That's Horrific Dead by Daylight gameplay

That's Horrific Dead by Daylight gameplay

Betty Horde Clinic

55 лет назад

183 Просмотров

Dead by Daylight was released for Microsoft Windows in June 2016, released on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One in June 2017, released on Nintendo Switch on September 24, 2019, and a mobile port was released on iOS and Android on April 17, 2020. The game is played as a one versus four online multiplayer where one player takes on the role of the savage killer, and the other four players play as survivors, trying to escape the killer and avoid being caught and sacrificed to a malevolent force known as the Entity.

Developer: Behaviour Interactive
Publisher: Starbreeze Studios (PC 2016-2017)
Behaviour Interactive (PC 2018-now)
505 Games (PS4, XB1)
Deep Silver (Switch)
Koch Media (iOS, Android)
Directors: Ashley Pannell
Dave Richard
Mathieu Coté
Producer: Stéfan Beauchamp-Daniel
Designer: Matthew Spriggens
Programmers: Fadi Beyrouti
Jean-Philip Desjardins
Rémi Veilleux
Artists: Filip Ivanovic
Marc Salha
Writer: Farah Daoud-Brixi
Composer: Michel F. April
Platforms: Microsoft Windows
Windows Store
PlayStation 4
Xbox One
Nintendo Switch
Release: 2016

Channel Members: 😃
Ole Cranky Gamer: Channel Id: UCgD_5wRbxP_6u664xpUid-Q


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