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Welcome to Dean of Doom, the show where we give grades to classic and contemporary Doom wads. Why? Because ranking things is fun. Today’s episode will be dedicated to Eviternity, a 2018 megawad designed primarily by Joshua O’Sullivan, known as Dragonfly, using a brand new texture pack called OTEX, which was created by Ola Bjorling, alias ukiro. Eviternity’s release coincided with the 25th anniversary of Doom, and as a result became one of the most noticed and well-received user-created Doom wads of all time outside of the Doom community.

Eviternity is divided into six five-map chapters, each with a distinctive color palette and architectural signature. Eviternity also introduces five new monsters, one of them the final boss, and changes the arachnotron’s projectiles from plasma to fast-moving, non-hitscan bullets. The pistol now has a higher rate of fire, and no longer becomes less accurate the longer you shoot. Oh, and my favorite: lost souls have reduced health, which means you can kill them with one shotgun blast. Beautiful. As a whole, this is one of the most visually impressive and enjoyable wads I’ve ever played, and I highly encourage everyone watching to download Eviternity and give it a try for themselves.

Link to the wad:


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Dragonfly - 28.09.2020 13:23

Just thought I'd pop my head in to say I loved the presentation of this video! The rating system is quite ballsy but you're able to back up your opinions with reasoning, both positive and negative - The honesty throughout was appreciated! Also, it's honestly refreshing to hear someone rank Map 19 as their favourite, since that one is very polarizing within the playerbase.

Thanks for taking the time to play Eviternity. :)

You've got a subscriber out of me, look forward to catching up on your other reviews!

journeytosilius - 05.07.2023 17:49

I'm sure MtPain27 knows this by now since this video is over 2 years old, but on my system many of the heavy maps of this wad caused framerate issues in GZDoom whetther using OpenGL or Software mode. Seems the Vulkan mode works wonders though. No frame drops below 60 for me using it, not even on Anagnorisis or the largest snow biome maps. This is mostly just a note for anyone who is struggling with graphics heavy wads like this, like I was.

Cammy - 25.05.2023 11:22

Just replayed Eviternity for the first time since I was a Doom newbie, and it's such a treat! I was worried that having played so many more wads now would have diminished some of its wow factor, but all it did was make me even more appreciative of Eviternity's fast pace, butter-smooth difficulty curve, and absolutely phenomenal music and textures. It's not just one of the prettiest megawads out there, it's also one of the most fat-free.

Your video was equally as pleasant to come back to - nostalgic, even, since I've been here since the decino shoutout. :)

I actually really loved Slave and I would have given it a much higher grade, myself. It's (dead) simple compared to the architecture and gameplay of the previous Hell maps, but it still presents a challenge that will make you sweat, and having such a quick and punchy map to follow up on big boy Gossamer is a wise pacing choice. I'd actually recommend trying to beat it saveless, despite your own musings in this video, since the map is as quick and hard-hitting as a bolt of lightning, so your deaths don't feel like huge time losses but your eventual victory makes you feel on top of the world.

I have to say I also really liked the final boss this time around! Having played some slaughter here and there has really wisened me up to clearing crowds and dodging viles, and Archangelus's penchant for infighting makes it feel great to weave through the horde and punt him in the back with BFG shots.

That's one way in which I wonder how you might describe and rate some of these maps quite differently now that you've got so much more experience under your belt - Anagnorisis is another one, because it's certainly a big map and takes a long time to complete, but after playing Community Chest 1 it's like eating crackers. That, and in hindsight it's VERY strange to hear you imply that Alien Vendetta is some sort of firebomb next-level challenge like Hell Revealed is; I think AV may actually be about the same difficulty level as the modern standard, maybe just a bit tougher.

And as a final aside while I'm rambling about AV, an opinion I've personally held since I first played it - and that I think is even more true now that I've played a lot more slaughter and slaughter-lite maps - is that Dark Dome is easily the hardest map in it. I don't think Demonic Hordes is nearly as bad, and I'm curious if you think the same nowadays. The sheer multitude of Demonic Hordes is a scary sight, but can be better managed with infighting and the horseshoe maneuver if you've got some more experience under your belt, since it doesn't tend to restrict movement space or supply access to nearly the same degree as Dark Dome does.

Shoutouts to you and Eviternity for being awesome!

DukeOnkled - 20.04.2023 06:59

This WAD is endlessly impressive. The levels are top-notch with a handful being magnum opuses in their own right, the added content keeps things interesting, the music is incredible (43 goddamn minutes?! The prog gods would be proud.), the pacing is spot-on throughout; I can't find a single major fault in any of this. Dragonfly et al set the gold standard for megawads with this one.

St00rt - 18.04.2023 14:58

This wad is a visual feast and your review of it is spot on Mt Pain! Curious if you'll be doing one of these for Sunlust at any stage? Apologies if this has been asked and answered. I'm new to your channel :)

JGT123 - 04.04.2023 23:18

I tried going through Eviternity a few years back with an Army of Darkness weapons mod because they complimented eachother. While they indeed fit Eviternity kicked my ass on the second level and was too fucking long.

HUNdebLeonidasX - 20.01.2023 00:55

According to DW it's took 9 month to make. Now thats quite feat.

Only played the first few maps. might continue later but compared to other megawads it's just seems a bit too undiluted to complete with one go.
I definitely check that secret level.

That final boss tho... I dont know why but It's reminds me of those inpossible bosses in the Terry wads. But everything better than a wall texture.

Never expected to hear one of my fav PMD track (map 28) in doom especially in a wad like this. And it's fits perfectly.

Christophine Place
Christophine Place - 16.01.2023 09:20

I wonder, since you’ve played A LOT more stuff after this video, would you still say Eviternity has the best megawad soundtrack you’ve seen?

Arrotive - 20.11.2022 04:08

Do you ever plan to do ReReviews?

Ragnor Berntsen
Ragnor Berntsen - 13.10.2022 21:29

'This is the episode's best personification of 'Cold''

YES. That midi was originally designed for TNT Revilution's aborted 'Europa' map, and was designed to sound cold and haunting. It achieved that primarily due to my brother suggesting to Tristan to slow the track down at some point, which resulted in it sounding the way it does today. So glad to hear it achieved its aim (and found a very good home after being cut from the original wad)

Lucifina Laurel
Lucifina Laurel - 30.09.2022 06:29

I liked eviternity, but it's honestly exhausting. It also doesn't play well with mods that run on slow progression that you're supposed to go through over the course of an entire continuous megawad.

K S - 12.09.2022 15:26

Actually the secret in Brisk is brilliant, timed just right and fun to do. Now the timed secret in Regicide, that's BS.

Jackimus - 03.06.2022 08:09

I'd be interested in a revisit of this one, I played this one a few years ago and again recently after probably a hundred or so other wads in between. I still think the visuals and audio are incredible but I find the pacing extremely uneven, the pathing too obtuse in places and in general eveiternity way, way overused the teleport surprise ambush. Also unsure on the custom enemies I like them in theory but other than the greenies their placement is pretty awful , the annihilator around a hairpin corner 40 minutes into dehydration can especially to to heck. On the plus side I've really grown to appreciate the short episodic nature of the game, making pistol starting each map largely irrelevant challenge wise as your arsenal resets every 5 levels. I wish more megawads did that. I still like eviternity but my opinion on the gameplay side of it has fallen significantly over the years and I wonder if yours has too after a couple years making DoD. Cheers

superdragon4ever - 27.05.2022 02:36

Love this wad but unfortunately the final episode plus map 25 is too much slaughter for me and i greatly dislike slaughter maps. But everything that came before it was awesome.

opvask - 25.03.2022 21:56

oh my god.. map29 music sounds like something that belongs in that original Sonic the hedgehog game

Hebonky - 13.03.2022 04:48

On drain I usually grab the plasma gun, deal with the ambush, go over to the main area, kill the row of Imps and a hell knight go back up to where the plasma ambush was, go through the hall killing all the zombies then when the ambush happens, it's only 1 pinky I save all of my plasma for the ending portion with the 3 revenants and the army of pinkys, easy.

Celestin - 27.02.2022 02:31

After just completing Eviternity I can say it was a journey. It's a varied collection of levels and themes with superb visuals and engaging gameplay. My only gripe was the final boss. Seriously, fuck this flying piece of shit, I normally avoid saving mid-combat, but here I just switched to GZDoom, loaded Target Spy (a mod which shows a healthbar of a targeted enemy) and save-scummed until that motherfucker died.

Eviternity was one of the first wads I've tried and it kicked my ass on HMP. I'm happy I've improved enough to beat it on UV.

FrancisT218 - 16.02.2022 07:22

While I disagree with some of the individual level thoughts (particularly I'd absolutely swap the grades of Map19 and Map32 and give Map32 a no-brainer Valedictorian in my view, yet it's perhaps down to personal taste and not playing the level in one sitting - and in part much like the Mucus Flow of CC2, some of Anagnorisis' features can be an acquired taste), on the whole I fully agree that Eviternity deserves at or near the highest grade and is one of the best megawads. A wonderful choice of the first modern megawad to cover for the series. The only shame is ending on the Dunce cap - not a good final boss level, I'm afraid.

Robinson Nox
Robinson Nox - 02.02.2022 16:36

Eviternity is a great wad, but it took me a long time to get around to finishing it on vanilla. It's a dense wad and there were a few times where I was frustrated with its scope, but over time I chipped away at its campaign and what I got was 32 levels that were frequently great or at least memorable and distinct.

anew742 - 30.01.2022 20:14

"You won't enjoy segregation if you're looking to relax"
Perfect out of context quote lmao

The FieryCharmeleon
The FieryCharmeleon - 16.01.2022 11:56

Map 28's midi is from Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Temporal Tower. It really makes the map for me. I love it :D.

Michael Buehler
Michael Buehler - 01.01.2022 22:43

Good to see a wad do a different type of final boss.

Pixel Perfect
Pixel Perfect - 08.11.2021 03:05

I just completed map 32, and it was more exhausting than challenging. I couldn't figure out how to get to the switch that raises the bridge between the teal bridge and the concrete area, so my exhaustion guided me to using idclip.

Pixel Perfect
Pixel Perfect - 08.11.2021 00:12

I don't know if this was intended, but the automap view of map 32 kind of looks like a rubber duck.

ABOBA - 14.10.2021 20:22

"Grab the BFG, take the teleporter, and tele-frag the Cyberdemon".

The most Doom phrase in Doom. MASTA-PEACE

Rymante - 07.10.2021 13:01

Finally got round to playing through this for the first time a few weeks back & it was mostly a great experience. The high visual quality maintained throughout is extremely impressive, most of the music tracks are absolute bangers, but yes, I think I would agree with your assessment MtPain about the low points of this wad (Anagnorisis, Slave & the final boss fight).

I got stuck in Anagnorisis for a long time because I missed ONE SWITCH, to be specific, the pink switch behind a pillar very early on in the map, as a result I ended up getting the blue key last & my final playtime was around 1 hr 50 mins. The map is absolutely gorgeous but it was a slog getting through it, but it might be worth studying the architectural design of Anagnorisis to get some mapping tips ^_^

Despite the few low points & occasional frustration from the Astral Cacos. Eviternity was a blast with personal highlights being Map 04 Regicide, Map 10 Creation, Map 15 Cryonology, Map 24 Gossamer & Maps 26 through 29.

Mu'izz Siddique
Mu'izz Siddique - 03.10.2021 04:44

I never even saw the silver Cacodemon until the first snow map. Wat?

Elim Garak
Elim Garak - 30.09.2021 21:40

The best wad music I've ever heard in my life. Very influenced by Symphony X it would seem. My fav theme so far is the "Demon" level theme.

Alex Bellenndfield
Alex Bellenndfield - 24.09.2021 17:19

Brilliant WAD 👍🏻 One of the best I’d say

András Molnár
András Molnár - 27.08.2021 00:16

I'll comment more after I've finished the wad, but right now I've gotta say I damn love the Astral Cacodemons. They're always a challenge, they're not something to mess with, and their shrieks are terrifying to the marrow. Their graphics is also nice. Cool addition to the monster lineup.

The Kingslayer
The Kingslayer - 18.07.2021 03:31

This is one of those WADs that’s so impressive it makes me embarrassed of my own work

PrismaticAngel - 17.07.2021 23:35

listens to map28's midi
Holy crap that's Temporal Tower from Pokemon Mystery Dungeon

Christian Gottsacker
Christian Gottsacker - 18.06.2021 21:08

This was my first downloaded megawad. I kept hearing the name eviternity, so i downloaded. I still havent beat it tho.
Whats with the visuals on this video, theres really swirrly stuff happening and i havent seen it in any of your other videos.

Thalligator01 - 17.06.2021 00:48

jeez map 14 was pure evil

Suporma - 15.06.2021 01:12

I just realized the Nightmare Demon in this wad may be based on the Nightmare Demon from PSX Doom (they're semi transparent, and because you mostly see them on brown textures, they appear green thanks to they're rendering method, I think it's called subtractive rendering?)

I PUNCH DEMONS - 11.06.2021 04:25

Map 32 of this wad turned me a fan of OTEX textures to a fan of Ukiro. It's probably the closest to a perfect map, to me.

Luis - 06.06.2021 09:01

Found your channel just a few days ago but I'm hooked. This is the type of classic Doom content we need :-)! Since you're a fan of good music (especially Jimmy Paddock and Stuart Rynn's work), I could show you my project for you to jam out to the original tracks. However, it's a CTF/multiplayer project :P

Destro - 03.06.2021 16:35

I'm surprised you went from TNT in episode 1 to Eviternity in episode 2, that was a big shift

Tomasz Krzyczkowski
Tomasz Krzyczkowski - 03.06.2021 02:11

I took me about 4h to go through Anagnorisis and the next 4h to go through dehydration (yes i died a lot). These 2 maps woke in me some masohistic emotion. It was painful to go through them yet it felt so good to play these maps.

Khotgor - 08.05.2021 21:17

The concept of a fast-moving flyng boss in a game like Doom whilst still making use of vanilla controls is a rather daunting and unfun fight to take part in

Liam Aldrich
Liam Aldrich - 06.05.2021 08:58

Man, your video creation has come so far! Its tough returning to this video because of the mic setup, though your writing and diction have always been extremely solid.

PrBoomer Juice
PrBoomer Juice - 02.05.2021 15:38

After a few bad starts at Anagnorisis, I got going and after 2 hours (121 minutes, 32 seconds) of stumbling around mostly blind, I dropped into the final fight of Anagnorisis, killed the first waves, then the archviles, dispatched the cybers with ease, and, while cleaning up the lost souls, failed to notice an Annihilator that spawned and, well, lesson learned for next time. The two megaspheres at the end (not counting the one going in!) make it not too punishing, but my god, is dying discouraging after investing all that time.

Your description is spot on: no single fight is that hard, but it chips away at you; impatience near the end leads to unforced errors; and if you don't know the secrets, the health is rather sparse, and you're liable to lose more than you gain while secret hunting.

Thanks for the review, another great map I may never have played without this channel

Ariel Dreemurr
Ariel Dreemurr - 30.04.2021 02:47

Huh. I thought I was the only one who couldn't run Map 26, so that's at least... reassuring.

Jonás Carrillo
Jonás Carrillo - 17.04.2021 08:02

Map 19 is amazing. Every moment of it feels like an exploration, and at the same time every fight is so nerve wracking. They are a fair puzzle you must outsmart more than shoot mindlessly untill every monster dies. And as you progress the map, every fight becomes more and more important since you have all the previous progress on your back. You screw up and you loose it. So by the end of the level, the hardest fight is hard because you truly dont want to die, and the biggest monster to fight is your own nerve and mind. After beating map 19 UV max with fast monsters, I think map 19 it goes far beyond just playing the game. It becomes an incredibly fun test for you patience, skill, determination, creativity and selfcontrol. Also the level is visualy beautiful, and the music is wonderfuly dyamic and changes it´s connotation depending on the feeling you get from playing a certain section.

Dehydration is most probably the best map I have ever played. But I also totaly understand why it can be exausting. It took me 2 hours to complete pistol start UV max with fast monsters, and so many more of practice. But it is sooo rewarding when you finaly get it. It´s an incredible experience.

Raymond7904 - 13.04.2021 06:05

Playing through this pack now. 32 was a rough 2 hours...
