Publishing data sources to Tableau Server & Tableau Cloud: Tableau Tutorial for Beginners:

Publishing data sources to Tableau Server & Tableau Cloud: Tableau Tutorial for Beginners:

Tableau Tim

2 года назад

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Moudud Ahmed
Moudud Ahmed - 01.10.2023 21:06

Does Tableau Server and Tableau Cloud have a similar user interface?

Sam Shica
Sam Shica - 28.03.2023 04:55

This was exactly what i needed to learn. Thank you Tim!

Tech Nickel
Tech Nickel - 02.02.2023 23:10

In general, who should be publishing data sources? Admins or analysts?

Joscha Gewinner
Joscha Gewinner - 26.01.2023 12:22

Hey Tim

Is it possible to get data in Tableau refreshed automatically by email with a CSV file attachment sent regularly?

Andre - 22.12.2022 22:47

Great content! Thank you! Struggling to refresh Big Query published extracts on Tbbaleau Cloud. I keep receiving emails warning that are No Clients in Tableau Bridge Pool. Why would I need Bridge if it is a connection to Big Query?

Ana Lima
Ana Lima - 01.12.2022 05:55

Thank you for this video. You are very good at explaining it!

Blessy Jebaraj
Blessy Jebaraj - 25.10.2022 15:07

Hey Tim, what happens if User 2 wants to create addtional calculations and 'save' it back to the published data source. When we work as a team we have multiple folks accessing a single published source - each needing custom calcs in their reports, can you cover that or link me to the video if you already have. Always love to come to your channel for thorough understanding on any tableau topic

j gr
j gr - 30.09.2022 16:39

Hi Tim, Thank you for the Video. I might be asking a pretty dumb question but i cant seem to find any information about it. How do you un-publish, or delete a datasource the correct way. Because just deleting it from the cloud/server environment is breaking the workbook. Is there a correct way to do this?

Alicia Markoe
Alicia Markoe - 20.08.2022 09:14

Thank you 🦋

shraddha w
shraddha w - 02.08.2022 18:04

Hello Tim; I appreciate the variety of topics you cover on this channel. This have helped me in more than one way. Keep posting the quality content. Thankful for your channel.

Ramuthai N
Ramuthai N - 21.07.2022 21:02

Thanks Tim. I have one question. When I tried to publish the hana source to tableau server using viewer credential I am getting the error like this datasource cannot be published because it has an impersonated data connection. Can you please tell what I am missing here

Rasika Dhanapala
Rasika Dhanapala - 04.07.2022 19:45

Excellent explanation

Mo_015 - 22.06.2022 18:18

Hello Tim!

Thank you for the video! I have a question for you. I am using Tableau Prep to clean my data that is coming from Salesforce and I want to publish this data source so that it can be automatically refreshed on the server without me having to refresh it manually and pushing it to my workbook for my managers to view the refreshed data. Have you encountered such a scenario? What would be your advice?

Thanks in advance!
I am looking forward to hearing from you!

Rathika Venkatesh
Rathika Venkatesh - 15.06.2022 19:54

when it publish data source it went to live datasource. I am not able to see in my datasource tab. How to bring it back to datasource tab in normal mode

Greg Endicott
Greg Endicott - 10.05.2022 20:23

did you ever do a video for only Tableau Online? They are very different if you haven't used Tableau desktop.

sonal rane
sonal rane - 01.05.2022 20:00

Hi @Tableau Tim I am using 2021.2 version however I don't get option of Lineage after publishing data source

Tiaan Stander
Tiaan Stander - 26.04.2022 15:58

Thanks Tim!

This helped me make a bit more sense of my "extract of a published datasource that is an extract itself" brain twister. The "create local copy" bit was an eye opener.

Would this be a way for you to update calculations stored in the published datasource?

I.e create local copy, change calculation, republish (and use the newly published datasource in the workbook).

This would then probably embed any additional NEW calculations that you made in the workbook as part of the published datasource? If yes - I think I'm starting to get how these all come together.

edit: After watching your video on Editing published datasources I can answer myself, yes - this was the old way of doing it.

Amogh Mutalikdesai
Amogh Mutalikdesai - 18.03.2022 07:01

Hi Tim, Your videos are very helpful! Had a question: I am using multiple tables from a published virtual connection (with user level polices applied) to join in desktop and then upload the data source and workbook as an extract back to Tableau Online, but my policies do not work and it shows whatever data was present in the view while publishing. Polices are working only when I publish the data source and the connected workbook as live connection. Is it how it is designed or am I missing something? Thank you

PANKAJ SHENDE - 24.01.2022 14:38

How many workbooks can be connected to the published data source?

Ben Van Gorp
Ben Van Gorp - 17.01.2022 19:04

This is fantastic but how do you do this with multiple connections??

Felipe Villalobos
Felipe Villalobos - 08.11.2021 17:55

thank you , very good insight! I have one question to. How do you manage dashboard and data-source published by other users? Example. What happens if that user loose their data? How can I backup up the data-source and dashboard so another user can continue to edit them. ( I'm more of the Tableau Server guy and not the Tableau Desktop guy). Thanks.

Kayla Tigges
Kayla Tigges - 03.11.2021 16:53

If you create a published data source in one project can you use that data source to publish in a different project ?

Dhivya Soruban
Dhivya Soruban - 03.11.2021 14:12

I have a single server environment and have requirement to backup only specific dashboards/workbooks instead of all the data from tableau server. How can we achieve it? Your inputs would be highly helpful and appreciable.

deepu kumar
deepu kumar - 04.10.2021 14:45

Thank you Tim ..Very helpful to understand the nitty gritty details. Just wanted to check whether are there any plans in the server series to have a session how to optimise the dashboard size as we publish from desktop to server ? Thanks in advance.

Snake Boy290
Snake Boy290 - 01.10.2021 18:49

Thanks Tim! I do have one question. When you set up a live connection to Tableau Server (in this case lets assume the data is a MSQL table), Do the workbooks query off of tableau server or does tableau server just re-direct the query to the MSQL server like a live connection in a workbook would do?
