How to add any library in Proteus 8 | 2024

How to add any library in Proteus 8 | 2024

Makers Group

2 года назад

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Semih Yılmaz
Semih Yılmaz - 17.09.2023 11:35

ProgramData was a hidden file on my C disk thanks.

Younes Bmk
Younes Bmk - 20.08.2023 14:34

I downloaded Max 30100 and MLX 90615 and I used the two methods but I can't find the components

jose guevara
jose guevara - 18.03.2023 05:42

me ayudo burda el video, ahora proteus guarda las cosas en la carpeta Program Data, ahi es donde debes agregar las librerias
