Final Fantasy XVI 5 MAJOR MISTAKES To Avoid! - Beginner's Guide (Final Fantasy 16 Tips And Tricks)

Final Fantasy XVI 5 MAJOR MISTAKES To Avoid! - Beginner's Guide (Final Fantasy 16 Tips And Tricks)


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@norzza - 24.06.2023 02:11

Are you enjoying Final Fantasy 16? Is it is good as the reviews? (In your opinion)

@brunobraga2411 - 06.12.2023 21:11

Weapons on this came sucks!!! Past FF were better and more fun to have and craft.

@Isaacandadler - 02.10.2023 16:56

When you trouble completing a hunt because enemy too strong. Move on with storyline and come back again with bigger team like joshua and Jill to help defeat hunt.

@Binetti816 - 29.09.2023 04:37

I don’t think this guy ever played Final Fantasy to be honest I think he took notes and summarized what he watched because nobody who is seriously a final fantasy player would ever say it’s a grind 🤣😂 unless it’s the super hard final boss, which I only found in one of the Final Fantasy series to be honest

@NickkaFlickkaWang - 23.09.2023 01:41

Destroy everything that comes on the screen always. This is the way

@bilalfarsakh4126 - 21.09.2023 06:34

The ring of timely strikes also commands Torgal to attack, better to use that in early game as it also automatically uses certain powers when openings occur vs enemies

@ambitiousfitness9887 - 02.09.2023 23:42

I enjoy the gring

@EvilM0nkeyRules - 24.08.2023 08:33

Anyone else annoyed that the Lightning abilities all have a big windup and are super slow? Like lightning should be quick not slow as shit >_<

@thelife1313 - 20.08.2023 01:24

Disagree on “wasting points”. You can respec at any time all the time if you want. Spend them.

@BrosBGaming - 12.08.2023 19:23

As a avid ff fan. This is the least grindy ff I've ever played. I'm overleveled by 5 levels from just doing the hunts and clearing the areas I pass through. No bonus exp either. 😂

@dusttodust915 - 29.07.2023 20:34

But togle does that already.

@dusttodust915 - 29.07.2023 20:18

the only grinding I've done was the grind you do from the side quests and hunts and getting the shit that attacks you on the way to the objective out of the way.

@jacchann - 29.07.2023 18:06

An enemy's stagger multiplier goes up mainly by the amount of stagger damage an ability does
Shiva's Diamond dust is notorious for instantly maxing the multiplier on larger enemies, so using Garuda abilities/abilities that hit fast+often isn't always the best option if you're looking to maximize the multiplier in the shortest amount of time

@carl9521678 - 28.07.2023 16:17

Is there a ring to trigger your abilities automatically

@beebs_magoo - 24.07.2023 18:39

Who is CH-aron? lol

You know the voice actors don't pronounce her name like that, right?

@lazyman221 - 22.07.2023 19:41

You can always reset the ability points. So, just use them all on the skill you want.

@brandonooley3202 - 21.07.2023 22:22

Got to love a video being passed off as tips and tricks. When it’s just a list of 5 common sense topics you figure out through osmosis in the first ten hours of gameplay! Great job, so informative! Thanks for not waisting my time. But you got you got your watch time In that’s all that matters right?

@pg5650 - 20.07.2023 12:47

Actually i think the stagger multiplier gets bigger with attacks that deal more stagger damage, not necessarily more hits

@davidtsmith33 - 17.07.2023 15:44

Very informative. Need some clarification regarding The Ring of Timely Assistance. I quite liked to have this on so I wouldn't have to get distracted by manually switching and pressing the pet command button. However I noticed when I had it on at times the shortcuts would switch between Potions and Pet on its own without me noticing and use up potions when I didn't want to so do. Next thing I knew was I had less potions in stock and this was concerning. Also when I thought I switched to Pet shortcuts it switched to Potions shortcuts so when I thought I was commanding Torgal I was actually using up potions. What can I do to avoid this or is it that that is how it works. I'm playing on Story Mode BTW.

@andrewdickens7016 - 16.07.2023 14:22

I really like this game but it’s like an action game using FF lore

I miss the days of casting cure or protect etc

@Blastanker - 16.07.2023 05:35

Ive never felt like i needed to grind a lot in a ff game.

@fuzzytaco206 - 14.07.2023 23:10

Best tip: push square a lot until cutscene and then walk to the next push square a lot for the cutscene. Rinse and repeat.

@PlusOne2Crit - 13.07.2023 23:12

The "don't craft gear" warning is honestly unessecary. I was swimming in materials and that was after crafting every weapon and armour piece, including pieces I actually didn't need as my gear was already better.

@leocreuu3254 - 13.07.2023 00:01

I’ve been pretty stingy on my playtrough I just used the swords upgrades when I beat a new ikon didn’t buy it craft any of the others now on new game plus I kinda want to has anyone crafted everything and can confirm or deny that the game gives you all the material necessary for every item or do you run out

@TheOmegaDragon - 12.07.2023 20:49

I always have timely assistance on too because having to manage everything on the battlefield takes a ton of my attention just like you said. Hunts are recommended as well since a good amount of equipment requires resources from hunted marks to make at the blacksmith. I also found out that some potions can be farmed by fast traveling between regions like the town in the continent of Ash, you can find high potion next to the pregnant lady's house and a potion near the gate that is close to that house.

@DarttheLegend - 12.07.2023 09:53

There is no Final Fantasy where you have to grind to beat the game. 3 is really hard if you don’t grind, but it’s just a challenge, not required grinding. It’s all about bringing the proper strategy and decision making, that’s what’s exciting about turn-based games, especially when there’s an ATB system like the vast majority of Final Fantasy games. That’s what makes it my favorite genre.

@luisizsick123 - 11.07.2023 21:08

The crafting is damn near non existent in this game compared to previous titles in the series, in terms of challenge this game also doesn’t really give much of a challenge if at all S rank hunts feel not much more difficult than a C or B rank fight, my first S rank was atlas and I beat it on the first try, there wasn’t a single boss that I remotely struggled with, the game isn’t bad it just feels spoon fed like someones holding my hand through the entirety of it. Maybe NG+ final fantasy mode will be better but do I seriously want to play another 40-60 hours of gameplay ? Not really

@salient666 - 11.07.2023 09:01

Why are you pronouncing the P as an F 😂

@Cman04092 - 09.07.2023 14:10

Don't grind, just get gud scrub! Lol.

@bribay - 09.07.2023 02:32

Final Fantasy games are easy. never had to grind just to beat the game. Y'all just be saying anything

@patd9850 - 08.07.2023 05:49

Also the higher level you are the easier time. You’ll have with beating bosses. Since you’ll be able to take more hits and damage. I did almost every side quest. So I’m almost level 50 and near the end of the game.

@TheShad0wW3av3r - 08.07.2023 01:45

You can always just unlearn any skills you've moved on from 🤔
You no longer use that [INSERT SKILL NAME] that you mastered out a couple days ago? Just have a sudden case of amnesia and get those points back and put them into something else! 😉👍

@Eskimo039 - 07.07.2023 21:25

Hey how do you change your color in the menu from blue to red I want a red settings instead of blue settings how do you do that and is there away if so where can I find it in the settings

@matthewaaronwest - 07.07.2023 17:52

If you buy aa 10,000 dollar round for everyone in hideaway 2 right before a cutscene, everyone will be drunk or drinking for said cutscene

@MugiwarasNakama - 07.07.2023 15:48

I have pretty bad reflexes seeing as im in my 40s so timely focus was a godsend for me. Still gives me the agency of dodging attacks myself while helping me out with the timing. And i agree controlling Torgal manually is a pain. I used both of those rings the entire playthrough and it still gave me a free accessory slot i can use with the plethora of enhancements accesories.

@MugiwarasNakama - 07.07.2023 15:42

I also highly recommend doing side quest as they become available. If you wait to do them you can end up with way too many littered everywhere making it confusing tedious and sluggish to get through them. They are also written to be immediately relevant to what's happening in the story so waiting to do them can also clash with the tone of what the writters were going for. If you are going to do them save yourself the headache and do them as they become available.

@steveng8978 - 07.07.2023 14:36

Ring of timely assistance is included with ring of timely strikes. Very useful in early game. Both equipped cancel each other out. GG's

@Shigazane - 05.07.2023 23:25

Lot of bad info here in my opinion. Firstly, your best equipment comes from crafting and if you do the side quests, pick up the items littered everywhere, and open chests you will have more crafting pieces than you can use during the initial playthrough. Second, invest points into skills whenever you want, master whatever you want whenever you want, you can refund every point of AP you spend as long as you are not in combat.

@johnwalker3629 - 04.07.2023 14:44

Buying/crafting weapons uses the exact same materials wether you buy or craft

@Hiro39367 - 04.07.2023 12:12

I feel like since the massive success of elden ring every action title is trying to copy a lot of the gameplay and open world aspects from the game. First the harry potter game did it and now this game as well. Heck even that recent kirby game for switch did it too lol.

@robertramirez5883 - 03.07.2023 13:43

I might be in the minority but I like to grind but hate when you have to grind for gear or items that are rng based

@justinserrano4506 - 02.07.2023 22:36

There hasn’t been a single Final Fantasy, where you can enjoy the story, but also have to grind. That’s a misconception and your first point is already invalid.

@dominikgarry7473 - 02.07.2023 20:06

Esper skill mastery is only required for a single trophy where you have too use all of garudas 3 skills on an enemy without touching the ground. So you have to master 1 of the 3 to get that

@codysmith9695 - 02.07.2023 16:29

I don't know what kind of games you usually play but I'm betting rpgs aren't among them. Grinding is never required in ff games you can literally just play through. A stat benefit is always the benefit of grinding levels while waiting to unlock gear. Maxing skills is always a grind not necessary, but does strengthen you above normal levels which allow you to take on hard hunts or do harder strength based evens early... there was a bunch of terrible advice in this video. .. sorry.

@panthericjones - 02.07.2023 02:48

There's only one FF where you can actually make a mistake that costs you the game and that's Final Fantasy Tactics.

Most notably, Riovannes Castle

@WanderingJourneyman - 01.07.2023 18:05

All Im going to say is... Ring of Timely Evasion AT ALL TIMES. Its basically ff16 on very easy mode lol also its easier to weave all of your attacks with yourself and Torgal without having to worry about defense much. Also use raging fists as a replacement for Garuda's "Gouge." Your welcome.

@Daniel_D-bo - 01.07.2023 13:15


@greenmountainpokemon2112 - 01.07.2023 01:45

Mastering an ability is huge... in almost every instance, it changes the ability (for the better)!
I greatly advise some additional grinding, and mastering abilities earlier and giving yourself an advantage!

@OnwardToMail - 30.06.2023 21:06

For trophy hunters grinding IS required, you have to max out all the abilities and Eikons and even with two playthroughs it won't be enough AP without grinding for awhile.
