JWT Authentication Explained

JWT Authentication Explained

Matt on Data Science

1 год назад

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Andrew Merkle
Andrew Merkle - 26.11.2023 03:25

Cyber security tip: don’t show your real identity card or badge online. Respectfully suggested.

Paul Mittelstaedt
Paul Mittelstaedt - 05.11.2023 15:21

this vieo is just perfect <3. On Point. The main idea is so well explaned with the example that i had no issue to transfer that newly gained knowledge to my study session concerning the jwt.
Love it men!!!!

Greetings from germany and thanks for this video. i appreaciated it a ton :)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Marco Alvarado
Marco Alvarado - 20.10.2023 18:40

I think what is hard to understand, is that you do not need the secret key for the server side validation of the token, if I'm right. Otherwise there would be no difference to using session.

Pack Trouble
Pack Trouble - 07.10.2023 22:28

I would say this is probably the best explanation I have seen.

Yao X
Yao X - 23.09.2023 03:03

thank you so much for this explantion! I searched JWT today since I keep forgeting how JWT works, after watching your video i think i will never forget it

John - 31.08.2023 15:39

A good analogy, thanks.
From what I understand a valid jwt sent by the user's browser allows access to various restricted web pages on an app. Therefore, if the jwt is stolen somehow then the thief will also have access. How likely is this and will possession allow full access without any other checks on the user?

Cornelius Kipkorir
Cornelius Kipkorir - 17.08.2023 17:51

This is really a very interesting content

Jude Bowman
Jude Bowman - 07.08.2023 15:12

Great analogy to teach the concept of JWT authentication!

Ian Propst-Campbell
Ian Propst-Campbell - 03.08.2023 22:19

This was actually a really helpful analogy. thank you for sharing!

Mike S.
Mike S. - 20.07.2023 18:12

Thank you! The analogies really helped!

Peter Turner
Peter Turner - 19.06.2023 16:43

Thank you - that was invaluable !

Nana Kwasi
Nana Kwasi - 18.05.2023 15:15

Glad you could help me understand JWT better. Thanks

P P - 16.05.2023 20:28

thank you so much for this very smart analogy Matt! you certainly made a difference to my understanding and you got yourself (at least) one more subscriber (as I am going to share this video with my bootcamp's cohort).

Oleksandr Firsikov
Oleksandr Firsikov - 14.04.2023 15:32

Great explanation, thanks a lot!

Murat Karadas
Murat Karadas - 23.03.2023 01:04

I really loved the example you used in this video. Thank you for explaining it in such a clear and relatable way 👍

Augustine Kirumba
Augustine Kirumba - 18.02.2023 14:41

Thanks for the examples, helped understand better

GramPro - 18.02.2023 13:21

Very nice explanation

Neameh Karineh
Neameh Karineh - 04.02.2023 12:16

Thanks a lot. It was helpful for me.

OneDev - 18.01.2023 01:03

thanks for the explanation. can you please do a video on User Impersonation using Identity/JWT with an example in .NET. I am unable to understand how this going to work when token is generated already. Sorry if question is dumb.
