Multiple Bindings and Animations | Niagara Px Tips

Multiple Bindings and Animations | Niagara Px Tips

Broudy Precision

10 дней назад

396 Просмотров

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@rafakarpinski2250 - 22.02.2025 14:00


Is there any way to make filter window where i can select what i want to see (example: Only Zone 1, Only Zone 2, Both, None) so that te windows can dissapear?
I did that by my self by creating booleanWritable somewhere, but this create problem when 2 person are dissplaying the same view... :(

I was trying to use pxProperties by with no luck

@F150vsRAM - 22.02.2025 17:38

Thanks for the videos. Can you do one for setting up Outbound O Auth Email Client Secret Authenticator with Gmaill?
