Starting soon ... | FULL PROJECT with Vue.js + Vuetify + Firebase!

Starting soon ... | FULL PROJECT with Vue.js + Vuetify + Firebase!


6 лет назад

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@shmuelkaminker3066 - 10.07.2017 08:47

what about ssr?

@mekki2909 - 10.07.2017 14:50

your content and the way you link more than one tool in a project is what makes your channel special, thanks a lot max & waiting for the project :)

@hntommylam - 10.07.2017 17:54

Sound cool

@abdallahsalim9897 - 11.07.2017 01:34

Let's Go <3

@jashimuddin891 - 11.07.2017 19:45

That will be great ! Congratulate MAX (y)

@AsifMehedi - 13.07.2017 12:34

Max, this is very exciting for me. I'm curious about your release plan. How many episodes will be there and at what interval do you plan to post those?

@blackness4954 - 14.07.2017 05:41

All board the hype train XD

P.S. Really excited about this series

@77panic77 - 15.07.2017 07:46

I have purchased almost all of Maximilian courses, on Udemy, and I assure you he "injects" full technology knowledge to his students throughout any of his courses

@tombarfoot714 - 20.07.2017 18:47

Finally I've found these great tutorials that not only teach Vue.js, but also have a strong path to UI integration. So many tuts don't lead you to a finished web site. Thanks for that, and please continue!

@sbangani - 24.07.2017 23:13

Hi, I just started following the series but I am lost because the video about Navigation styling I can't see can you please direct me to the videos step by stem.

@lambinwolfskin9855 - 25.07.2017 12:44

thanks again :)

@musoverda5500 - 26.07.2017 14:29

how much will it cost to make such an app in Upwork?

@onecarwood - 02.08.2017 00:11

Do you think Vue Firebase is a good framework to build an app that has chat as a major part?

@RorySilva - 19.08.2017 19:55

I have your Udemy series. This series is awesome too. You've become the Ryan Bates for Vue.js

Where are we going to deploy this app? We're installing Node for development only? Can we deploy to Firebase Hosting?

@arunsaw4387 - 22.08.2017 13:23

Hello sir,
i want to ask related to Mailable.
how i can change text that come in INBOX in email.
and whats usfull MARKDOWN or normal mail.
i am litil bit confused about this, because i am new in laravel.
so please help me

@user-jo9hy3gq3n - 28.08.2017 18:21

Love your tutorials, on anything Vue especially. Thanks, man!

@amilasenadheera9365 - 07.09.2017 14:29

Great sir,we are at the end of the project as targeted in the beginning , waiting for fire base hosting ...

@KimcheeOnATaco - 20.10.2017 20:27

Love Vue!

@prajganesh - 24.10.2017 16:43

if I using a single page application using Vue as front-end and Golang as backend, and both the code base will run in a single server. What is the best way to call the Golang APIs. Is there a direct way to invoke the calls or should I use Axios even though they're in the same server. Thank you for your help.

@viettruong3865 - 18.11.2017 07:19


@viiacesxh - 30.12.2017 06:50

you are good!!!!!

@QuentinPotgieterZA - 02.01.2018 15:55

Hi Max, thank you for the great lectures and tutorials. How would you go about adding Google and Facebook registration/login on this SPA using your current email login. Please refer me to anything you have done regarding other types of login.

Important - If anyone is considering taking up on Max's courses on Udemy, don't think twice - as they are absolutely great courses!

@OoKangZheng - 24.01.2018 12:32

So for looking for a job as a junior web developer, I searched there are a lot React job position, but Vue just very little ... Should I learn React first to get into industry then start Vuejs as side project

@danialmalik80 - 10.02.2018 19:22

Thanks Max. You know by doing these series, you are making the life of students much more awesome and doing what our paid professors cannot do ;) . i have no words for your effort, <3 u max

@anushanetrekar1999 - 21.02.2018 14:12

Hi...what is the difference between vuetify and firebase

@goodnine3068 - 23.02.2018 18:04

Oh, man, I love you and your tutorial! It helps a lot.
Thanks anyway! 😄

@askari3601 - 06.05.2018 10:55

Hi! Where's the source?

@florasapphira - 11.05.2018 04:04

For anyone thinking about watching this but wondering if this is still fresh/relevant, I just finished this series almost a year later, and it's still great! I highly recommend Max's courses. The first one I took from him was his Vue JS 2 - The Complete Guide (incl. Vue Router & Vuex) about a year ago and it was transformational for me as a developer. I'm glad to hear it's now somewhat of a classic. His React course was also quite good. This free series is an awesome way to learn VueJS by building a real app. It works with all the latest versions (Vue, Vue Cli, Vuex, etc). There are only a couple of snags you may run into and it may help to read the comments. But this is what I found:

1. Try to use moment.js instead of the built-in date object. I'm not sure why but there are inconsistencies with the way the date and time are handled.
2. You will need to destructure `({user})` in the auth promise `then` block of the `signUserIn` action, or otherwise, you'll need to get the `uid` like this: `data.user.user.uid`. Not sure why but Firebase is now sending that user object back as a property of another object.
3. You'll need to get the `imageUrl` from a promise returned by `ref.getDownloadURL()`. Refer to the comments of that video and the examples in the Firebase docs. Again, I'm not sure when this changed or why, but that one line of code in the video doesn't quite work, or didn't for me.
4. (optional) Finally, if you are using a linter, don't forget to set a type and default on all props.

Thanks for another great series, Max! Can't wait to catch up with all the other ones.

@andreshapovalov - 13.05.2018 19:22

Thanks a lot for your huge work))) you are greatest online teacher in the world)) real world examples are what makes your lessons valuable

@muzammilrafay4348 - 06.06.2018 09:44

It,s Amazing Series for learning vue + vuetify and firebase

@raphaellloyds1738 - 26.07.2018 19:36

Thanks Alot Max, your efforts will be highly rewarded...continue with the good work!!!

@gknt694 - 20.09.2018 09:53

Need newer videos for Vuetify, conditional rendering, and state management :(

@alinawaz4034 - 22.09.2018 21:51

Amazing! nice Keep going On!

@xamuelsan5108 - 28.10.2018 02:03

I tried doing what you have been doing in the videos at video #21 Editing date am getting which is not allowing the dialog to show please i need help

@dddd176 - 21.01.2019 19:59

Amazing literally

@theamjolnir9641 - 14.05.2019 01:06

I love this series Max! Thanks for sharing!

@abdallahabdedaiem51 - 15.07.2019 20:16

Hey guys! what are the requirements to be able to follow along with this playlist? I want to get real understanding and improve my skills and not just a running project. does i need to follow a Vuetify tutorial or something. I'll be grateul if someone can clarify :)

@FidelGuajardo - 26.07.2019 23:34

Max ROCKS!!!!

@shivangchaturvedi237 - 05.01.2020 20:06

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!! You are hands down one of the best teachers on the planet!

@ajupython2867 - 19.01.2020 15:09

wow awesome

@thienvu2683 - 26.06.2020 05:03

Many thanks

@joegreen6209 - 01.09.2020 21:52

I successfully worked my way through this entire project, then when I tried to host on Firebase, I got: Template execution failed: ReferenceError: features is not defined. Now I can't run my project anymore. It looks to be something with the index.html file Firebase created, but not sure what.

@moto-harmony8083 - 06.01.2021 02:44

Max I cannot install node modules, they break. Could you please update this project with Vue 3? Thanks!

@naeemhaque3502 - 16.02.2021 21:29

awesome series!

@ijekhuenmeneromosele5726 - 11.03.2021 11:54

nice videos but I just can't follow up without the source code, please pls send me the Github link it will me catch fast with good understanding thanks

@waseyhasankhan8167 - 12.11.2021 08:19

How can it help me in 2021?

@trericpu - 18.01.2023 18:14

Hey Max, I hope you are planning a MEVN full stack course. It will be very amazing and helpful. :)
