The Strange and Disturbing "Cyberpunk 2077 Iceberg" Conspiracies Explained

The Strange and Disturbing "Cyberpunk 2077 Iceberg" Conspiracies Explained


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javier salgado
javier salgado - 20.11.2023 18:04

Wait...takemura saw the cat

Krotas,Deity of Conflicts
Krotas,Deity of Conflicts - 19.11.2023 15:47

You're wrong.. Takemura did see the Cat when he jump with Johnny.

razor clam shell
razor clam shell - 16.11.2023 11:15

regarding to nibbles in tier 2 that no one notices him in the phantom liberty ending rogue calls which shows that she bought/adopted nibbles

VeissLie_ - 14.11.2023 19:53

What I don't understand about the theory about human cloning, is that I don't see exactly what would necessitate putting human flesh into food. There's no nutritional benefits or advantages and they're already cloning livestock for meat. I really don't get it, and if it's true then it gets into the territory of being "grimderp" not grimdark

darth_Dan - 11.11.2023 23:41

There is a shard to be found in several places, but, notably, close to at least one of the sightings of Nibbles.
The shard skips some text to specifically detail info on Yokai, specially Bakeneko, cat demons of Japanese folklore.

There is almost an implied connection.

🫧DJ A/C BLASTIN🫧 - 11.11.2023 21:50

Is the Blue Eyed Man just a new sleek Gaunter O’ Dimm? Just a thought

SH0YU - 10.11.2023 10:19

Takemura saw the cat he called it “bakaneko” which is a sort of entity in Japanese lore ‘according to takemura’

__ - 09.11.2023 20:24

i think rogue was definitely selling out and its highly likely that her guilt made her agree with johnny at the end. She didnt move, had only one bouncer, easy target for a corpo if you ask me. She probably fed and sold info or even sided with arasaka or some shit to have protection and immunity.

Michael Frazier
Michael Frazier - 09.11.2023 00:02

I learned a new word today “Equippedted” lmao😂 otherwise good video

Palomo Valencia
Palomo Valencia - 04.11.2023 18:09

I think the cat is a reference to the whole "9 lives" since V is dying but has a habit of cheating death

James Johno
James Johno - 04.11.2023 06:10

After watching the first half of the video about the animals and how come you never see them I stopped to listen to the cyberpunk news in game…it mentioned about a “canine tax” and how the price will be rising to $1000 per month per dog and more for other animals, so they do hint at there’s animals in the game but they’re heavily taxed, maybe this is the reason why we don’t see animals they are either illegal or not wanted because of the taxes etc, we see that during the heist mission arasaka has a pet iguana in his penthouse suite it’s sitting on its log watching as his arasaka murders his father
So there is animals in the game just not really there or seen?

Projekt Reaper
Projekt Reaper - 03.11.2023 18:00

'equipt-ed' 😂

Deldarel - 03.11.2023 02:17

I think the human cloning and the nomad testing of Biotech are related but distinct. Clones don't have a trained immune system and are also product, why waste that? The nomads are a cheaper more disposable alternative.

And what if the rings are anti-mind control? The monks, the conspiracy nut and mr blue eyes all see the vampire aliens from Antarctica among us, who cloak from all affected. Or in reality they're rogue AI's. Hear me out.

Bartmoss is connected to those statues. In the new update this is clear. I also find that the statues resemble Spider Murphy's icon. Just think of the head as the spider's abdomen. I think Bartmoss is alive in the net one way or the other. Probably behind the black wall, nudging the course of reality towards signalling Spider.

Denxiz - 02.11.2023 10:34

bro can u tell me what the song is? its fire

Dargo - 02.11.2023 02:49

Takemura also sees the cat, so that conspiracy is weak and not researched properly

Pavel Pližingr
Pavel Pližingr - 01.11.2023 16:09

Mr Blue eyes = G-man :)

Henrik Kowalski
Henrik Kowalski - 31.10.2023 09:51

what you say about the biggest conspiracy resonates with me. played it from day one on pc and it managed somethig no other game ever has since the n64 days. I often just play it again after completion and then again its less the story its this weired radiamt world. Like tho one ripperdoc who rents her uncles clinic says "I love this city you have to pay for the ambulance its so horrible but also so interesting"

Alessandro - 31.10.2023 06:47

Im sorry but the ending was straight bull s**, dude nobody lied, the game was a fuming pile of shit on every platform on realese with a TONS of missing features, the game was barely classifiable as an rpg, with his hideus and flat character builds ( please remember that they released it with a perk that boosted your damage underwater, with no fokking underwater enemies to fight in the whole game), one of the worse 70hrs of gaming in my life, fuck johnny silverhand, fuck pre orders, fuck cdpr and f** that biased af ending

Miketheratguy Multimedia
Miketheratguy Multimedia - 29.10.2023 15:17

I couldn't possibly care less about stuff like "room 301 could be a reference to ancient religious text in which the number 301 describes the coming of a hellish angel, bla bla bla". Stuff like that is just random coincidence to me. I do however really enjoy things like the room being bloody and accessible only by a glitch, or that hidden rocket platform stashed away in the game's assets. I find that kind of stuff more interesting on its own without linking it to forbidden scrolls and Egyptian aliens or whatever but to each their own.

Hatchet Hatter
Hatchet Hatter - 29.10.2023 09:00

So the cat is actually very interesting. Mike Pondsmith confimed that the cat is a descendant of Rache Bartmoss' cat who had a construct implanted. Interesting lore if you wanna read into it.

CRAKFACE - 29.10.2023 04:23

The entire game is a dreamdance

Becerra9 - 29.10.2023 03:29

What’s the music used for the 1st tier of the video?

Arfor Afro
Arfor Afro - 29.10.2023 02:34

On the whole conspiracy about AI's beyond the Blackwall and cyberdaemons; there's a whole theory regarding the antichrist which believes that since Christ came to the world born from a mother as any natural man would then the antichrist being the opposite should be an artificial creation. That line's up very well with the whole conspiracy about corpo-vampires and cyber-daemons, a very particular take on the "futuristic dystopia" showing us a world where not only is human life worthless but we are in the middle of an End of Times scenario as demons have taken over the net and seek to destroy humans.

I have no way to back it up but it seems very in line with the whole discussion about human souls and how the biochip that deletes your mind and turns you into a digital engram is called the "Soulkiller" yet it has the power to grant you biological immortality.

Azza Nine
Azza Nine - 28.10.2023 10:43

The Alien connection to the net lores isn't that far fetched. The Cyberpunk genre's great grandfather the book Neuromancer kinda caps the book off with suggesting the newly merged AI character was contacting "another like it" from outside the earth. Maybe the Cyberpunk lore keepers either incorporated that in or are just hinting at it as an easter egg.

Lord Of Chaos Inc.
Lord Of Chaos Inc. - 26.10.2023 22:43

I hope we don't get a monk-AI-aliens-all-consuming conspiracy to destroy the human race plot in the next installment aside from hints and side-quests like "dream on".
Leave that to hacks like the "bad robot" writers.
CP isn't about saving the world and all-encompassing mysteries were never pleasantly resolved in any franchise. I'd rather have rogue AI and corpo war with a hint of X-files.

Razzbow - 26.10.2023 03:33

If only the game was as good as the lore.

Cream Creed
Cream Creed - 25.10.2023 22:37

I’m pretty sure the cat represents death and how it follows Johnny and V as they are close to death

Mr. Nichtus
Mr. Nichtus - 25.10.2023 14:47

(Takemura sees the cat and comments on it as a bad omen right before the float hijacking)

Malfeitor - 24.10.2023 04:21

But takemura also saw the cat

Jay - 23.10.2023 17:44

Actually misty references nibbles and says something along the lines of “I think he misses Jackie” and v replies “he’s not the only one” right before panam comes to pick you up

Adam JS
Adam JS - 23.10.2023 10:49

The cat one isnt true
Takemura sees and talks about the cat and calls it Bakeneko.

Haunteing - 23.10.2023 07:53

Johnny going both ways makes sense because his original design from the tabletop was based off David Bowie

Daniel Rickner
Daniel Rickner - 23.10.2023 02:31

Is the implication that robert john "silver hand" linder is a fragment of memory that Johnny has, or that robert john linder saved Johnny "silver hand"'s life and so he took the identity of the aforementioned person?

Alan Bertenshaw
Alan Bertenshaw - 21.10.2023 17:41

Ffs it’s “equipped”! There is no such word as equippeded! Moron

2ndplaceplayer - 20.10.2023 23:56

Nibbles is the descendant of rache bartmoss' cat, deathwish.

natos4unlife - 20.10.2023 21:37

Equipped. It's equipped. Not equipted

Alfie Nian TV
Alfie Nian TV - 20.10.2023 21:13

takemura can see the cat and it jumping down right after johnny

DarkSould04 - 20.10.2023 17:52

The Nibbles theory has been debunked (Phantom Libery Ending Spoilers)

When you get cured of the biochip in the ending where you help out the NUSA, and you have nibbles, you get an SMS that you got evicted due to not paying rent in the 2 years of coma you were in and that your pet has been sold. Later in the credits, Rogue is seen with Nibbles, obviously implying she is the one that bought him when you got evicted to take care of him for you. So yes, Nibbles is in fact a real cat in the cyberpunk Universe!

Nexdemise - 20.10.2023 08:51

One thing to note about the Buddhist monks.
If you completed Sacrum Profanum - you can meet the two monks later outside one of the markets. You can ask them if a construct is a person and the answer they give you is basically "it's complicated" but they seem to lean ever so slightly into yes, where the capacity to suffer is what ultimately makes us alive.
When you speak with the Zen Master before the 4th and final meditation the third question "Do you know what's happening to me?" leads to the following dialog:
"You are dying. You have two soul within you - one wants to fight, the other is afraid."
"Which one's mine?"

So the Zen Master does consider Johnny to be a living being with a soul.

Noah King
Noah King - 19.10.2023 19:26


Kitairo - 19.10.2023 00:50

Fun fact: thise "unused Tunnels" Aren't unused, on my first playthrough a Mission (I believe from Panam) took me there, and in there yiu can find a free of charge super car

CryingLaughing - 18.10.2023 06:12

Cloning people for food makes no sense.

Riyan Patel
Riyan Patel - 18.10.2023 05:30

FF:06:B5 has been solved…

Or has it heheheheheheh

Kelpup - 17.10.2023 12:25

A lot of these were answered with phantom liberty! Pretty cool that there was so much of it back then tbh

blitz wing
blitz wing - 17.10.2023 11:28

You know his last comment about the biggest conspiracy being that cyberpunk was released and immediately lambasted as a half baked glitch fest actually makes sense. I think that the anti corporate rhetoric of the game and it’s definitively anti corporate capitalism angle caused all of the investors people who mind you are essentially the real world equivalent of what the game portrays, to push for the quickest release possible because they wanted exactly what happened on release. they pushed for it to be released as a half baked game that people would laugh at so they don’t actually see the anti capitalist narrative the game portrays because it’s essentially slandering the greedy investors who funded the game for profit and not because they liked any part of it and didn’t want it to succeed because they realized they were investing into something that was speaking out against greedy corporations and people who are only concerned about filling their own pockets.

Mark Pugliese
Mark Pugliese - 17.10.2023 04:22

Interesting to note the phrase “I am not me” also appears in the apartment you meet Dex in after the biochip heist. It’s written in an alcove in the wall in what looks to be blood. I’m guessing it’s just a nod to the whole Johnny taking over V’s body thing but it may be deeper.

awesomeface478 - 17.10.2023 00:37

"Equipted" lol
