Why Did America Fight the Vietnam War? | 5 Minute Video

Why Did America Fight the Vietnam War? | 5 Minute Video


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@paulosaturnino611 - 08.02.2024 23:38

Blah Blah

@wazzuptrey - 08.02.2024 21:21

There are so many major points left out to fit an obvious narrative here

@RomanJan-ng6xe - 03.02.2024 15:01

Propagandist shit. 3 mln Vietnamese people died from US bombings, not from the communism. People, be critical, don't take such crap at face value.

@dqanh89 - 02.02.2024 03:04

The main reason is US weapon manufacturers need a place which could consume their weapons. Communism or United Vietnam are imagine reasons for their war. They dont care about that. They are easy to deal with China to abandon South Vietnam and Taiwan for moving Irsarel.

@davefrompa5334 - 26.01.2024 08:28

So, what's the lesson? If you want to give a country arms, money, or medical supplies to defend their freedom, that's fine. But America shouldn't be fighting other people's wars for them.

@benscratchin8014 - 24.01.2024 04:06

Fast forward 50 years past the Vietnam War. American politicians are still making the same mistakes.

@dreamerObrian - 19.01.2024 10:10

Yeah, Go F yourself. America needs to stop policing the world. You don't know our customs. You don't know our ideologies. What gives you the right to choose what we should believe in and in what way we should live our lives. All Americans have done is kill, betray, and colonize since it's inception.

@donsena2013 - 16.01.2024 11:00

General Giap of North Vietnam was on Swiss TV after the war, amiably chatting how he deceived the whole American press over the so-called Viet Cong and its "National Liberation Front," which had actually been a North Vietnamese front all along. The only South Vietnamese were some kidnapped conscripts from villages that Cong raided.
The flood of Vietnamese boat people as well as the very numerous Vietnamese who tried to climb aboard our evacuation vehicles were testimony enough that they much preferred their fledgling parliamentary system to the regime of the communist North
The real fault of our military presence there was that our civilian leadership forbade our forces from actually winning the war, as we were always easily capable of doing

@Tjn1954 - 14.01.2024 03:31

War what is it good for? Absolutely nothing...say it again.

@MercuryTheVexilliologyNerd - 13.01.2024 03:38

the US in Vietnam was never justified, nor was the US in or pulling strings to coup governments within; Iraq, Nicaragua, Cuba, Honduras, Guatemala, Grenada, Philippines, China, Laos, Cambodia, etc etc etc.

@mrahman2897 - 04.01.2024 21:08

Don’t be fooled guys this Channel is run by right wing conservative and Zionist Dennis Prager. This is not an impartial account.

@prostyler808 - 31.12.2023 21:48

Nobody has to look at documentaries to find real reason.
Look at the history of french Indo China. Its that easy.

@francescakray233 - 27.12.2023 03:13

Wednesday 27th December 2023.
"Dear Sir/Madam. Good-morning. How are you? I trust you are well."
"The Vietnam War ... Is IT a war or slaughter? Look, at what's happening in Gaza .. ☹️ These people. Nah no sense. Pick ON SOMEONE your own SIZE. Don't BE A COWARD. Rest In Peace. All those who perished in Vietnam. So sad. What goes around, comes around."
Yours Respectfully.
Sir Francesca Kray. 🌹

@zaferozveren1244 - 23.12.2023 10:55

Gulf of Tonkin, Reichstag fire, Pearl Harbour.

@mangosaurusrex3416 - 21.12.2023 06:20

This guy thinks Vietnam started the Vietnam war 🤣

@Jasondirt - 19.12.2023 09:48

This is incredibly factually wrong. It is flat out lying. It is weird to see America propaganda machine in action. Crazy this is considered educational by some people in this country. Thank God we have conservatives with more brains then what this guy is saying

@samuelbartek6829 - 19.12.2023 00:42

Today the Vietnam to nothing than the capitalist that it one reviled. Its almost as it thought for something else.

@sabssabs - 15.12.2023 23:17

How else would the American tax dollars get laundered to the elites bank accounts. I wonder how much arms companies made in profit

@dorjeedamdul5589 - 14.12.2023 16:55

coward Americans consider themselve heroes but they are not hero nor warrior

@simoncaron6424 - 09.12.2023 20:55

The problem with the Vietnam war was the sunk cost fallacy.

@somozasi - 05.12.2023 09:00

The US won the war, but the democrats made the communist win by their choice.

@hairymen462 - 04.12.2023 07:38

ironically enough, it was the communist government of Vietnam that stopped the Khmer Rouge, US did nothing when Pol Pot came into power, and South Vietnam was already eradicated by 1975 when the genocide was starting to take place, stop this BS

@andrecarvalho6326 - 01.12.2023 08:08

That story is very inaccurate ! The Vietnam communists killed Cambodja population but USA didn’t?! And the thousands of bombs dropped by USA in Camboja?!
Ridiculous political video

@Hhifix - 24.11.2023 00:26

Holy crap there is a lot of leftists in the comment section

@acbikeatgmaildotcom - 20.11.2023 15:04

I suspected this.

@matthewroth1 - 15.11.2023 21:15

I highly recommend reading or listening to the book The Vietnam War, the book that was released a year or so after Ken Burns' documentary in which he and the people who worked on it went into more detail and covered more things they didn't include or indulge upon in their documentary. It was not as simple as communist Vietnam vs. democratic Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh was a much more sympathetic person when you learn about the whole context, and our involvement was in large part, unnecessary and harmful that carried over from French occupation and the Indochina War (1949-1954).

@spirituallyconscious7774 - 04.11.2023 20:56

One word… DRUGS!!!

@richhornie7000 - 02.11.2023 08:54

Propaganda University

@robertortiz-wilson1588 - 31.10.2023 06:41

All the information here is correct. An actual in-depth lecture to cover all information would be better for informing people however.

@josephzizza5508 - 30.10.2023 04:19

Why didn't JFK just listen to General MacArthur, who advised Kennedy to not get involved in a land war in Asia, because MacArthur believed the U S could never win a land war in Asia. MacArthur also told Kennedy that the Domino Theory didn't make sense in the nuclear age. The U S could have and should have avoided the Viet Nam war and saved 58000 American lives. The U S didn't listen to MacArthur because they wanted to fight the war, because war is big business.

@meagain2222 - 19.10.2023 07:09

No one every wins a war.They all simply just generate sadness.

@caseymccollum173 - 18.10.2023 21:04

This is a wildly inaccurate explanation of the Vietnam War

@rickyb9011 - 05.10.2023 18:46

Most biased explanation of the war I've heard so far... Every American should see the war museum in ho chi Minh for a dose of reality 😑

@SebastianTuscano - 28.09.2023 17:20

Vietnams kinda embarrassing, we massacred millions of civilians, also south Corea at that point was not “free” it was a fascist regime

@user-sr1jj4ys6h - 27.09.2023 03:16

They won there independence from capitalism and still hate communist china America was wrong again like Iraq and afgahastain

@waltertheartist2746 - 25.09.2023 16:06

The vietnamese defeated the kymer rouge by the way, and were pro american until the anglo-saxons chose to wage genocide.

@waltertheartist2746 - 25.09.2023 16:03

I guess the "U" stands for untruthful

@BinhLe-bz2eu - 25.09.2023 06:13

The Day when US Democrats President LB Johnson announce US military action to Vietnam over the Gulf of Tonkins Incidents and sent hundreds of thousands of US troops to South Vietnam. The North Vietnam armies grain mass support and their armies grew from 60,000 troops to over 1,000,000 troops. America is the cause for Fall of South Vietnam to Communist North Vietnam.

@BinhLe-bz2eu - 24.09.2023 13:58

Vietnam War is the 1st War in America where Blacks and Whites fight along side by side as one unit. Because of that reason why racist and discrimination between Whites and Blacks slowly dying out in America. The sons of those Vietnam Vet did not follow their racist parents, grandparents, and great grandparents that for years have been hating and discriminationg one another in America. Millions of Vietnamese in Vietnam pay a heavy price for that War. Just to fix America racial internal problems.

@frambuskenn - 22.09.2023 17:42

Lol americans are a big joke. Came to other country, fight a war in the name of 'freedom'. Lost that war, fled back like a scared puppy. Then cook up a story that serves in their favor to the rest of the world. What a bunch of sore losers

@joeharris3878 - 20.09.2023 08:33

Johnson didnt get the advice Kennedy got.c Early
Kennedy met General Douglas McArthur where he was staying in a NYC hotel.
He told the president anyone who would want to commit US armies
to a war on the Asian mainland should have his head examined.
( that's the source of the line in "The Princess Bride" )

@BinhLe-bz2eu - 16.09.2023 20:24

The ugly truth about the Vietnam War that was never told to American peoples. Do you know what happen to all vietnamese villeragers who were suspect as Vietcong or Vietcong that caught during US military soldiera during their "Search and Destroy" mission?
They were taken to the Intellengent in South Vietnam. Which was run by US Intel personnel. The Vietcong or suspect Vietcong would be blind fold and tie up and taken to a US helicopter and fly up high in the sky of Vietnam. The US intel would try to abstract information from the Vietcong or suspect Vietcong by threaten them to throw them out from the helicopter to their death if they refuse to tell them what they want to know. Many Vietcong and suspect Vietcong was thrown out of the US helicopter to their death. Violating the article of Warfare under the Geneva Convention. Why there "No Prison Camp" in South Vietnam after the Vietnam War. United States commit so many War Crime during the Vietnam War that the US military in Vietnam became like the Japanese army of WWII. Many was never told to American peoples in America peoples and a lot cover up and lies about the War was fed to American peoples in America.. If the truth hurts and bother you. Let the Vietnam be forgoten. Its War that tarnish America as Democracy

@BinhLe-bz2eu - 16.09.2023 20:05

The Truth about the Vietnam War

Did you know?
Ho Chi Minh learn about Communist during his early years in France.

Did you know?
France sent their French Warships to Vietnam on Nov. 23, 1946 and bombardment on the city of Haiphong, Vietnam killing 6,000 Vietnamese civilians in the city and anger entire country.

Did you know?
US Democrats President, Truman reject Ho Chi Minh letter of Independence from France. This cause Ho Chi Minh asking the Soviet Union for support. This is how Vietnam became a Communist country today.

Did you know?
The whole entire South Vietnamese army was under the control by the United States before the Vietnam War started. Because it was created by US MAAG sent by US Democrats President Truman to assist the French military during the French Indochina War.

Did You know?
Vietnam Emperor, Bao Dai Nguyen was a puppet to France. The emperor who sold his peoples and country to France. This why France sent their French warship to Vietnam in 1946. The emperor, Bao Dai Nguyen was a descended of one the 3 great noble house of Vietnam. The House of Le's, House of Nguyen, and the House of Trinh. The House of Nguyen who once serve the House of Le's for many generation.

Did you know?
South Vietnamese President, Ngô Đình Diệm was appointed by the emperor Bảo Đại as President of South Vietnam when France lose their rule over Vietnam in 1954.

Did you know?
That the North Communist Vietnamese leaders knew that they will had fight against United States over South Vietnam during the French Indochina War. When US Democrats Truman offer support to the French in Vietnam in 1950. Why the Communist North Vietnamese started digging hundreds of miles tunnels from North Vietnam all the way to Saigon, South Vietnam. They too wanted the Vietnam War and believe Vietnam should not be divided. They were sending thousands of their Vietnamese Combatant troops to disguise as villagers to sneak through the 17th parallel DMZ check point just to disrupt the South Vietnam and recruit Vietcong in the South. South President Ngô Đình Diệm knew about it and had them being place in jail before Interrogate and release in the South. The only one who didn't knew and understand the situtation was American. The Communist North also use and force Buddhist monks to disrupt South Vietnam because they knew this would bring chaos to South Vietnam and to South Vietnamese President, Ngô Đình Diệm. Because they knew Ngô Đình Diệm was Catholic and still have many Vietnamese Catholic who support him from both North and South Vietnam. Why many Vietnamese peoples both North and South didn't support going to War against one another over the idea of Communist and Democratc in Vietnam. The only one who was ignorance of the situtation was US Democrats President JF Kennedy and his Vice President LB Johnson and the American peoples. They didn't understand that Communist North Vietnam want Ngô Đình Diệm to be removed so they can disrupted the South to join in their cause. The two majority religion in Vietnam is Catholic and Buddhism and all didn't want to go to War against one another over Communism and Democracy. They just wanted to be free and independent. Unitl United States under Democrat President LB Johnson started the Vietnam War over the Gulf of Tonkins in 1964. Where a US Destroyer patroling past the 17th parallel into North Vietnam near the capital, Hanoi.

Did you know?
US Democrats President, JF Kennedy and LB Johnson appointed an ex- Vietminh soldiers, Nguyễn Văn Thiệu as President of South Vietnam after the assassination military coup of Ngô Đình Diệm on Nov. 2, 1963.

Did you know?
South Vietnamese President Văn Thiệu Nguyễn cause 500,000 South Vietnamese troops killed or capture by the North Vietnamese army and their communist Laos allies The Pathet Lao and communist Khmer Rouge of Cambodia with his bad decision. And do you know who told him to do so. America, Because the US government fear more American troops would be killed in Laos and Cambodia.

Did you know?
Several US Democrats in congress were segregationist and America had a racial problem between white and Blacks. The Civil Right has already began in 1955-1968. And many Democrats in Congress had their eyes on Vietnam with all the chaos between Communist Vietnam and Democratic South Vietnam. Why they had South Vietnamese President, Ngô Đình Diệm killed and remove from office and appointed their puppet ex-Vietminh soldier, Văn Thiệu Nguyễn as South Vietnam President. So Democrats President, LB Johnston start Vietnam War over the Gulf of Tonkin incident that didn't really happen. Why 40% of Blacks, convicts, high school drop out, trouble teen male, and non college male American men was sent to fight in Vietnam War. Why "Vietnam War was never officially declare". Why only 500,000 US ground force was only sent to Vietnam. America had "No Intension" of winning the Vietnam War from the very beginning. Fear it would be like the Korean War with China sending hundreds of thousands Chinese troops against American troops like the Korean War. And the threat of a Nuclear War with the Soviet Union.

Do you know?
After US ground troops began pull out of South Vietnam in 1969 by US Republican President, Nixon. The South Vietnam army began to take back many lost territory in the South Vietnam from the Communist North Vietnam. Republican President, Nixon order non stop B52 bomber to bomb Hanoi and Haiphong North Vietnam. And President Nixon promise continue US military aids to South Vietnam to defend themselve from the aggression of Communist North Vietnam. A War that started by US Democrats President LB Johnson, JF Kennedy, and Democrats party.

Did you know?
The Democrats party landslide victory in the Senate and House of 1974. Cut all US promise military aids to Democratic South Vietnam and this lead the Fall of Saigon, Vietnam on April 30, 1975. Thus began a flow of Vietnamese refugee and boat peoples to America and across Asia and Europe.

Did you know?
3,000,000 innocent Vietnamese civilians of women, childrens, and old peoples had to die in their own country. And tens of thousands Vietnamese died at sea by thirst, hunger, sickness, Thai pirates, and chinese warship. And many Vietnamese childrens in Vietnam still suffer by US biological chemical, Agent Orange which US spray all over jungle and rivers of South Vietnam.

Vietnam War is the worse US War Crime America did to a country that didn't do any wrong doing to American peoples. Many was never reported and was cover up by US General William Childs Westmoreland. Some attrocites was leaked by other US Vietnam Vet who fought during the War and saw what happen during their Search and Destroyed mission. And they told their story that was never reported to American peoples in the 1986 Platoon, Casualties of War also know as Hill 192. The gang rape and murder by 4 US airborn military person. The Helicopter gunner who radomly open fire and call out "Get Some" on South Vietnamese civilian on a US helicopter during his fly by in Full Metal Jacket. Many of those US War crime was "Never Reported" to the American peoples until now. Bring back the Vietnam War will tarnish America as a country as a nation of Freedom. Let the War Rest in peace and forgotten.

@irelandaintreal2945 - 16.09.2023 19:43

US propaganda is very strange. A lot of the content of this video is simply not true.

@lamnguyen-uj6lh - 12.09.2023 23:58

Young American and Vietnamese died for no reasons, because of lifers thought with his superior fire powers he is gonna win but nooo .
Vietnamese ppls don’t care about communists or socialist all we want is to be free/independence after 2000 years thru many enemies

@kkronic6709 - 09.09.2023 01:33

Yeah this is all bs

@stanleyaguirre9284 - 04.09.2023 18:48

He said gulag😂😂. Send those zipper heads to the gulag

@samslick9000 - 04.09.2023 01:38

Hansen sounds timorous
