Which Bar Tools to Buy - 5 tools to UP your game!

Which Bar Tools to Buy - 5 tools to UP your game!

Anders Erickson

4 года назад

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@IndigoWall - 05.12.2020 19:38

Well done, Anders. You have led me t purchase a Lewis bag. But yr scaring me w that ice pick talk. Issue responsible warnings w bag & mallet! 👀🤣

@JohanTheBartender - 06.12.2020 03:59

Catherine Tramell called. She said that's not at all how you use an ice pick.

@TheTribalBarGuy - 07.12.2020 20:16

Awesome video. I know all these tools are great to have, but for me, since I got me a microplane, wow - really made the game much easier and more fun. But I need to get careful not to become overexcited and grate my finger. hehe Cheers!

@MidnightWeekend - 08.12.2020 01:28

lol @ your 12in lemon spirals, your channel rly knife works!

@tombarrows5332 - 09.01.2021 23:08

Love your channel! Would love to see a top 10 easy/beginner/classic cocktails video that are simple to make! :D

@AC-vc9vh - 19.01.2021 06:31

fyi you miiiight have a fake dupe of the microplane from one of those amazon copy cat stores. I know bc im very picky about mine and almost bought this one - there's nothing better than the real thing! love the content!

@Vladigraph - 09.02.2021 22:44

Would like to clear up a common mistake, that has a bearing on the flavor: the "rind" is the whole skin of the citrus, it consists of two parts: the zest (sometimes also called "peel")– the colored part, and the pith — the white part. The vegetable peeler in the video was used to obtain the zest, not the whole rind. The zest and the pith have totally different flavors and textures, so it's important to specify and to know which is which.

@TheSpiritoftheCocktail - 03.04.2021 20:21

Great video Anders!!! I'm always looking to up my mixology game. So I guess having the right tools help. I have most, but I really like that channel ribbon peeler thing!!!!!

@ironheadchannel - 13.05.2021 09:17

Messer Meister💪🏻 you said that quiet correctly😅
Greetings from Germany Love your content

@legoguru3000 - 02.06.2021 03:23

Peeler born 2010

@samrals - 08.06.2021 23:15

I have had an... inconsistent experience making crushed ice with my lewis bag. I only seem to be able to produce near snow and large chunks of ice; very little in between. I'm wondering if it has to do with the 'mallet' that it came with : it's cylindrical in shape as opposed to a mallet, with a hammer shaped head. Any thoughts? I'm perplexed o__0

@MrWhangdoodles - 10.06.2021 00:07

Lol, Messermeister is German for knife master. I guess it's appropriate, if it's so good.

@tobibatiste7859 - 15.06.2021 21:28

Hi Anders, I've been watching you for a few weeks now, absolutely love the channel!

Can we have a video about your top tiki cocktails?

@latepoika - 20.06.2021 23:35

Fun fact: viski is Finnish and means whiskey. Love your content!

@NotnaRed - 01.07.2021 12:37

Like the mat you called ground Zero. I rate this video a solid 9/11.

@CO_VanLife - 15.07.2021 21:48

Can you do one on bar organization?!

@iamlinuslist - 16.10.2021 18:19

Messermeister is german and means Knife master. I just love how you pronounce it😂

@ulrikehutter7258 - 17.10.2021 21:59

Messermeister every German 😂

@Xummon - 17.11.2021 22:07

Do you also now a good toolbag to putt everything in?

@MamuttTech - 24.12.2021 09:41

I wanna know where you find nice glass pourers
Like for your citrus juices and such

@justalonelypoteto - 30.12.2021 22:34

Awesome video, Anders! I've been looking into getting myself a list of things to get for when I start doing more at-home drinks and I've been struggling with the lewis bag. The one from sip barware doesn't seem to be available anywhere anymore (sadly). At least here in Germany I'm only able to find ones with single stitching which, in addition to the brand names consisting of random letter sequences, doesn't exactly inspire confidence. Do you have any (more recent) recommendations for a good quality bag?

@seandunphy2022 - 19.01.2022 05:14

Hi Anders: Great videos. Thanks for all the info. Can you please advise which brand of bar mat you use? Thanks!

@tobyey9134 - 25.01.2022 15:19

You said Kuhn Rikon almost right the first try :) It's a long stretched u in Kuhn because of the h and the stress is on the i in Rikon. They're about a 30 min drive away from my home and if I may i'd like to especially recommend their cooking pots, not their peelers. The high segment ones are made to last forever, we've had ours for over 20 years and my grandma has had hers for probably 30 or so. Excellent heat distribution and very easy to clean too.

@theoutlawjoseywales8711 - 31.03.2022 22:53

Anders: What us your recommended soda water dispenser/system? Or do you now usually just use Trader Joe's carbonated soda water?

@arddermoutcramer5695 - 03.04.2022 05:32

I wrongly read the title as top 5 bar stools. not unimportant ofcourse, the ass needs comfort, but maybe a bit too far fetched of a subject for a cocktail channel to discuss... now I need to know which bar stools are essential.. damn it!

@smytherichbourg9344 - 03.04.2022 08:11

Why is a “Louis bag” called that? (Or is it Lewis?) I have done some research, but keep getting thrown down rabbit hole after rabbit hole because of search engines that want to correct my search.

@smytherichbourg9344 - 03.04.2022 08:20

My bar mat has been my most useful new addition. I have one for where I mix drinks, as well as beside my espresso machine for all the tools.

@malte7148 - 03.04.2022 14:15

How (machine vs. hand, how hot/how cold etc.) do you wash the lewis bag, my good sir? Especially before the first use.

@hoggravyandchitlins - 08.07.2022 01:41

Mr. Mustard in the Conservatory with an icepick

@chefadamcooks - 05.11.2022 07:48

You always thank us for making it to the end of the list videos but personally I’m always bummed they’re over.

@BeardedApe - 09.12.2022 03:26

This guy's is awesome 👌

@budpool4835 - 31.12.2022 05:08

Sharon Stone special ice pick

@JPGwinn - 12.01.2023 21:56

Can you help me with the shot glass, you recommended in another video, the shot fit into the shaker perfectly for ease of draining any excess...thanks

@ckheldon - 17.01.2023 06:50

Leon Trotsky is fine with crushed ice, thank you.

@Yasmin-kd5nr - 16.02.2023 17:39

Your channel knife is called “Messermeister” which is German and means “Knife master” 😁😂

@AndrewPfannkuche - 19.04.2023 09:30

Anders is secretly an NKVD agent telling you to go to Mexico City

@Spudwarrior47 - 18.09.2023 20:30

Lovin the vids thanks Anders…. Haven’t fully searched all of your vids yet but… can you point me in the direction for (something like)…. 5 Essential Cocktails…. Thanks in advance, Ned

@finickybits8055 - 20.09.2023 09:28

That OXO peeler peels way too thin (for me) if you wanna actually twist and get a good oil spray. No pith = no thickness no mass = no backing to your twist, so it just…folds.

@GMTD11 - 26.11.2023 20:07

Break the system, i use ice pick in leatherwork.

@cica0a - 11.05.2024 18:55

How would i crush ice without fancy equipment?

@victoremanuelrivera - 16.09.2024 00:37

Is there any tool brands that you prefer could be a good video, such as top bar tool brands 😊

@epicepicenter715 - 20.09.2024 21:03

You got a little bit of a rooster all over your mouth you know what I mean, feathers all down your face

@99jw99 - 02.12.2024 03:33

New to your channel. Great videos! Messermeister channel knife appears to be discontinued…. Any reccs for a good replacement?
