The MedX Lumbar Strength machine not only builds muscle in the lower back, but also measures how strong existing back muscles are. Once we understand the amount of force our back muscles alone can generate, weights can be set to suit, and gradually increased as strength increases. This prevents the deep muscles of the back shutting off (a protective measure) when faced with weights they are not equipped to move.
Lower back pain is an all too familiar alignment these days, and many machines and exercises aimed at strengthening and increasing stability in this area also exercise surrounding muscles.
The MedX Lumbar Strength machine is designed to isolate the lumbar spine muscles in the lower back, preventing the gluteus and hamstring muscles from engaging, and further helping to restore balance and strength in the area.
In this video, MedX expert Bronson demonstrates the revolutionary MedX Lumbar Strength machine which allows people with fusion, prolapsed discs, etc to exersize and strengthen their lower back safely.
Contact us today for an obligation-free assessment and personal training session.