Pricelists: Multiple Prices per Product | Odoo Sales

Pricelists: Multiple Prices per Product | Odoo Sales


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@user-qm9oc7lh8e - 10.01.2024 22:34

Thank you for your the good knowledge. I have a questions, what if the base price to purchase are in the USD, but the sale price in other currency like SGD? Thanks in advance.

@rezidencatom3357 - 04.01.2024 14:19

Odoo is very simple, for simple companies. It is not for big companies

@dirkvandenwouwer7453 - 04.01.2024 13:35

Very nice video indeed. However, if I have 1000s of components, do I have to manually enter all of them in the pricelist menu ? I have an excel sheet though, where one has the List price and Reduced price for Customer type 1 and Reduced price for Customer type 2.

@bainocare797 - 16.10.2023 03:13


@mattelite9806 - 26.08.2023 19:11

Once again, great video on how to apply this to 1 product at a time. But what about a company that has over 30,000 products from 70 different suppliers, each having variants so this makes for over 100K plus products. This company uses excel templates to upload there products and pricelists once year as they receive NEW cost from their suppliers. This company sells to both B2C at full retail to the public but also B2B at dealers at wholesale pricing. So they need 2 prices for every single products for every product uploads.

We need some videos to support larger companies that need to automate these options over and over and over with out running into limitations. Allowing us to assign unique selling prices to variants with out forcing us to use the ''BASE PRICE'' + ''Value Price Extra'' would be a great start at solving sooooo many issues.

PS: You can upload a pricelist with 2000 products no problem, but if you made a mistake and need to delete what you just need to delete each product one by one by clicking on the garbage can. This needs to be addressed to allow us to select more then 1 product at a time and allow us to do a mass action such as delete. I uploaded 2000 products yesterday and realized the outcome was not what I was hoping for, made some modifications to the excel templates and re-uploaded it. Ended up with 40000 products (doubles). Impossible to select ALL by keyword and delete my mistake. I had to click on the little garage can next to each product one by one 4000 times. Really had Odoo on my mind during this period. Now I am afraid to try again!!!

@paprykvege1454 - 24.08.2023 22:59

odoo o Bogowie odoo
