An Atheist Debunks the Fine Tuning Argument - Sapient Saturdays

An Atheist Debunks the Fine Tuning Argument - Sapient Saturdays

Holy Koolaid

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@KrustyKlown - 01.02.2017 00:57

"temp of earth is finely tuned.." and yet, creationists think global warming isn't dependant on a delicate environmental balance.

@nilsagnarsson5559 - 28.01.2024 00:08

Amazingly ignorant and illogical, stupid even 🙈🤣😂 God IS the lawgiver and controller of it all. NO ONE can explain WHY everything did come to work, WHY and HOW the laws came in to existence, except that they DID and still WORKS. Man need to humble himself and think a little deeper. God bless everyone in Jesus name ❤️🙏☺️

@Eryrwen - 27.01.2024 03:33

'Is the Universe Fine Tuned for Life'. No, but that's not the fine tuning argument. The probability of this being a straw man is 1.

@kenkaplan3654 - 24.01.2024 10:40

I think this is one of the most decidedly absolute worst straw man arguments I have ever heard. First we don't empirically know what life might or might not be out there in 250+ billion galaxies in the (observable) Universe. Second the fine tuning argument is not just for life, it is about the entire structure existing. Third my understanding is the room for error in the constants is galaxies less than his example of 25%.

Last to postulate what fine tuned human life should look like from the miniscule views of the human intellect is both preposterous and insipid. Did this guy even graduate middle school?

@junacebedo888 - 22.01.2024 10:27

JAMES WEBB Space telescope is going to kill this disparage.
Scientists now are admitting THEY ARE WRONG about the universe and physics. To be incorrect about the universe is to be ignorant how life began

@Smoothv969 - 21.01.2024 11:53

Trent Horn demolished every single point you made. You use sources that are outdated and just straight up wrong lmao. Stephen Hawking and other major physicists would turn over in their grave with your stupidity.

@MKTGDrHolmes - 02.01.2024 23:17

I like how he argues the universe isn't fine-tuned and then argues that it is. So funny, at the end he asks for donations to spread his religion just like the church.

@Zibit21 - 01.01.2024 03:52

Nope, it's not debunking.
It's totally ignoring the arguments presented and flying away into pure fantasy.

@CarlosOliveira-zs9yl - 27.12.2023 10:55

Denying the existence of the fine tuning is by far the weakest objection to the argument - one that not even leading atheists take. The claim isn't that this universe is the one which promotes the most amount of life per square meter of space with the greatest level of well being and least amount of death and suffering. That is completely misunderstanding the argument. The claim is that, if any one of 20 fundamental constants of the universe were altered by an incomprehensibly small margin, then no life of any kind could exist anywhere. There are 20 of these constants, and it doesn't do away with the argument to deny the existence of 1 or 2 of them.

@jamiehudson3661 - 24.12.2023 22:38

Millions of years to adapt? I noticed he skipped by that comment very quickly without any evidence of that. I also noticed that couldn't cite any other planet that had complex life on any of these millions of planets supposedly in a habitable zone, which is orbiting a star. Try again - I think you need a different Kool-Aid.

@hansombrother1 - 23.12.2023 16:47

Half of your video is the "Problem of Evil" argument which has nothing to do with "Fine Tuning".

@AricRastley - 18.12.2023 09:53

Alright, but how does matter exist in the first place?

@user-jd2uu1dt7l - 15.12.2023 17:27

When person think deep enough he/she will know that there is something more going on

@user-jd2uu1dt7l - 15.12.2023 17:27

Your example of cheese doesn't make any sense
Atheists are not deep thinker they are most egoistic people

@NovasYouTubeName - 12.12.2023 18:45

Thank you for this!!!!

@raystanfield9038 - 30.11.2023 00:30

Nice video, but it does not debunk that our universe is finely tuned for life by God. You posit, I think, that there can't be a God because if God did it, it would be perfect in some subjective way that suits what is good for us all the time. The truth, I think, is that God created it just the way it is by design, having both good and evil. In other words, perfect, to discern the hearts of eternal souls who were created in His image (eternal). True love is not possible if there is only one choice to make. Can we choose to love in the face of evil? Jesus did. Blessed are those who endure to the end because our reward is not 120 years of bliss on the earth, but a battle tested love that proves worthy to rule and reign with the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords forever. It is indeed, Holy, Holy, Holy Koolaid.

@godzillakingofthegame2148 - 15.11.2023 23:25

The physical laws had to be in place before the Big Bang could even happen. No physical laws, no big bang.

@kkoustic.8890 - 12.11.2023 22:39

It is true that there are these constants in nature, and in fact there are some 20 constants with specific mathematical values, if you change any of them ever so slightly the universe itself could not exist (paraphrasing Theoretical physicist Brian Greene here). What creationist get wrong about these constants is no, it doesn’t describe or claim that the whole universe is fine tuned just for us. What it shows is that the fabric of the universe itself follows a strict ridged structure it must always adhere too. Meaning that these things under these certain conditions in the same way will always provide the same exact result all because the universe has these constants. In fact that’s what scientific law is and it’s because the universe follows a ridged structure and has these constants for why it’s possible to do science and write scientific laws in the first place. It’s also why logic works. We look and search for unalterable constants in nature to figure out and predict the operations of nature.

@ivanbeshkov1718 - 12.11.2023 04:31

The fine tuned argument is laughable because the putative fine tuner is the same deity that prohibits life outside of the narrow tuning. What sort of game is "He" playing with Himself? There's nothing fine about fine tuning. It would be more accurately described as NARROW TUNING. And the notion that life is an inherent good is also preposterous. The life of deadly viruses is good? The life of bubonic plague transmitting rats and flees is good? Even the happiest healthiest human has no way of knowing whether he will be alive tomorrow. Fine tuning is another word for narcissism.

@Sahih_imlaak - 01.11.2023 22:51

Evolution is pseudoscience

@skepticus123 - 26.10.2023 13:21

I wish people would stop calling the "fine tuning" argument the "best creationist argument", because it makes it sounds like it has some merit to it. Here's a breakdown of exactly why it's just wishful thinking:

1) According to the doctrine of most creationists, their supernatural being is alive, non-material and transcends space and time. If life doesn't require space, time and matter, then why is a universe needed in the first place?

2) Why would an all-powerful supernatural being need any particular set of physical laws? Surely it could just magic life into existence in any universe it liked regardless of its physical laws.

3) Why would an all-powerful, loving supernatural being need a slow, painful process like evolution by natural selection? And if we're accepting evolution, then doesn't that undermine most theist doctrine (e.g. original sin, salvation etc.)?

4) For fine-tuning to be true, you need to show that any form of life is impossible with any other set of physical constants. You can't just take one constant at a time and claim it is fine-tuned.

5) You can't just assume there is one universe - we only know of one so far (ours) but there may be others and these may have other physical laws.

6) Given points (4) and (5), the best we can do is to perform computer simulations of other universes, which would appear to show that other sets of parameters can give rise to life (or could have given rise to life in our universe if it were different)

7) Even if the universe was fine-tuned by something, theists still need to prove that
a) There couldn't have been any sort of natural explanation.
b) Their definition of a supernatural being is coherent (e.g. how can a bodiless mind exist outside of time and space?)
c) That their supernatural being exists.
d) That it was specifically their supernatural being that fine-tuned the universe and not any of the other supernatural beings that have been claimed to exist throughout history
e) That their supernatural being doesn't itself require fine-tuning.

@BasileosHerodou - 18.10.2023 17:57

Completely ignores the universal constant because he wants to embrace his depressing viewpoint of a dead uncaring universe with no afterlife

@lauramann8275 - 10.10.2023 22:20

Why is he saying the universe is finely tuned for life in the universe? The universe is finely tuned for life on earth, not the entire universe. 😂

@rupertward6259 - 03.10.2023 08:45


@CNCmachiningisfun - 03.10.2023 06:18

LOL at all the BUTT HURT religiots here :) .

@rdpurdom - 28.09.2023 14:24

This is the most ridiculous video I think I have ever seen on this subject. Ok, so you don’t choose to believe in “God”, fine! Why do you people.bother trying to convince everyone that they are wrong? Live you life and get on with it! It sounds to me like you are just trying to convince yourself and justify why YOU refuse to believe! Unlike God, I really don’t care if you do or don’t.

@Shaqoneil81-ci7dr - 24.09.2023 03:24

Believing in multiple universes is no more absurd than believing in a religion. You want people to believe in something that you can’t see, can’t interact with, can’t measure, and can’t prove. This video proves nothing. Nice try.

@skepticus123 - 21.09.2023 17:34

This is just a god of the gaps argument, akin to the Paley's watch argument before that was debunked.
Why? Because it's just impossible to know what other forms life could possibly take under all the different possible permutations of physical parameters and laws. So we're dealing with a completely unknown and unknowable quantity that you can't assign probabilities to. And if god's all-powerful, why does he need to be constrained to any particular set of laws and parameters? And have you noticed that the people who put forward this argument are tacitly accepting evolution by natural selection - aren't they rather shooting themselves in the foot?

@stevegovea1 - 21.09.2023 00:53

Wait. .... so God is a black hole?😅

@AndroidHarris - 18.09.2023 23:21

I just look at how messed up animals can be. If its so fine tuned its made to be cruel. Otherwise it does seem accidental.

Quick Examples: how mayflys lose their mouths in adulthood and they breed and usually always die by starvation. Or how female hyenas have to give birth through a fake penis causing so much pain it can kill them.

@geoffreytonui5625 - 04.09.2023 19:07

The problem with scientism is that it doesn't answer the question where do I come from? , where am I going? And what's the purpose of life?

@zebra2346 - 28.08.2023 18:31

You seem to ignore the fact that some of the most famous and well respected non-theistic scientists in recent history have concluded that fine tuning in physics, and I'll just say this in general, the creation of the universe ex nihilo, strongly suggests the existence of God. Let's stop this silly nonsense about a multiverse. There's zero proof of a multiverse. It's just a sloppy, incoherent, uninspiring excuse to explain everything. Just like the lawyer of Joel Guy who has to defend his client, claiming he didn't do it despite massive evidence to the contrary, atheists also have to come up with implausible, scientifically inadequate, and intellectually vacuous defenses for their naturalistic worldview, no matter how incongruent their arguments are compared to the established the facts in science, the existence of non-material realities, and the application of logic in answering life's most difficult questions

@marioceva7163 - 28.08.2023 03:07

Try to debunk.

@lule6116 - 26.08.2023 14:25

Witch argument makes more assumptions the one were there is maxximally great being or the one that proposes a infinite number of universes for example imagine you are in a poker game and the guy that deals the card gets all aces 20 times in a row and you get up and try to shoot him but he says well in a infinte number of universes im just got lucky enough to be in a universe in witch i get 20 aces in a row. That wouldnt be very convincing would it. also its imposible for the universe to be contracting becasue that would be very unstable.

@joqiii3 - 22.08.2023 22:22

Even if were fine tuned, who says it was a Christian god who did it?

@raptorcrasherinc.9823 - 15.08.2023 03:31

The argument about the distance from the Sun only makes sense if the Earth had exactly the same atmosphere. Mercury is much closer to the Sun than Venus, but Venus is much hotter because of greenhouse gases. If Venus's atmosphere was different it could be habitable, same with Mars.

@PepperGeorge - 29.07.2023 06:11

Great video, keep up the good work brotha

@magicsinglez - 22.07.2023 05:39

‘Milo’ is right. Lunatics have forgotten how to argue. Good arguments, but every 15 seconds your ‘absolutely true’ suppositions contradict previous one’s.

@magicsinglez - 22.07.2023 05:37

‘Finely tuned for human life’ is an acknowledgment that, ‘everything around us is trying to wipe us out’?

@melodygn - 18.07.2023 02:33

"...Only a blind lunatic ..." ??? Lol

@danielbutler8103 - 14.07.2023 12:16

The Fine Tuning Argument would only work if Earth was the only planet, Theirs at least 100 billion planets in our galaxy and theirs 200 billion galaxies in the universe. (I googled to get the numbers but it's definitely a lot) So having life on 1 out of 100 billion planets is not fine tuned.

@EyeoftheBhodler - 08.07.2023 15:24


@JohnTLyon - 05.07.2023 06:25

This planet is a mess! I demand to see the manager!!!😵‍💫

@jakesprake - 04.07.2023 01:52

sorry but there are no other planets never mind galaxies. The earth is flat, nothing else makes sense. I thought a smart fella like you could see that.

@azorath1427 - 27.06.2023 20:05

Write your birthday out numerically
Eg. 1/26/1994 =1,261,994 now take that times your age, then divide it by how many pets you have had, if you haven't had any divide it by 0.5. Then take it to the power of the amount of digits in your name.
It will probably be a huge number, something very unique to every individual.
Now, if you had an infinite ruler, somewhere on it would be that number.
Its not "the factors are what they are because that number is on the ruler." It's "the factors given lead us to this number."

@rickrofe4382 - 25.06.2023 15:39

The conjecture that there are multiple universes requires more faith in science than a saint has in God.

@norlitouysepulvida4492 - 25.06.2023 11:09

And there's 8 billion human souls and countless living things on earth now. Sorry but you're an evil idito.
