Natron Tutorial  |  How to Render / Export / Write

Natron Tutorial | How to Render / Export / Write

Harry Chrisp

3 года назад

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Gabby_Gamer! - 27.03.2023 20:46

Hi mate. Thanks for tutorial it helps. I found out that exporting in tiff`s is closest and least problematic for my projects using 2.5. must say im total beginer in natron and compositing so i cant be sure why, but after tried lots of other format vid or images tiff wins dont know why just does. Anyway great help

streamsandgalaxies - 26.03.2023 09:50

Hi, great tuts, BTW! I am still getting familiar with VFX & haven't gotten too far since I spent alot of time trying to just get community Nuke to install with my (Ubuntu) OS but ran into too much trouble so I'm back trying out Natron . Have you used Natron 2.5? Just wondering if the issues mentioned have been resolved or will I still encounter them? Also since I have Tiff sequences with image.list can I save to Tiff 16bit instead? Finally, if I setup my folder path and ## correctly, when I re-render specific images that failed, Natron will just insert them automatically into the sequence folder? Thanks in advance!

KILL NJ - 30.12.2022 19:58

For some reason I couldn't export it

overlordspam - 08.11.2022 13:57

Hi, nice tutorial! I see you render multiple exr images and then read them all as a single file. Is there a quick way of combining them inside or outside of Natron that I'm missing? None of my mp4 renders have a high enough quality.

Marek Novotný
Marek Novotný - 07.11.2021 21:19

hello i have a problem i have exr wich in davnic has alpha and in natron maybe.. but after export from natron there is no alpha even with exr export.. where would i look for solution ?
Edit: I solved I found aplha channel and finde its definiton and mask it there. A.color btw it wos in my file.

Richard Jensen
Richard Jensen - 27.10.2021 06:50

So, my first take-away is that you prefer .exr, which almost nothing (but Adobe -- expensive) supports. You entire "tutorial" is a lopsided presentation of a single approach that nobody like me will EVER use. You've got few views, and perhaps part of the problem is that almost nobody cares about the approach you use here. I was looking for something about how to produce an output file in a container/codec combo that most applications will actually handle. This video is not that, so perhaps change your title to "How to Render an EXR image-sequence in Natron."

My second take-away is that Natron is indeed super-buggy! That's been my personal experience, which coheres with what I've read, which is why I'm searching for how to deal with Natron bugs (in this case, rendering bugs). After hours of thrashing my way through a pretty simple composite (continual crashes of the latest version of Natron doing the simplest things), I finally decided to try to render the result. I can't find a single container/codec combination that is both lossless and will play on or be imported by anything (VLC, WMP, PowerDirector, DaVinci Resolve, etc.).

I'm NOT going to embrace the .exr approach and pay Adobe. Thus, the big upside to your video is to validate my assessment that Natron is just not ready for serious work by people who value their time. Good-bye Natron. I'll try Blender and DaVinci Fusion next. Nuke is just crazy expensive if you're not a pro.

Thanks for the validation, but in itself this video is more of a bug-report than a tutorial. Perhaps post a link to it on Github and see if the devs care to deal with any of it. What I've seen thus far on Github is that the devs take a "Well, it's free, so don't have too high of expectations" attitude. That doesn't bode well, and the fact that such pervasive rendering (and other) bugs still remain in such a "mature" application also doesn't bode well. Time to move on.

tacha - 02.07.2021 23:46

Hey Harry, thanks for the tutorial! Seeing this I wonder, what would be the benefit of using Natron instead of Davinci Resolve? It's like a massive loss of time and effort to deal with the bugs. Just to get used to Nuke? Anyway, I like this puts Natron in the scene, I hope they find people to keep developing it.

DaRunningMan - 15.05.2021 21:21

So I guess that's a no?

Nikhil Mosamkar
Nikhil Mosamkar - 06.05.2021 10:15


DaRunningMan - 29.04.2021 18:02

Hi, Harry! A new version of Natron, version 2.4 was just released earlier this week. You think can make a video reviewing the new version?
Thanks for making videos on Natron!

APES TOGETHER STRONG - 05.03.2021 22:37

Why don't you report these issues to their page on github?
