ASH: RAID Shadow Legends

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arithmetech - 20.08.2023 05:41

I really enjoy the mechanics of this game. Plarium's customer support left a horrible impression on me my first week playing, but the gameplay kept me interested anyway. But -- this might be among the most money grubbing games I've ever seen. Literally everything's controlled to make sure you have juuuuust slightly too little time, or juuuuust slightly too little energy. But don't worry, you can buy $49.00 worth of "packs" to get all straightened out. And the popups every single time you return to your bastion are really unnecessary. Would love a game just like RAID, but with a little more focus on community and content. The money will come. Happy gamers will see to that. Anyway </rant> Big fan of your channel! I've learned a ton from your videos and the positive vibes are clutch as well. Thanks!

Slasher9763 - 26.07.2023 07:07

When he said his thumbnail artisit got lady kimi on his first pull I was like Oh Shoot I got that too!

Golden Eagle
Golden Eagle - 26.07.2023 00:34

Can you get off the high horse long enough to explain "mercy"?

Burn2003 - 24.07.2023 20:52

Can u get it on new acc

BhBraaq - 24.07.2023 20:18

I spent $100 on the 400 shards. I would feel bad about that but I spent money on void shards and epic shards and get trash. I got three legendary‘s and all the top Epics that this event offered. It was worth it in my opinion because you knew your chances of getting something solid was much greater than usual.

Dustin Wenzel
Dustin Wenzel - 23.07.2023 18:29

i got lucky enough to pull 4 vagabonds in a row. this doesn't feel like something that i will continue to intentionally play for untill there is some kind of mercy or different set up for it

James Kain
James Kain - 23.07.2023 08:17

Yet another thing in this game that is only useful for those who spend money. There needs to be something in this game that will allow those of us who don't have money to throw away on a game.

Zed Wagner
Zed Wagner - 23.07.2023 02:58

a double geomancer pull. Wow. Still need havent pulled one yet. I bought a ten pull pack, got Kyoku, which is a beast of a shadowkin.

Paapus - 22.07.2023 19:07

Allthough i think it could have been great, it was really frustrating got 2x Vagabond a Rare and pulled for fun with my referalls i am doing at the moment and got 2 legendaries and an epic.... shouldnt have done that 😢

gravityman55 - 22.07.2023 03:25

Kyoku on first shard

sea wolf
sea wolf - 21.07.2023 18:11

would be cool if it axtually works.... does nothing but lock up my game🤬 so i have to restart the game for no reason😠😠😠😠

Hakijutsu - 21.07.2023 18:04

I got a legendary on my pull so I'll have to say I'm for it😅😂

ChickenMonkeyTV - 21.07.2023 15:56

Of course there's no mercy's a limited-time "champion pool". They are trying to copy other games now with more "prism" for "one" pull. This entire concept is really similar to Tsum tsum (if anyone ever remembers playing that).

Jeff Graham
Jeff Graham - 21.07.2023 14:51

I pulled cordian the blue!

CK - 21.07.2023 12:47

Whoa... when did Ash get a girlfriend? And why wasn't it me 😅

Gabriel - 21.07.2023 04:20

I got a Vagabond.

Glitchy Data
Glitchy Data - 21.07.2023 03:53

Plarium can eat my hairy butt. 5 shards all blue. This has been the straw that broke the camels back. I'm done. I really hope people stop spending to actually make plarium squirm. They need a real check in who there screwing

Paulo Bruno
Paulo Bruno - 20.07.2023 21:45

I got lucky and pulled Hurndig in my free 20 shards.

Joao Silva
Joao Silva - 20.07.2023 20:59

Ash who do you think is the best champions to pull on this event ?

Joao Silva
Joao Silva - 20.07.2023 20:45

Done 15 of this and got 2 legendary and 6 epics the rest all rare

Zavier De'Sine
Zavier De'Sine - 20.07.2023 18:46

I will cop to having bought some. If you have a well fleshed out account the value probably isn't there. But if your account needs better champions, using these to pull from their curated pool the value is better than any other shards. Out of 10 pulls I got 8 good epics, a legendary, and only 1 blue.

Chad R
Chad R - 20.07.2023 16:56

its just more whale stuff. nothing for the avg daily player. plarium fail again.

sav buzzy
sav buzzy - 20.07.2023 16:19

Does the clicking on the shard freeze anyones pc? mine has been doing it for last couple of days.

{m} - 20.07.2023 16:02

That's just nothing I also got 5 epic but not good one's all food so this shard is better haha

KINGBILLY616 - 20.07.2023 12:36

More whale content this game gets harder to play every day without spending money.

Spankie - 20.07.2023 09:35

prism = one more p2w event .... yay ...the greed of plarium is .... out of this world .... when will they come with a f2p event ? 2033 ?

Owen Davies
Owen Davies - 20.07.2023 07:59

I picked up Burangiri with my "free" 20 shards. I did the Spider tournament, picked up another 20 shards, and got Michinaki! So far, so good. I agree an awaken would be cool if there were awakenings - rares three star awakened, epic two star awakened, and legendary one star awakened - that would make it much better value :)

EnigmaOriginal - 20.07.2023 07:25

Love how they made it sound like they were giving vet players 30 free shards. When i first heard i was excited then i remembered "its Plarium." No mercy, no voids, 5$ a pop. The greed is real.

Texas Wheels
Texas Wheels - 20.07.2023 07:09

I pulled Greendwarden with my one free pull

Time Out For Fun
Time Out For Fun - 20.07.2023 05:48

I'm torn on these. While I like the idea of a shard that has better odds attached to it, I don't like the idea of them replacing the Ancient Shards in tourneys and events. That's how a stockpile of them are built for Fusions and Frag Events.

primal_inc - 20.07.2023 03:30

PRISM SHARDS is a 1 week event so no mercy.

plaguebane03 - 20.07.2023 03:11

I spent mine shortly after getting them (the free ones) figured what the heck why not........ended up getting Geomancer at end game (lvl 100) no complaints here. no plan to buy any.

Glass Ghost
Glass Ghost - 20.07.2023 02:24

I got Fenshi on my first prism.. got into more sense and nothing but crappy rares that I already have

Edith Rowan
Edith Rowan - 20.07.2023 01:48

Ya but they only give you the same thing as with the old shards. Bogess.

1ts_Nxthan1el - 19.07.2023 21:49

I summoned 3 of these things and got Avir the Alchemage 3 times in a row 😭😭😭

Jacob Smith
Jacob Smith - 19.07.2023 21:32

I got grizzled jarl with my free pull

Dajan Si'Neoni
Dajan Si'Neoni - 19.07.2023 21:31

It is not much better than ancient shards.
With the price for one prism pull, you can get about 5 ancient shards.
You can store the ancient shards.
The probabilities to get something from those ancient shards is: 34% of getting an epic...2,5% to get a it is not that much worse than 1 single prism pull.
If you wait for a x2 event, the probs for ancients chance to : 58 % to get an epic, 5% to get a leggo...
Plus..with 5 anceints, you can also get 2-3 epics or an epic and leggo...cannot do this with a prism pull

Tony Lowe
Tony Lowe - 19.07.2023 21:25

I got king Gallcobar

pfeezy - 19.07.2023 21:24

More horrible content added with no ACTUAL FIXES FOR CURRENT ISSUES! 😂. Same ol same. They operate like a gobernment bro. They take and take and take from you but give you just enough to complain about and be content with?? Yet we will never get anything good. It'll always be a division between f2p and p2w. Yep, government tactics to me. If it's was affordable, made sense, more enjoyable, etc. Most people would probably spend more and enjoy it more. But it'll never happen when content creators showcase the game and make it so awesome to play but once you get into the game you can't even find a clan 😂. If it wasn't for content creators, Raid would not have gotten me or my 2 friends who don't play anymore.

Vancha - 19.07.2023 21:07

I opened 1 and got brogni, I am a happy boy

maximumgravity - 19.07.2023 20:06

I think the concept of it is great. The idea that it is NOT geared towards the whales and focusing on Plarium's pocket book is a good thing for newer and frustrated players that missed on many of these champs.
On the bad side - who sells 15 prisms for a 20 minimum pull???
No matter how you slice it - that is just stupid. Somehow, I have 50 of these, and not sure how I got 30 after the freebie. Must have been from the card turning event. What to do with partial prisms at the end?
That sort of smacks of the focus back in the wallet

Stephen Bonaduce
Stephen Bonaduce - 19.07.2023 19:03

When you think about Raid, the metaphor that should come to mind is that of a slot machine.

This new Prism Shard mechanic narrows the pool of available champions, yes; and it greatly increases the odds of getting an Epic Champion. This might lead one to believe that, when you pull that lever, the chances that the drums will come up all cherries (i.e., you get the Champion you want), are greatly increased. So if you see a Champion in the pool that you really want, you think, "Why not YOLO?"

But consider: the odds of getting a Legendary Champion are actually LOWER with Prism Shards than they are through Legendary Shards. And while there are a few ways to grind Ancient, Void, and Legendary Shards in the game, so far, the only way to avoid paying for Prism Shards is to WIN an event--and even then, the amount of Shards you get is pretty miserly for the investment in time and resources. Let's face it, Ash: Plarium wants you to BUY Prism Shards.

You bought $50 worth of Prism Shards and that netted you 10 Champions: a few Epics you already have and a bunch of worthless Rare Champions. In your gaming budget, that $50 may be insignificant, and the fact that you basically just threw it in the street (or, to continue with my slot-machine imagery, you poured 200 quarters into the machine and the drums came up three different fruits EVERY SINGLE TIME) doesn't phase you. Which is fine: everybody's circumstances are different. 

But I suggest that you also at least acknowledge the low- or no-spending players in this game, for whom $50 with nothing to show for it is a complete waste of time and money. I can't think of any circumstances in which I would take a $50 bill, light it on fire, and then shrug afterwards: "That wasn't so bad!"

The Prism Shards are a pure, brazen, unmitigated money grab by Plarium. To me, any evaluation of the Prism dynamic in the game has to start with that premise. I'm not telling people not to go ahead and pull the lever, but they absolutely need to recognize that's what their doing. And the odds are NEVER in their favor.

Citizen-Z - 19.07.2023 18:04

I think it’s a pretty good thing, with all do respect Skratch was being a big drama queen 😂

Von Faulks
Von Faulks - 19.07.2023 17:42


Charles Collins
Charles Collins - 19.07.2023 17:38

There are 400 Champions in Raid. Of all those, only 11 are good. So why have uncommon and Rare if they are useless ingame? I don't get it.

Charles Collins
Charles Collins - 19.07.2023 17:12

Ash does a lot of good for the game. However, I been playing for almost 1 1/2 years now and not one Promo code works. They just posted July 2023 promo codes to get free stuff and it is all either IOS or apple only. Anything ever done for a laptop?

Simon Blood DeVay
Simon Blood DeVay - 19.07.2023 17:04

For a long time now, the last thing RSL needs is more stuff, even Champs. Review the Market, give 5 & 10 x spd multipliers for CB or the promised free pass. Review Token Trader, Empowerment, revisit fusing older/missed/incomplete Fusions. Increase energy cap as so much more stuff to do, etc., etc., etc. QoL, we're time-poor. NOT MORE STUFF!

Simon Blood DeVay
Simon Blood DeVay - 19.07.2023 17:00

Yet another thing to sell us. Stupid pack sales,. You get 30, pull-one, left with 10 so they sell me a pack with 5 in it! Still can't pull, here's the kicker, the mini-pack selling me 5 is capped at 1-purchase! So, even if I want to buy enough to pull, I can't!
Like a sucker I bought some on both Accounts, and - I kid you not! - all of them... ALL, gave me Bloodmasks! An utterly useless Champ I'm already supplied with. Expensive, borderline robbery... wait, maybe that should actually be what we call the game now. Welcome to EBR.

Silver Rain
Silver Rain - 19.07.2023 16:24

My first and only pull was Criodan the Blue which is a cool champ so Im okay with this new shards. Also agree on one star soulstone

W J - 19.07.2023 15:41

If we can get enough free each time for a pull then this is good. If not then not great.
