!

@AxelWerner - 26.09.2023 09:03

F__k Redhat! F__k IBM!!! I was just about to migrate like 20+ servers over to a RH base, when IBMs puppet pulled off this stunt. As a result I simply banned all RH related OS from any of our projects for good. I bet that is what IBM had in mind. Idiots.

@famousmwofficial8046 - 23.09.2023 09:56

the FOSS nerds: Open source is the good and you can find other ways to make money than selling sotfware
Redhat: Makes paywall to earn more from open source
The Foss nerds : NOOOOO its not fair lol

@msolace580 - 22.09.2023 13:22

Fedora is the upstream, there was nothing wrong with it, if you were a business and don't have a big team, RH is a company you pay for support. Ideology and what fits better with a company don't mix. They are focusing on that angle.

@nandoflorestan - 21.09.2023 08:19

You know, flatpak can be replaced by nix with advantages only -- no disadvantages.

@zzador - 20.09.2023 17:58

First Redhat, then Unity. What's up with these shady business tactics?

@madjunir - 19.09.2023 18:15

Corporate greed! Is the worst. Just recently seeing the Unity 3d engine Scandal. So glad been using Godot and never lock myself in to proprietary tools or operating systems.

Community for the win!

@HikingFeral - 18.09.2023 19:32

Thought I was watching Tech Tangents for a moment there

@k1tajfar714 - 18.09.2023 17:37

