Vermont - The Direction Of This Game Worries Me

Vermont - The Direction Of This Game Worries Me


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@lexwaldez - 21.02.2023 21:52

Flamu - did you enjoy your gaming experience? At exactly which point did WG worry you with the direction they took for their game? CV's? Sub's? The many commander and ship re-works? Maybe reducing the credits earned by anything remotely fun to play? The fact is that the act of downloading and installing a WG game begins the process of worrying about the direction of that game. And remember, if WoWs ever frustrates you, you can always go play a round of WoT and see what frustration REALLY feels like. LOL LOOT boxes! I forgot about LOOT BOXES! zomg.

@papay9772 - 21.02.2023 21:59

BRIK very sad

@swiftf0x - 21.02.2023 23:39

You're not having fun, and you're one of the better players on the servers. Consider how much fun those of us who are average players are having?

@soldierxgaming8753 - 22.02.2023 00:13

Bro u for real? U known this since being removed from cc programme the cv rework etc but now ur only worrying about its direction?

@seanelucero - 22.02.2023 03:54

I am not really understanding how asw strikes don't do any damage

@pharaohthutmosis7803 - 22.02.2023 04:23

This particular game flamu played reminds me YEARS ago during the early days of WoWs, when certain ships could shoot at you and never be detected, due to how concealment used to work, ONTOP of smoke being OP as hell,and carriers using 3+ squads of planes to dev strike you and youcould do NOTHING, because the planes where VTOL equipped and could hover by your side and AA until you had to commit to a turn, then drop 16 torps into your side with no arming time, chuking you for 70% of your health or killing you outright. they will never learn, and im so glad to this day, that flamu still shows how retared the WG devs are so i can continue to not play their trash game

@marcofava - 22.02.2023 05:39

Stopped playing this game in 2020, I've looked at coming back a few times but every time I want to get back in a see a video likes this and think, Fuck that, I wanna have fun

@CMDRFandragon - 22.02.2023 08:43

If another company was able to make a Warship game like WOWS, but without all the Wargaming-ness, would Flamu quit cold turkey and go play it?

@mihaitha - 22.02.2023 11:37

"If you want to have fun in World of Warships, don't."

@Pepega_Ch - 22.02.2023 12:20

Imagine expecting to have fun playing this game 🙃

Also, it's funny seeing how the enty easily killed the SS with its auto-asw thus carrying the game as a bottom tier. What a perfect design for a ship type that's hand-hold by the dev

@ArekishiKishi - 22.02.2023 14:01

play BB - fun not included xD

@Alexyrion - 22.02.2023 15:59

It must be pretty depressing to be a content creator for a game that's rolling downhill that fast.

Hopefully flolo can find a new game to enjoy!

@martinknittel8125 - 22.02.2023 18:07

World of Warships = world of bullshit. Wargaming mehhh

@timlaw9250 - 22.02.2023 19:48

Feel your pain in about 1/3 of my games anymore. When I see 2 CVs and 2 subs per team it almost becomes a fact I will spend half the game or more just dodging planes pings and torps. Your right that is no fun and very sad. I started playing this game six years ago because I love surface ship combat just throwing salvos and watching secondaries go to work. The best thing I do now is just not even take this game serious and like you in this video laugh at it cause its a joke anymore.

@Dukenukem - 23.02.2023 03:06

Remember the good times when you were tortured by invisible DDs and punished for every move forward in a BB? Feels like nothing changed, just complains... WG is not making it hard to hate someone with counterclass when you have 0 support from your team.

@diegowushu - 23.02.2023 03:11

I got 5 words for those frustrated with WoWs: War Thunder Arcade Coastal Battles. Just hilariously fast (up to 100km/h) gunboats and torp boats shredding one another with machine guns, torps and low caliber cannons. You even get respawns. Just stay clear of playing in anything DD and up and you're golden.

@robertgarwood6292 - 23.02.2023 07:05

if i see more than a single sub or carrier while playing a BB, I just charge in and do as much damage as I can till I'm dead. Standing back just means I die to planes or torps and do zip.

@shadows4400 - 23.02.2023 14:42

A CV,SUB,Hybrid BB these people are the same people who get upset when they don't win and simple little things like claw machines 😬🤥🤣

@evldice - 23.02.2023 18:42

RNG sucks, it's very frustrating. I've gone ten random matches without a win, whether it's rng, lousy matchmaking, or bad teamwork, it's frustrating nonetheless.

@cambellschunky704 - 23.02.2023 20:55

Stop spending money on this game.

@johnsteelhammer - 24.02.2023 01:24

playing on ru server cause getting claped all the time on eu server :S

@jayceedee5807 - 24.02.2023 08:16

How about you do something about the state of the game? Organise some proper protest. WOWS player strike. Has been done in foxhole, successfully changed the game.

@sanitarium017 - 24.02.2023 15:06

Don't report people for playing a game, just because you don't agree with what the devs are doing. Christ.

@raginasiangaming910 - 25.02.2023 04:08

The game has become about gimmicks and frankly this game is going the way of WoT.

Sadly, I thought that the arrival of War Thunder Naval would spur Wargaming to add some really innovative new mechanics or tiers, something to reassert their dominance in the naval arcade area. Instead they try to cram more lootboxes and gimmicks down our throats. This is what they did with WoT...and that game is entering its death throws against War Thunder Land. Sadly, I foresee the same fate for WoWS.

This is NOT to say that Gaijin is a great company. In fact, far from it. My statement is really more of a testimony to how incredibly garbage Wargaming is (minus the amazing art department, of course).

@lerbronk - 25.02.2023 07:44

wait until these russians get their hands on I-400(s)

@claudekim7876 - 25.02.2023 09:00

This happens so often its not even funny. Imagine a balao and a malta toon spamming him. He woulda died doing 0 dmg

@rexstuff4655 - 25.02.2023 10:03

Behold. Why I quit the game.

@blazejenkins8386 - 25.02.2023 13:41

Subs are more broken had so many times where i nulled the ping and the torpedos still homed

@Dave_Allen - 25.02.2023 14:37

having games like this more and more and i'll tell you, its fcking frustrating. i play to enjoy the game but i'm just finding myself get pissed off on a regular basis, not being able to counter subs and cv's is just stupid. i had a game in my FDR yesterday i play cv rarely because i dont like them and because i play rarely i'm not very good in them. anyway i see a shikishima hit him with bombs then torps, in those 2 minutes i did 100k damage he was dead to my teammates shortly after. i dont think he had fun and their was nothing he could do about it, 4 minutes into the game he was dead. its just bullshit. well done WG

@einrealist - 25.02.2023 16:16

Another nice video that perfectly explains, why I am not playing this game anymore. I would come back if CVs and Subs were removed.

@janneparkkila3699 - 25.02.2023 20:57

Really a big consolation to see this video. It feels like my own games have been like this for the past few weeks. I thought I just suck but maybe there's more to it. Like, the game sucks even more than my play.

@toastermcgee7245 - 28.02.2023 12:56

Totally agree. Been playing for 6 years and have now stopped since Christmas. Just to random with matchmaking makes it frustrating and as you say just not fun.

@saltefan5925 - 06.03.2023 12:21

Imagine leaving spawn playing WOWS after early 2022. Truly you have a deathwish

@Juiblex100 - 06.03.2023 21:03

Fighting ships is not permitted in World of Warships

@Sober_Alcoholic - 08.03.2023 01:24

if it makes you feel any better...When im doing my first wins of the day n queue up in my CV... i will park a squadron over Subs n harass them all game until theyre dead

@brianjohnston6667 - 13.03.2023 01:37

In Soviet Russia, video game plays YOU

@cameronnixon8186 - 13.03.2023 05:43

This is legit why I stopped playing 3 months ago and frankly, haven't missed it for a second. Tanks grew to be an OP game of impenetrable super tanks or wheeled nonsense, now ships is also going down the road of BS classes that make the game no fun to play.

@chrishelt4389 - 27.03.2023 01:41

I haven't played in years, since not long after the carriers came into being (that actually had nothing to do with why I stopped), but back then the carriers spent a lot of time searching for and trying to kill each other, or at least trying to set fires on the flight decks so they can't launch planes. Now all I see are the carriers and subs all beating on the surface ships and leaving the enemy carriers free to do the same. Am I missing some mechanic that keeps carriers safe from each other?

@nazgames1524 - 01.04.2023 17:56

I feel you 😮‍💨🥲

@wedgeantilles4053 - 10.04.2023 02:02

this is pretty much every match for me. play 1 match and boot another game

@zaeltrus - 03.05.2023 16:21

I literally had the same experience yesterday, my flank died in minutes around me and then I was focused by a sub and a cv until I died. This was paired with the troll-y dispersion of the Republique. I was on the verge of crying ngl, logged right out of the game. And I had the same thought, we play games to have fun, all I feel playing this game now is stress, anxiety and frustration...

@taliho3786 - 07.05.2023 14:46

I hope they add some ASW helicopters, I would just play those

@leonidas231 - 23.05.2023 19:09

rng picks winners

@TheMadmatt7 - 14.06.2023 08:34

Atlanta used to be my favorite ship. It was just goofy fun. Then the carrier rework hit and suddenly my baby was nerfed to nothing. Haven't played since.

@TallonOver - 21.06.2023 23:45

I'm new into wows 3 months now and i have the EXACT experience 8/10 games. I don't know if this is limited only to battleships but man this makes me want to just quit and uninstall. I am playing Vermont as well in a detactibility build and this shit happens every time. As soon as a dd, sub or cv spots me its game over. Can't move away that fast, can't support my team, can't get a good salvo since it magically happens that everyone is paying attention to what i'm doing and always drop anchor when i shoot (of course i miss...) and to make matters worse there is a sub next to you and suddenly you get blown up not to mention that i am getting torped from every fucking direction. I know that i don't know this game so well and vermont is a love/hate scenario but what the fuck am i doing wrong? I watched your video and i couldn't relate more as a new player...

@terrystrates7089 - 16.08.2023 18:13

as someone that hasn't touched randoms all too much since subs were introduced, i feel this gameplay, every time i've played a random battle i don't touch the game for like 3 weeks, got kicked from my clan about a month ago because was away for 2 months, after playing i think it was 3 random battles in 30 mins, i've given up all hope for the game

@junkiexl86 - 31.08.2023 06:59

And they wonder why more and more people just do Operations

@penttikoskinen66 - 03.06.2024 21:30

This video was posted a year ago and oh my, pretty accurate description of the future games. I have played for 4-5 years now, not the best nor the worst player but I’m actually thinking of uninstalling the game.

I play on Asia server as I live in Thailand and it is impossible to play as BB nowadays as 9/10 games are like this video Flamu posted. On top you get torped by subs and burned down by cv’s and those idiotic hybrid ships with planes you will get HE Spammed from 20+ km without any possible counter play as the subs and planes keeps you spotted and you will die in 4-10 minutes while been able to fire 3-4 salvos and that hoping someone will spot for you and you hit something from 22-24km away

Same issue you will face no matter what ship style you play, unless you surrender and play as a cv or as sub. Just so sad as Flamu says it.

P.s. artillery bug, has anyone noticed how the salvos that usually are def strikes magically transforms into a salvo hitting water on both sides of the ship you shootings when that player is a new player or just really bad player with 35-40% win rate. It would be interesting to hear your experiences as I been seeing this happen in my games frequently as a pattern, worse the player the first 1-2 salvos just will not hit no matter enemmän is stationary or on the move. This happens with distance 15-22km, no matter what BB you play, Slava, Vermont, Montana the result is the same.
