#fmge DATE DECLARED ! DO THIS FIRST ? #fmge2022

#fmge DATE DECLARED ! DO THIS FIRST ? #fmge2022

Dr. Smita | FMGE

3 года назад

806 Просмотров

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@DrArif2 - 15.03.2022 12:52

Mam I have completed physio patho pharma can i do selected topics from medicine and surgery as only 2 Nd half months left???

@doc_talk1492 - 15.03.2022 15:53

Hey doc.. i have completed every subject from main videos.. and now I feel like I don't remember anything.. i am getting 125/300 in preparation GTS.. how to improve score and can I pass fmge june??

@vikram_puniyaa - 15.03.2022 16:54

What about December ? Have any idea ? Will be or not

@imran._.khann2123 - 15.03.2022 21:26

Mam but pehle toh date de dii thi December fmge ki but ab yeh ese kyu Kar rhe hain
