Signs of VIKING ANCESTRY You Shouldn't Ignore

Signs of VIKING ANCESTRY You Shouldn't Ignore

Weird World

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@nathan_abela - 04.01.2024 11:54

They were ferocious for all Europeans, and big and scary - especially to the British - but in Malta, they were gobbled up (absorbed into the population).

- ALL Maltese are offspring of the Normans (Vikings), BUT, in a different way to which other Europeans are ancestors to them.

- Their females were pounded left, right, and centre by Maltese duda; the men, unlike anywhere in Europe, were left single and couldn't get a gig with the Maltese women.

The Normans thought they cleared the whole island, but really, all that occurred was that the Maltese population spread through the island and locked themselves in the tunnels until prudent to leave.

@pammedcalf5477 - 04.01.2024 01:35

I have it in both hands. And had my dna done. And I am of northern European, Norway, Wales.

@Kristi-Nymann - 03.01.2024 22:56

I could never live in a hot climate.

@carlarthur4442 - 03.01.2024 17:18

I believe that my Grandmother s Mum came from Denmark, i have had this operation too straighten my fingers ( right hand ) only to have it start on my left hand , My Dad had the same problem, my Brother has had a op on each hand , so guess theres some truth in this believe, when i went to a Doctor the first thing he asked was is there any Viking Ancestry.

@wmrustycox - 03.01.2024 10:27

M.S. is also more common in Scandinavian populations as opposed to other Europeans.

@DeannaAKADeanna - 03.01.2024 09:22

I've got Dupuytren's Syndrome and my maternal hapolgroup is a rare one that finds its highest concentration in northern Scandinavia (the Sámi peoples). Surely there have been a few Vikings in the woodpile.

@Beholder505 - 03.01.2024 08:05

Stop it lol. Everyone wants to be a Viking now

@LG-uo2ni - 03.01.2024 05:58

Your English you're not a viking deal with it

@firelt55 - 02.01.2024 22:43

LOL thats BS no such thing stop lying.

@kinpandun2464 - 02.01.2024 22:43

The accusation of uncleanliness is very hurtful. Even in the Danelaw, nords would wash themselves weekly on Saturday (Lørdag) - it basically translates to wash/cleaning day. It was so well-known, that 1. English men complained about their women preferring nords due to how clean and well-put together our men were/are, and 2. The English used our bathing conventions to attack us back in the Danelaw when they knew a lot of people would be nekkid/unarmed. Continental Europeans & English folk have made excuses for their grossness for forever, lol.

Englishman: I'm not stinky, you're stinky!

@summer3100 - 02.01.2024 20:44

Harmony was not their plan. what was the stimuli/impetus to the vikings leaving the nordic regions in late 7th century AD to do widespread raping and pillaging?

@loris-bismar - 02.01.2024 16:59

People who say, "I've traced my family/heritage all the way back to the vikings" have at best only done a DNA test and made that conclusion themselves without any trace at all. It's all just a bunch lies to look cool 99.99999% of the time.

They do not understand how hard it is to trace anything back further than the 1600s (that's when we started to register everyone) because they've never tried it. To get further back than the 1600s, you would actually need to physically come here, get permission and a guide to scroll through the old family books, but before that could happen you would have to know specific names/dates on a specific nobel/royal family to even get started. After all of that when you've gotten this far, the odds will be stacked against you that your lineage are one of the rare ones that actually can be traced all the way back to the viking age. Most nobel families came to exist after the viking age had passed.

There's slim to no chance that you've actually got nobility in your family if your family left for the new world. I'm not trying to be mean or anything, it's just the fact that the vast majority of Scandinavians leaving back then were farmers fleeing bad crops and starvation.

@user-wy2iv9xn9o - 02.01.2024 16:52

I have a birthmark in the middle of my left hand not disses but rather from the work and technology that they had at that time and it is different than what you showed my doctor said it goes back to the first Viking trip and doesn't exist any place else and he called The Vikings Ring in case someone had it

@jeffrobodine239 - 02.01.2024 16:11

People have healed that contracture condition by applying iodine directly to the affected area (over time ) I use lougols solution.

@BHALT0S - 02.01.2024 05:00

thats great cos in the Highlands my surname is HugeLongNobbson and it's true

@luciparadise6781 - 02.01.2024 01:45

My mother is half Danish and I have this in both hands. Boooo.

@jamesgoode9246 - 01.01.2024 15:07

Why is the volume so low on this video ?

@dianeashworth2311 - 01.01.2024 10:31

My lineage is a small United Nations-England, Ireland, Scotland, Germany, and most of the Scandinavian countries. Two of my sisters have carrot red hair as did both of my grandmothers. One of those sisters and my brother have a trigger finger; my maternal side has a history of heart attacks (grandfather, two uncles, several cousins, two sisters, and my niece).
This video is an eye opener as it’s further confirmation that at least one of my ancestors was a Viking.

@carole4119 - 01.01.2024 08:17

My 84 yr husband was adopted.
He found out from dr.visit
He has this form of desease on his hands..
Its becoming harder to grasp items button shirts
Blessings to all

@trishmiller8331 - 01.01.2024 02:21

I have had it in my hands and also my feet. The drs won't do my feet until I can't walk and then it's not always successful and you can end up in a wheelchair. So far so good.

@trishmiller8331 - 01.01.2024 02:21

I have had it in my hands and also my feet. The drs won't do my feet until I can't walk and then it's not always successful and you can end up in a wheelchair. So far so good.

@A1A5KA2011 - 01.01.2024 02:09

74% of my DNA comes from the the British Isles (England, Scotland, and Ireland) and 17% comes from Scandinavia (Denmark, Sweden, and Norway). Interestingly, I don’t have any measurable DNA from Wales or Finland.

@andywells397 - 01.01.2024 00:58

The same finger on my right hand is the same. I used to live in hemsby...ormesby, filby, oby are surrounding villages. Goole norfolk coast uk, any village thats name ended with the letters by were viking settlements.

@raynarks - 31.12.2023 22:33

I’ve got Dupuytren’s contracture.

@cianmoriarty7345 - 31.12.2023 13:39

Poor hygiene?! Who came up with that nonsense. They were in fact by all accounts a remarkably fastidious people.

@stevenweaver3386 - 31.12.2023 07:08

My mom's ancestry goes back to Leeds in Yorkshire, and the Channel Islands. I would not be surprised there is a fair amount of Norse DNA in us.

@TheMcspreader - 31.12.2023 04:10

Absolute garbage.

@brothermaleuspraetor9505 - 31.12.2023 03:38

Vikings were settlers and traders. They established the economies of the world before anyone else did. They are responsible for the global civilisation we know today. I know, because I'm descended from them.

@davidpeters6536 - 31.12.2023 00:33

My Dad had Putrin's Contracture and I have it in 4 fingers. I had an op 15 years ago by the NHS but it was back the same in less than 2 years.

@PaulStewart-jr3gm - 30.12.2023 18:02

My mother is a Swede and I have the contrature… and it’s a pain in the butt…

@SteelyGlow - 30.12.2023 16:12

Perhaps, the towns which names end with "~by" are former viking settlements, "by" in Danish and Norse means "town"

@etherealenergy9471 - 30.12.2023 11:45

I have reddish brown hair, and my last name has viking Norwegian roots, and it is also Scottish.

@Nini-pc7vk - 30.12.2023 10:03

My maternal grandmothers family came from Sweden. Her maiden name was Thompson. My maternal grandfathers family came here from Sotland. I suppose there is a good chance I have a bit of viking blood in my veins.

@terrybunton2586 - 30.12.2023 08:19

Well You have hit my number aswell......
I've got the Irish/Scotts
DNA at 48% and the rest
Is the Vikings neighborhood
at Norwegian 16% Danish 12% Swedish 9% Belgium coast 8% German coast 7%
I guess that's why I tolerate
the cold pretty well....can't
escape the climatized northern nether regions
I guess that's why I reside in Texas ......Lol 😉

@chefbutchwild - 30.12.2023 07:09

I'm Harald Fairhairs (1st king of Norway) 36th great grandson- i found out by dna and by lineage but I have his beard n hair. - Lord Butch Fairhair but my hair is a bit more than fair.

@ThatGuy-mu2rr - 30.12.2023 06:09

They attacked interests of the unholy catholic church. Good !

@viper2148 - 30.12.2023 04:03

Gee… the Angles share DNA with people from Denmark? Who would’ve guessed?

@Flat_Earth_Addy - 30.12.2023 03:14


@tallulahjack913 - 29.12.2023 21:16

I have the DuPonts thing on my left little finger, started at 30. I am now 69 and have stretched it all this time. I was sent to the hospital to the woman who dealt with this condition. She said… and I couldn’t believe my ears as she was a professional, she said it was common amongst alcoholics…. Implying I was one I suppose. I let her ramble on not even mentioning the name of the condition and l left.. WTF.

@christiano2444 - 29.12.2023 21:04

I am Dutch with 15 procent Scandinavian dna and 3 procent finnesh and 45 english dna. It seems that after Scandinavian countries the Netherlands has the most Scandinavia dna. When you look at the European card it looks logical

@wendyjensenmusic - 29.12.2023 19:24

I'm pretty sure we have Viking ancestry. I come from 300 years of Danish farmers and the last name pretty much says so :) also with English and Irish in our genes ;)

@thra5herxb12s - 29.12.2023 18:41

I have Viking ancestors that became the Murison side of my Family that lived in Scotland. Some migrated to the USA and New Zealand

@TheFriendlyPsychopath - 29.12.2023 18:27

Vikings are sea pirates.

@petergibson2318 - 29.12.2023 18:26

I hate to say this...but your little finger turning inwards is a FAR better indication of Alcoholic liver disease than it is of being a Viking.
And yes Dupuytren's Contracture is ALSO a sign of Viking ancestry .
Perhaps the Irish monks were right.....they said the Viking "Berserkers" were always drunk.

@ConcedoNulli - 29.12.2023 18:21

What happens if you ignore it? Do the ghosts of these marauding r*pists and slave traders hunt you down and kill you?

@UncommonEyes - 29.12.2023 17:48

Dupuytrens contractures can be treated with acupuncture much easier than surgery.😊

@valerieelisebethcooper83 - 29.12.2023 13:12

My family is from Norway, Denmark, Sweden and Britain. Scandinavian names are Jonson and Holt.

@tinygrim - 29.12.2023 07:29

My Father had this . From Sweden.

@leestone5356 - 29.12.2023 03:16

My ancestors were vikings from Denmark and I was born in Loughborough just outside Nottingham

@QuartuvLarry - 28.12.2023 10:20

What? I can't have hand cramps because of lineage! I just need electrolytes!
