Dead or Alive 3 Still Holds Up Today

Dead or Alive 3 Still Holds Up Today


1 год назад

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Maryam Khairi
Maryam Khairi - 19.09.2023 20:33

Everyone out here stanning the female characters while Iam here proud as a girl maining Ryu haha

Maryam Khairi
Maryam Khairi - 19.09.2023 20:28

Itagaki pushed the developments for this game so hard cuz he knew it was gonna be on the Xbox!🤣🤣 Dude was smitten with the Xbox on the first day

Aries Sinslayer
Aries Sinslayer - 18.09.2023 01:44

I was looking through my large Xbox digital collection and came across this and I thought: “Oh yeah I got this for free through Games with Gold years ago!” 😅

Abdel Ali
Abdel Ali - 11.09.2023 08:53

Gotta respect someone who appreciates the gilded goddess that is Helena, the only french person that matters.
Also iirc there is a story from the "trust me bro" source, that Itagaki also went to MS to give the exclusivity to his new games, because someone at Sony yoinked an early version of DOA 2 Hardcore and that is the reason why the game can look somewhat unpolished because Sony didn't let it stay in the oven a little longer and Itagaki felt they compromised his artistic vision or something, so he went to the Americans to spite Sony, and some of those Bills from Gates must have come in handy during development.

Freebooter and Cub
Freebooter and Cub - 10.09.2023 06:16

This was the biggest jump in graphics that I noticed since I started gaming on the 2600. I was a huge fan of DOA2 but I didn't yet have an Xbox. Then I saw DOA3 playing in a Walmart and it was so good looking that I decided right there to buy the console. I believe the graphical upgrade to the backgrounds was just as important as the characters. Team Ninja was an absolute force back then.

Akame's Despair
Akame's Despair - 09.09.2023 19:40

I remember the video long ago you did a great job❤

largesmallworld - 21.08.2023 12:39

DOA3 may be complatable with modern day gaming systems but it isn't compatible with modern day gaming journalists.

don'tbothertoreply - 19.08.2023 18:49

DOA has the best throws and counters in fighting games, fast, type of a mind game, the impacts feel awesome, the story is great and the characters look amazing, I do not know why people have to apologize for the game having sex appeal, they look great, are beautiful and allow them to have Venus and other products that sell, there is no need to separate game and looks, that's part of the game, and the completion of Ayane's story is amazing redeemed and taken as the main character.

Charles Manning
Charles Manning - 11.08.2023 17:47

THANK YOU, i grew up with this game and im still wishing for a rerelease for Playstation, i love the other games but 3 is my personal favorite

calibur - 07.08.2023 23:35

panzer dragoon is something everyone thinks of as a sega saturn/dreamcast exclusive in my mind, same with jsr

widas - 07.08.2023 09:53

Great video

Stormcutter 59
Stormcutter 59 - 22.06.2023 05:25

If only this game were available on Playstation 5 as a download, I'd certainly be willing enough to try it out. The combat actually looks super fun and honestly I'm just a big fighting game fan to begin with so hearing about a good fighting game immediately makes me want to check it out regardless.

Anthony Sullivan
Anthony Sullivan - 13.06.2023 08:38

I agree this game looks amazing and even better on series x, i actually have well over 800 games and get overwhelmed at what to play so i came up with an idea, i wrote down all my original xbox games and googled there release dates and wrote in order of release, once i do them all in order i will do the same with my 360 library followed by xbox one then xbox enhanced games. I started it this weekend with my first 3 games that all released the same day november 11 2001, the 3 games are ea sports nbalive 2002 which i admit many glitches and not very pretty on the eyes, the other was this dead or alive 3 which i unlocked all ending movies in just under 2 hours and finally oddworld munch's oddysee. Once all are done i will be onto Max Payne. Just wanted to try some nostalgia so as i get more in my list i can appreciate the better graphics as i go along.

Shui - 07.06.2023 18:45

Damn making me sad when you mentioned it was 21 years ago... I remember loving DOA3 when it released and the DOA Ultimate collection for the Xbox. Spent countless hours grinding to unlock costumes and everything.

Julian - 06.06.2023 17:05

As a baby 🚬 🐐 theses series had me v confused especially the iconic extreme beach volleyball

Black Mage
Black Mage - 21.05.2023 22:41

Yeah, it's a shame DOA gets a bad wrap due to the spin-offs. I actually like most of the main installments, and not for the bewbs, but because I think they're fun games.
DOA3 was my gateway into the series, and it immediately became one of my top fighter franchises. I've always hated the complex inputs and special-spamming of other fighting games, like Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter. Like, why bother punching and kicking when you can hurl fireballs across the screen all day? DOA sets a very high bar in accessibility with its minimalist inputs, partially shared move-sets across all characters, and zero ranged specials to abuse. It's very easy to learn, and is made even easier with the intuitive tutorial mode. Good game design invites new players, not gate-keeps with a hard learning curve.
I also never liked Tekken or Virtua Fighter because of how incredibly slow they are. Dead or Alive is FAST, and you can sometimes get up in your opponent's face and go to town on combos, when other fighting games forcefully push your opponent's back, making it difficult to actually keep your momentum going. But you still gotta be careful because of the rock-paper-scissors mechanics between strikes, reversals, and grapples. If you punch or kick all the time, your opponent is going to punish you with reversals. That is depth in a fighting game, and makes DOA more than just a simple button-masher.
All that said, I'm still a dude and I'm not ashamed to admit I like tits and ass. The sex appeal is a nice bonus, but I've never paid extra for it, and never will (looking at you DOA5). My point is, games don't have to be edge-lords to be good. But also look at Taki from Soulcalibur, Cammy from SF, and Kitana from MK and try to tell me those games haven't dipped their hand into sex appeal. It's a double standard.

Mountain MGTOW
Mountain MGTOW - 20.05.2023 23:03

Hitomi was great in DOA 3, 4 and Hardcore.. but they really made her look awful in 5. 6 was bad on her too.

Azula2kutt - 19.05.2023 04:04

If only volleyball was backwards compatible 💀

ReigningWyatt28 - 27.04.2023 01:16

2/ 2U and 3 are my favourites! You have no idea how much I was playing the game series back and forth when back in 2015, literally costed my grades to go down lol! Missed them days

NihilisticIdealist - 20.03.2023 18:56

>Tina main

Man of culture.

Chill_Edd115 - 20.03.2023 11:44

I remember having this game a long time ago when I had a Xbox and not really knowing what to do but mash and have fun as a kid. It was great and it was technically my very first fighting game that I played. Now that I am older aka 19 and have played fighting games for quite some time now, I believe it is time for me to revisit a game of my childhood! Great review btw.

Kevin nightmareszzz
Kevin nightmareszzz - 05.03.2023 03:55

I agree with you about Helena 😌 that earned a subscriber

None - 28.02.2023 00:56

This series sparks joy, and deserves justice, booba fighter 4 ever

Shing Shang
Shing Shang - 09.02.2023 16:09

DOA3 definitely stood the test of time.

BriChan - 07.02.2023 10:02

DOA 3 was my least favorite of the series. I just never liked it. I thought it was cheaper than the others and it just doesn’t have the charisma of 2 or 4. Just my opinion.

Postal Dude
Postal Dude - 29.01.2023 11:49

Dead or alive 2 and DOA dimensions just makes so much sense to me and feels fast and fluent DOA3 feels slow and I don't really get the attack system
not sure about the other DOA games haven't played DOA4 since I was like 7 1/2

soul - 25.01.2023 08:48

Kasumi top tier Helena no sorry mate

Lewis Bradley
Lewis Bradley - 21.01.2023 18:18

One of the best fighting games I’ve ever played even to this day. Nothing else comes close.

N O T H I N G - 09.01.2023 10:38

Love this game

SammEater - 07.01.2023 04:41

The artstyle definitelly helped this game age well, the stages look even more impressive than the ones DOA5/6.

Specially that one stage with dynamic snow or the one with the reflective floor.

SammEater - 07.01.2023 04:32

I also like how the XBOX got version of DOA2 with the engine of the third game. It is so different from the Dreamcast and PS2 ports. Shame that a part of the soundtrack was removed. So all those kickass rock songs like the opening theme and the gallery theme are no longer there.

Shrippie -
Shrippie - - 31.12.2022 01:34

I'm a casual gamer in general getting good at games is stupid rather get good/practice literally anything else

oanisd - 18.12.2022 03:36

I want doa3 pc version so badly

Jonny Jetmore
Jonny Jetmore - 15.12.2022 07:40

I'm still in awe that graphics this good were possible in 2001.

Kimsoo - 03.12.2022 18:34

I just ordered Dead or alive 3

Moulin13 - 29.11.2022 16:41

The series could be considered Xbox exclusive until DOA4, since the Microsoft console got the definitive version of DOA1 and DOA2 with the Ultimate Releases, plus it also got 2 DOAX titles, then Ninja Gaiden 1 and 2 used to be exclusive, man I miss those days were exclusives were great on Xbox, btw my favorite character is Helena...

C. Adam A. Maqavoy
C. Adam A. Maqavoy - 14.11.2022 20:07

Halo, Jet set radio future and DOA3 was my favourite games in this era!

Davi_sem_D - 11.11.2022 01:01

Hey Tina is your favorite character too? That's nice

Susie Too
Susie Too - 27.09.2022 17:06

This is actually my first DOA game and then Paradise is my ahem cultured DOA game.

Kaiser Ryu
Kaiser Ryu - 11.09.2022 22:25

There is something odd about the Xbox One/Series X version of the game. If you install the PAL version you get almost all of the costumes right off the bat, even though in that version you need to unlock them all, and not just install the Booster Disk. However you can unlock them normally, so you may end up with duplicate costumes. Kasumi has 7 costumes, because I normally unlocked the 2 extra ones, but upon start up you already have them. It’s just sort of weird, but that is how it works. If your playing the Japanese or PAL version and you get duplicates it’s because you managed to unlock them normally, even though the game starts you with them already unlocked.

NeoGears - 11.09.2022 11:14

I’ve always wished this series get more respect. Yeah it’s cheesecake but it’s not pretentious. It tries to be fun first and foremost and I’ve always loved the flow of this series. It goes back and forth in an instant like a real fight.
