How to Beat the Pantheon of Hallownest with Walkthrough Commentary

How to Beat the Pantheon of Hallownest with Walkthrough Commentary


4 года назад

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ArtemixSpectator - 13.09.2023 16:25

Question, if I save zote in greenpath but I do nothing else with him after. Do I still have to fight GPZ?

Michal3200 - 31.08.2023 04:42

This video helped me a lot and I'm very grateful for it but it's so funny that literally every single pronoun is just fucked

Zac Van Gelder
Zac Van Gelder - 30.08.2023 06:30

I noticed in the video you didn't have the carefree melody charm, but rather you finished the grim child. Would having carefree melody make any difference in the run/would it be something to use in place of some of the strategies you used in the video?

Lochlann duffy
Lochlann duffy - 24.08.2023 14:24

Why do the bosses seem to die faster then the previous pantheons

Joshua Patrick
Joshua Patrick - 23.08.2023 00:21

Funny how he’s laughing about Tiso being a “very difficult boss”…if you only knew…

Zisis Chartampilas
Zisis Chartampilas - 10.08.2023 10:30

The tough bosses are
Sisters of battle
God tamer
Winged nosk
Nailsage sly
And then all the bosses after white defender

Jonah Peck
Jonah Peck - 09.08.2023 23:36

Me watching bro absolutely clobber markoth while I can't even get past him: 😐😡

Zockid - 07.08.2023 17:43

I just got to Absrad and almost beat him forst try but I completely forgot about the final phase and wasn't prepared, damn...

SS2020user - 28.06.2023 11:35

I prefer Sharp Shadow over Longnail just for that extra dash distance.

TSUKO - 20.05.2023 13:57

The most efficient way to get p5 is in my opinion : when you die to a boss in p5, you train it until getting him down in radiant difficulty, then you’re sure you won’t die again against him

Aharon sword of Magnus
Aharon sword of Magnus - 18.05.2023 00:35

Year of break after beating the PoH i can say this... never again... it utterly destroyed the fun i head with this game to the point i forgot what the actual game was about. It really feels like wasted time and artificial difficulty.

Brady Bales
Brady Bales - 03.05.2023 05:55

I’ve been trying P5 for ages, and I’m not even lying I beat it on my 2nd try after watching your video. I don’t know if it was a mental thing for me but either way thank you so much for the incredible vid!

LittleVader - 01.05.2023 15:37

My fist run ate shit to winged nosk but i practiced both sisters of battle and winged nosk on ascended and got to failed champion but messed up the dream nail technique and had to actually fight him and lost

Tldr practice on ascended and try to see how many you can do on radiant

Sarita Rogers
Sarita Rogers - 11.04.2023 06:56

OK now here’s something I can help you with the Mantis wards now all you can do is just practice or get your nail all the way fully upgraded and then just slowly one by one hit them every time they come down or are you going to opening hit them?

atg4eva - 01.04.2023 02:15

Ok step 1. Fight Abs Rad for roughly 6 hours.
Step 2. That's pretty much all the practice you need.

MusicMachine18 - 17.03.2023 06:37

Thank you for the charms and the guide, ended up beating absolute radiance first try. Down to 1 health so many times but the double heal saved my ass!

Mousa Naseer
Mousa Naseer - 16.03.2023 01:45

Finally I just finished pantheon of hallownest and got the platinum with 205 hours it was such an amazing game and challenge

Ricardo - 15.03.2023 08:18

Hi there. I started playing Hollow Knight back in March 2019. I got 112% pretty quickly and made my way to Godhome. Got humbled a couple times, taking some time off the game until I eventually finished the 4th pantheon. I quickly realized that the 5th is a whole different beast altogether. I have spent a couple hours each day for the last 6 months practicing each boss that I found difficult. Found this video about a month ago and I got to Absolute Radiance for the very first time a few days ago. Yesterday I managed to beat it and got myself the platinum trophy for one of the best games I have ever played, all thanks to your tips and my stuborness.

I have seen a couple of your videos here and there, never really noticing it was the same channel. With how much effort I now know you put into these videos, I gladly subscribed. My brother and I will always remember the great challenge we accomplished with your supprt.

Hope you are doing well and keep up the great work!

Rafael Tavares
Rafael Tavares - 22.02.2023 18:54

Just finished that shit, never will do it again :D

Sr Paz
Sr Paz - 21.02.2023 01:37

I made it thanks to the deep + quick focus combo. Playing defensively and being able to make mistakes was key in the last 3 bosses for me. I recommend trying it out if you are struggling!

Jacob Copeland
Jacob Copeland - 18.02.2023 22:31


Jacob Copeland
Jacob Copeland - 18.02.2023 22:31

It’s really easy for he for some reason to jump up and spam down whenever he don’t his multiple shlashes idk why

Davy - 29.01.2023 19:59

i swear markoth and no eyes is harder than nkg and pure vessel

Tom Moritz
Tom Moritz - 29.01.2023 17:21

I have zote ffs😡

Enrique Martinez
Enrique Martinez - 29.01.2023 06:11

Im just siting on the bench before Pure Vessel. God I DO NOT like that you need to do him before the last one.

Sphynx - 18.12.2022 19:24

I haven't touched the game in about 6 months... all I need for platinum is P5 and I always died on Markoth. I was pretty good at NKG and THK so it pains me to see after Markoth are 3 very doable fights then Absolute Radiance.

PAKo 8
PAKo 8 - 13.12.2022 21:58

i use Unbreakable Strength, Shaman Stone, Quick Slash and Unbreakable Heart

CUBKITS - 30.11.2022 22:56

Fun fact for people coming through these days: when Grimm is staggered, he only takes a maximum of 50 damage, so repeatedly abyss shrieking wastes a lot of soul during this part.

Devzy 793
Devzy 793 - 14.11.2022 05:36

I was up until midnight and finally beat pantheon 5! My success is owed greatly to this video so thank you a ton for making it

nonsenseink :)
nonsenseink :) - 27.10.2022 19:54

Tip: Dont save zote

inbar Makmal
inbar Makmal - 16.10.2022 22:16

im using godhome mode and zote 😢

ArchibaldClumpy - 06.10.2022 22:22

FYI you don't have to pogo False Champion, you can just jump to the other side and hit the armor. Then attack, dream nail, attack dream nail, attack heal, attack heal, repeat until your tanks are full 🌝

luca maddison
luca maddison - 19.09.2022 22:08

looking forward to therapy

CrossbreedPricilla - 13.09.2022 10:13

I recently got to P5 and I got all the way to NKG and died. I started douting myself thinking after I get back into killing him easy I'd have a rough time with abso radiance but with that build you have, it makes it look like a cake walk.

Bryan Brown
Bryan Brown - 13.09.2022 09:17

I gave up on a few ridiculously difficult parts in some of my favorite games about a year ago and now I've got this gigantic urge to revisit them to finally put em to rest. Pantheon 5 is for sure at the top of the list, getting to play the final difficulty on Butcher (stuck on 5-4), completing a full run of Gonner 2, the last 2 difficulties in Nex Machina, finish the higher difficulty on Titan Souls, and the last 5 levels for SlimeSan (still have ALL the DLCs to do too lol). Wish me luck!

the old brit
the old brit - 10.09.2022 02:03

To those who bought the game we. The player's trying to get the platinum trophy

You poor souls

XLFusion - 04.09.2022 21:25

Can we talk how pv, nkg and even absrad are not harder then markoth?

XLFusion - 04.09.2022 21:25

Can we talk how pv, nkg and even absrad are not harder then markoth?

OLI-54 - 03.09.2022 18:35

I have a tip:

On false knight/failed champion, on the final stagger he doesn't get up. You can dream nail him as many times as you want before you kill him, allowing you to have max health and soul while you move on. Great for spell builds

Swatchcovers - 30.08.2022 14:53

You can spam absrad but you have to also be very good a dodging. The first 3 phases are easy with a crap ton of practice.

Mr 120
Mr 120 - 23.08.2022 05:22

why did I save zote :(

Relaxxed - 13.08.2022 02:05

I just need to get a bit more consistent on nkg and pure vessel, ironically i have an easier time with absrad than pure vessel
edit: Still haven't beat it. I'm very consistent on all three fights (can easily beat them on ascended 3x in a row) but when I am in a pantheon i just lose all my skills. It sucks.
edit2: just beat it today!

Sunflower Sam
Sunflower Sam - 08.08.2022 09:09

I just beat pure vessel for the first time. Countless deaths and many hours later I get lucky and out damage him at the end. Still a long ways to go before I perfect the fight and later pantheon 4, but your advice on staying on the ground really helped a lot. Thanks! I’m looking forward to eventually beating pantheon 5

Grimm - 27.07.2022 00:36

I'm so glad I left Zote to die!
