Tutorial Ai shoujo Ai girl how install and downalod tina armstrong

Tutorial Ai shoujo Ai girl how install and downalod tina armstrong


4 года назад

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RE:MakotoYuki90 - 30.12.2019 15:25

UPDATE: the new version need AI bonesframework 1.20.

Andre P
Andre P - 06.01.2021 04:24

How can I add Fingernails/Toenails In the Accessories Tab? they are Based on the Ankle but can not get them to go on the toes or Fingers.

bob bashley
bob bashley - 06.06.2020 12:25

Does this character creator looks the same as honey select 2. Does AI Girl come with studio neo 2?

Joaquin Torres
Joaquin Torres - 29.12.2019 09:52

Cant load her face properly (no texture at all) any solution? I install all the plugings just like the video

Jef and Ira Batucan
Jef and Ira Batucan - 29.12.2019 04:24

Hey man! I like your content! Keep it up! I hope you post a tutorial of how to use bones collider in HS Studio Neo. I’m struggling on using it. I don’t know how to activate the bones collider with the items.

Gunx Coolxx
Gunx Coolxx - 28.12.2019 16:37

Can you give me this game download link?

Tao wo
Tao wo - 27.12.2019 10:24

HS is better
