XP to Level 3

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Oscar Wind
Oscar Wind - 27.09.2023 11:11

This video will always hold a special place in my heart for that song. I was just beeboping along one day listing to this for background noise when I heard "open up your eyes/and pray to the mother of the dawn." And I thought the title sounded neat and so decided to make a god with that name and do a little worldbuilding for my next game.

Fast forward a year later and I have so much on this world and religion I'm genuinely considering writing a story for it or something. We've barely started playing the actual game because god damn it scheduling.

So, for this crazy project I gotta say thank you.

just a tad bit of trolling
just a tad bit of trolling - 02.09.2023 02:49

One word: oathbreaker

Chrone Nojysk
Chrone Nojysk - 01.09.2023 06:28

Me: "My Paladin took the Oath of Vengeance"

DM: "So you character's Personality is the synopsis of Batman"

Me: "Uh, no. I'm more of a Redhood kind of guy"

christian skinner
christian skinner - 26.08.2023 04:50

Please release the song❤

The Impervious Firecracker
The Impervious Firecracker - 22.08.2023 05:48

"Open up your eyes and pray to the Mother of Dawn" is a lyric that goes so unbelivably hard.

NeoAstrisk - 18.08.2023 01:28


Silverwind - 17.08.2023 05:55

A Paladin with an Oath of Devotion to their own party. They're the muscle of the group (since the Paladin is traditionally the tank of the party), and if you mess with the Rogue, the Cleric, or the Fighter, you mess with the Paladin. It's lazy, sure, but it takes care of the moral dilemmas that would be inevitable if your Oath contradicted with the actions of the party.

Silverwind - 13.08.2023 19:48

An Oathbreaker who originally took an evil Oath is so fucking choice. Like a reverse Darth Vader.

elin Saldivar
elin Saldivar - 04.08.2023 14:14

I tried to listen to the part where you include your friends over and over but sometimes I just cannot understand what they are saying. It’s just so mumbly, what did they say?

Joaquin Rios Rodriguez
Joaquin Rios Rodriguez - 20.07.2023 19:19

To be honest, with the milestone leveling it makes sense that other classes would start weaker and becime stronger, afterall they must go through too much things to get there. High level fighters, barbarians, rangers, etc gain strength from fighting and killing, classes like bard and rogue should be weaker in combat but superior in other versatile fields. The spellcasters do deserve their power at high levels, the warlock also has an oath, wizard studied and was a pussy for all the low levels, etc. Of course the paladin is kinda like a fighter and needs to prove himself to his oath and gods, so he should be a little more powerful at high level, just saying.

Dragon Lord
Dragon Lord - 17.07.2023 18:48

All the level 20 abilities for each class are either weaksauce or INSANELY powerful, it’s crazy

nathaniel havens
nathaniel havens - 09.07.2023 00:09

Templar's aren't holy they were banker's

Pool_Maintenance - 03.07.2023 01:30

Wait what about oath of watchers

Wolfheart5262 - 28.06.2023 16:31

What if
A paladin thinks of healing in the same way SCP 049 does
instead of giving hitpoints he takes them away

B3RZ3RK3R - 23.06.2023 16:36

One of the cooler UA ones I like is Oath of Heroism, because it's basically the St George/Kenshiro/Beowulf Paladin.

Basically the Paladin says this: "Talk is cheap, and Action must be taken. Warlords are killing children, elders are trapped in landslides and an ancient evil god is being brought back; WE AIN'T GOT TIME TO YAP!"

Skypost4ever - 16.06.2023 07:54

I'm playing a pirate themed campaign, my paladin is based on Elizabeth Swann from the pirates of the Caribbean, someone who is from nobility but doesn't fully agree with the snobby upper class. I'm for cleaning the seas from filthy pirates and sea monsters. I'm a bit chaotic neutral. Though I have done unlawful things, I am for justice, mostly, as long as it serves me and my party.

Demo - 10.06.2023 21:34

The opening song is actually sick

DAD TYPE 2 - 09.06.2023 21:28

I'm new to DnD and a new subscriber, lol but, wish you would have really explained the Paladin, and not do all the insider jokes that folks that are veterans to the game get, like you skip or F this or that, Protection, I had to pause the screen to read it because you just say it doesn't exist, I'm guessing you just don't like the ability, anyway, I'll stick around as I do like the comedy humor and the sense of the fun you and your friends have making these videos clearly on your faces, and the jokes I do get, but obviously I'll just have to look for better information elsewhere. I'd say you can still make the jokes even the ones only hard core vets of the game will get as I'll one day understand, but if you are putting up a video on information on How to, then How To the hell out of it lol. Explain all, then dish out the jokes and how you feel about them, and why?
Imagine being new to the game, and you happen to find your channel that made it way through the thick haz of the many MANY others, you score a subscription member who says I like this content it's fun, funny, a lot of work was put into it, I'd like to help this person's channel grow, oh I'm thinking about rolling a Pally, let's see if Xp2lvl3 has anything, how too, ah, perfect and now I have about the same idea as to how to as I did before I watched the video. Anyway maybe you can do another that's geared to actually helping folks and not just be geared towards the Veterans. Just a thought, I may also have jumped the gun on subscribing, maybe you are geared towards the vets, anyway, thanks for reading.

the Lego you stepped on
the Lego you stepped on - 21.05.2023 20:56

Paladin pirate who was a slave his owth was to help defend comrade's and enjoy life

Julian Mittlesteadt
Julian Mittlesteadt - 15.05.2023 08:43

I played a paladin with a greatsword for a while and the bbeg was pissing me off and still had around half his health left. That’s when I chose to divine smite and thunderous smite. If that hits its 4d6+2d8. Then I got a critical hit. Our dm let me add the critical bonus to divine and thunderous smite. There was no bbeg left.

SuperHGB - 10.05.2023 17:37

I wanna Play a paladin who is called anakin skywalker and then after getting a sword with a radiant damage buff becomes an oathbreaker

DogLookingBackAtYou - 01.05.2023 22:50

Im a goblin who become a paladin to get revenge on those who killed my brothers

Soul Survivor
Soul Survivor - 21.04.2023 13:13

jacob always makes the best songs for these vids, kinda sad they ended

PrysmT.Kitsune - 21.04.2023 04:24

my 'particular' oath is from one of the secondary sources, oath of the dragonlord
basicly i'm a paladin serving bahamut....whats that, a red dragon burned down your village?
hold my ale, i got some smitin to do.

Doctor Onishi's Psychosis Lab
Doctor Onishi's Psychosis Lab - 17.04.2023 01:08

came to learn about paladins left when you started singing

DewUNomie - 03.04.2023 03:04


The_capital_G - 02.04.2023 23:49

Not so long ago my friend played a paladin he was chaotic good and on a mission for the town master we were on a road we saw a random cow and he went over and chopped its head off for I quote “he looked at me wrong” that cow turned out too be very important In the mission. 🤦

John Baird
John Baird - 24.03.2023 00:14

This dude is crazy! I love him

Harshit Kumar Singh
Harshit Kumar Singh - 22.03.2023 08:27

A paladin with oath of redemtion who once was good and pure but wittnessed wars and cruilty of the world and swears to make peace but not through the saint way but through wars and wants to destroy the god who he onced worship so kind a like a oath breaker

Luci Falter
Luci Falter - 16.03.2023 23:01

I have a new player in my group who wanted to play Artificer, but we didn't have the materials for it. So, to work around it, he made a Paladin with an Oath of Devotion. His oath basically was him devoting the rest of his life to overworking himself to death. I thought this was funny as hell, so I of course let him do this.

Expepem189 XL
Expepem189 XL - 12.03.2023 01:28

As paladin with protection i can say, that f*** sucks, i also getted shield master feet and its nice feet, but sadly i thinked +2 to dex rolls goes only when you unconsios.XXD

Timothy Leslie
Timothy Leslie - 02.03.2023 22:46

I played an Oath of the Crown Paladin who worshipped Bahamut but swore his oath to the party’s bard (the future king)

Razertai - 07.02.2023 23:33


Spectreman - 29.01.2023 15:04

If all races can be any class, if any class or race can be any alignment, then everything is the same. Thats why a Lawful Good Paladin is a must. How can you be a noble servant of a Good God and hang out with adventurers who are doing evil? It seems to me that Jacob doesn't play D&D. He plays his imagination and put some bits of D&D on it to pretend its a real game.

HeikichiHoriuchi - 26.01.2023 01:10

-Mum? There is this wierd guy yelling in the park again.
-Pls dont get near him. I dont want that he influen...

Xorrin - 20.01.2023 20:51

I'd like a Inquisitor subclass for Paladins, where you get extra proficences and some ability like Bane/Judgment and Stern Gaze frome Pathfinder, maybe some new spells too

Zach - 12.01.2023 22:14

I really want to play an oath of devotion paladin who takes his oath very seriously. Eventually he breaks his oath and becomes and oath breaker, but eventually redeems himself in the eyes of his deity and realizes that he doesn’t have to follow his oath as rigidly as he’s been following it

The Hermit Druid
The Hermit Druid - 11.01.2023 00:05

So many of the paladin complaints are just straight up gaslighting lmao

“Paladins are lawful stupid and hurt the party”

Like sorry buddy that I’m not playing a psychopath who turns to actual war crimes at the drop of the hat.

Yunglex313 - 06.01.2023 03:38

I made a Paladin for the Curse of Strahd campaign. His oath was to oppose, destroy and thwart the machinations of all undead because their role in ruining his he had a massive hard on for killing zombies, and aim to beat Strahd into a pile of dead bones. If the job involved any undead, regardless of whether they were good or not, he would find a reason to justify killing the undead person...was fun.

Tyto Alba
Tyto Alba - 02.01.2023 07:17

While yes there is a mechanical basis to all classes characters can be super varied from a super devote or a reluctant follower like an ex fighter who got forced to be a gods strong arm.
And terms of thier oath can be similarly as loose or strict as a warlock pact.
Like literally an oath can just be my god hates the undead I can be free to be me but have to smite a zombie or be punished.
The parallel warlock its the patron more oathed than the warlock like if its ill serve you if . the if or quested oath is on the patron or the pact is broken.
So its up to you and the dm to determine your gods oath only lawfull and devote characters have the whole 12 commandments lol and that's not the Paladin oath that's just the religions rules.

EmeraldJaco - 29.12.2022 02:40

I'm currently working on a LE paladin tiefling that swears an oath to his ancestral god. I talked with my DM to give him a variation on smite that sends the evil and wicked to my gods plane when they die to strengthen his army.

Noss the Boss
Noss the Boss - 27.12.2022 18:18

In about 3 years (Or 2 Years and some change), I'd like to see Jacob revisit these.
I'd like to know how the God's think of his Oath now that his channel seems more than significant.

SpaceRanger144 - 20.12.2022 04:36

Ironically, Baldur's Gate 3's new paladin class starts the character with their oath.

Delghatto - 18.12.2022 16:51

Im 4 years late to this video, im a new DnD player. My first character is a Paladin. He doesn't stand out in particular or anything. His backstory is incredibly humble. Grew up in a good home with both parents. One parent was an adventurer so he grew up hearing stories about their adventures. His whole reason for adventuring and oath is to because of his desire to protect the ones he loves and keep the good in the world alive. Even though im a first timer I'm told by my party that there's a lot of flexibility in how I've been playing with them and I kinda just chalk it up to my oath.

Bubbles - 13.12.2022 10:21

Lay on hands, let me bleed into your wounds because my blood heals, sometimes.

Hefty Impala
Hefty Impala - 12.12.2022 16:44

Had a Campaign where we each had two Characters, I had a Paladin and a rogue, Ended up having to behead the rogue with the Paladin due to the Rogues Actions.
