SHOCKING Side Effects of Apple Cider Vinegar (And Whether You SHOULD AVOID IT)

SHOCKING Side Effects of Apple Cider Vinegar (And Whether You SHOULD AVOID IT)

Health Chronicle

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The Churlish Boor
The Churlish Boor - 09.07.2023 17:44

As if ACV is as acidic as hydrochloric acid (stomach acid itself) !! Of course it isn't. LOL!
ACV may well be massively over-hyped, sure.
Fermented apples that the grocery stores don't want. But to suggest it is so acidic that it damages the stomach lining is ridiculous.
Maybe instead it's the bizarre, inhuman modern diet that's the culprit, eh?

animalsandiphones - 08.07.2023 23:44

This is why you add a little to water

Asma Khan
Asma Khan - 03.07.2023 18:55

100% ..u r each word is true...I I suffering,,,,ACV side effect...want to loose now I am just 45kg....😢😢😢😢😢loosemotion ,gastric prmbl..and mouth ulcers just 1years....😢😢😢😢😢🤧🤧🤧🤧

EXCELLENCE CIRCLE - 27.06.2023 07:47

Jai shree Ram

Hege Lianne Williams
Hege Lianne Williams - 11.05.2023 23:39

I get very dizzy from drinking 1 teaspoon of acv diluted in a large glass of water, daily. Started with 2 teaspoons, but that made me even worse and gave me a massive headache.

I'm thinking now to drink it just twice a week. I keep forgetting it is so important to let the body adapt to new routines etc.

Hopefully the dizziness will pass? 😮

Mr. Anonymous
Mr. Anonymous - 24.04.2023 22:07

I've been taking ACV daily for a few weeks now. Suddenly, over the past few days, my mouth has become extremely irritated, like I traded my toothbrush for steel wool and went to work. I actually thought it might have something to do with brushing too hard, but that irritation only lasts a day or two. I don't swish it around my mouth like moron, but still I wonder if the daily use of it might have screwed with the PH balance of my body and mouth, creating the irritation.

Some Guy
Some Guy - 17.04.2023 04:55

This is mostly incorrect.

Flowdom - 12.04.2023 10:13

Oh also I'm gonna try it with a bit of honey soon.

Flowdom - 12.04.2023 10:12

1 cap full of acv in a 250 ml bottle of water right before breakfast. Never been healthier... Losing centimeters around waist line and feeling less dizzy. It made me dizzy only if I didn't eat immediately afterwards. Not to mention that it cleans out your tummy.

vmobile890 - 22.03.2023 09:01

Me ACV 1 teaspoon lemon juice sometimes pink salt and 2 cups of water . put in Nutri bullet blende to get foamy drink using a straw . Sometimes 2 hours before breakfast sometimes before bed to reduce restless leg syndrome .

Tom Atoe
Tom Atoe - 17.03.2023 09:45

If you are have issues with acv its becouse you dont know how to utilize it
1) take it ONLY when consuming foods especially if it is acidic foods(like meat,pasta,etc) or high carb foods
2)when not eating you should be alkalizing your stomach (water,vegies,alkaline water,fasting ,etc)

John Goh
John Goh - 24.02.2023 06:53

Hi Health Chronicle, Bragg Apple cider Vinegar has Mother in it. I take 1-2 Table Spoon dilute with 150ml of cold water and drink it on an empty stomach every morning. So what kind of side-effects do you think Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar with the Mother can cause when you take it every morning for one year? Thank you.

Izou Nokuda
Izou Nokuda - 14.02.2023 17:10

I love drinking pomegranate cider vinegar with honey yums

Simon H
Simon H - 12.02.2023 01:37

I dont see any evidence of this video.

Curtis McDonald
Curtis McDonald - 31.01.2023 06:00

I call bulls#*+ on this video. It begins with a heavy campaign against Apple cider vinegar then, the last 60 seconds of the video, says, “if taken properly” Apple cider vinegar is good for the body. An unbalanced video. It’s quite simple, 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar with 8 ounces of water… “Enamel damage“ to your teeth..???….Yes, if you just drink ACV by itself and don’t dilute it with water. Wanna be certain - take 2 big gulps of water after you’ve had an ACV+H2O cocktail and swish that water around in your mouth for about 10 seconds and then Wala …. no ACV on your teeth. Pretty easy right?The data presentation in this video is anti Apple cider vinegar. The science is clear and the data is there if you dig a little. It promotes digestive and immunity health. It’s real simple - 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar with 8 ounces of water - you’re boosting the good micro biome in your G.I.. And that’s where healthy immune systems thrive; the lower gut. Are there certain individuals that should not consume apple cider vinegar at all? Of course there are. Simply ask a MD with Certifications in homeopathic health and they’ll tell you if you should, or should not consume ACV. It’s real easy to figure out.

Bee Your Best
Bee Your Best - 30.01.2023 18:24

NEVER brush your teeth right after. You need to wait more than a half hour after drinking it to brush your teeth. Rinse your mouth with water right after drinking ACV.

c c
c c - 08.01.2023 12:43

You water it down its a tea spoon in a glass of water and part of a balanced diet. Have you seen the side effects of some tablets as long as your arm list of terrible symptoms anything old fashioned seems to be better for you but taste bad (medicine that tastes bad is usually good for you)

Military.X1 - 27.12.2022 17:48

Seems to be working just fine for me. The only ones that don't want us using natural and free remedies would be the ruling class that governs this side of Earth. Not falling for the 🧢

Dora fiko
Dora fiko - 10.11.2022 18:59

Apple cider vinegar doesn't cause you heartburn it is actually good for acid reflux, Gerd or heartburns. If it causes you pain in stomach or heartburn again and again or more worse, then it's probably you have an inflammation in stomach or ulcer and you shouldn't use it. It should be taken only in a small quantity and obv in a diluted form

Melvin Dwayne
Melvin Dwayne - 05.11.2022 08:37

So much BS. You can use it safely, diluted, before meals, and if you suffer from low stomach acid it is perfectly safe to increase the stomach acidity by using ACV. It works wonders for some people and really helps treat GERD. Don't overdo it, it can lower your potassium levels. Always use a straw to take it. ACV is not harmful if used correctly. ACV can be used long-term, but diluted and do not exceed two tablespoons total daily intake.

Harsh Bhamra
Harsh Bhamra - 18.09.2022 02:06

I see, most of the people taking ACV have throat related problems including me. I have been taking ACV for past 5 days it helped me from acid reflux but it fucked up my throat as m facing mouth ulcers and pain at the back of tongue. M suggesting you guys only take if it doesn’t give any side effects to your body as everyone have different bodies so it doesn’t suitable for everyone.

Kim Ulm
Kim Ulm - 24.08.2022 20:08

PKEASE DONT BRUSH TWETH IMMEDIATLEY AFTER DRINKING ,,JUST RINSE MOUTH WITH WATER .With any acidic food such as Lemons ,oranges ,vinager,always rinse mouth and wait to brush teeth .Research ,,,do research on your own.

Ray Marsh
Ray Marsh - 24.08.2022 14:36


H - 15.08.2022 19:00

ACV gets rid of my heart burn/gerd like symptoms. Read the real science and anatomy and the effects ACV has on gerd symptoms. This video is horrendous.

Geraldine Mcardle
Geraldine Mcardle - 24.06.2022 16:00

This is such rubbish

Max Vanderspurt
Max Vanderspurt - 14.05.2022 20:12

Total b.s. most people are too alkaline with low weak stomach acid causing heart burn and bacterial overgrowth not the other way around....acv can help with that alot but eating a low or zero carb diet will do much better this video fallows all the main stream medical system advice that is incorrect and designed to make us sick so they can make money by maintaining illness not curing it the same advice that
Said cholesterol is bad sat fat is bad high protein is bad and "good carbs" exist all b.s. if it wasn't id be dead by now that being said acv can cause discomfort and issues if you have an ulcer or gastritis that must be fixed first that can be fixed by diet...

Nat Jackson
Nat Jackson - 04.05.2022 15:34

Brush your teeth after drinking acid to protect enamel? I don't think the mechanical abrasion of the bristles of the toothbrush so shortly after your teeth being exposed to acid is going to help at all, but may make things much worse. Best to neutralise the acid by rinsing with a baking soda/water solution and then apply a fluoride toothpaste to your teeth with fingers and leave it on there for a few minutes before rinsing with water. Leave it a little while before you next eat too.

Eddie spagetti
Eddie spagetti - 30.04.2022 20:46

ACV is amazing. I'm losing fat and my GERD is gone. 20 years on heartburn GERD medication 2 types I was on. Now I'm good because ACV is amazing stuff. I drink it straight up about quarter cup and day. I love it. Best thing of we had only 1 supplement to use I would just choose ACV. Fish oils and ACV are working amazing for me

Alice Vill
Alice Vill - 21.04.2022 02:36

im here cause i take the the gummies 😅 ive been feeling sick for the past 3 days nausea and stomach cramping so I stop taking them. Maybe im too delicate lol

Madison Addams
Madison Addams - 25.03.2022 13:23

A shame so much of this is absolute tosh!

The stomach lining is designed to deal with much stronger acids than ACV; indigestion and related issues are because of too little acid, often caused by listening to rubbish like this.

I take it every day now, and it's cured many, many years of serious acid reflux, so much so I was able to stop taking medications for it.

If you're daft enough to drink it neat, then you take your chances but, the same goes for many other drinks, and people still take them neat...

cb A bc
cb A bc - 03.02.2022 03:03

Brought to you by Big PHARMA

Adam Uppsala🇸🇪
Adam Uppsala🇸🇪 - 20.01.2022 18:40

Since I'm a nurse with access to a syringe and needles, I've been injecting it directly in my veins to bypass my teeth and stomach. It's been amazing!!! But I dilute it 1/20 and the total volume of injection isn't more than 3mg. I also do it only twice a week.

Eliza Gaye
Eliza Gaye - 06.01.2022 13:17

DO NOT BRUSH YOUR TEETH IMMEDIATELY AFTER DRINKING ACV. Just like soda, it’s acidic and causes your enamel to weaken momentarily. It’s been said by at least four professional doctors that I’ve seen on this platform to wait at least 30 full minutes before brushing your teeth, it’s just common sense to me. However, it would probably be good for you to at least rinse your mouth right afterwards.

Subie_girl23 - 25.11.2021 18:39

after hearing about the health Benefits of acv I decided to give it a go & I tried 2 teaspoons of acv with a teaspoon of lemon juice & about 400ml of water.. a few hours later I got horrible heartburn, nausea & felt dizzy for a while.. since losing some weight & improving my nutrition, I rarely eat sweets & have a low sugar intake.. didn’t realise how much acv can lower your blood sugar 😳 so I don’t want to continue & I still have horrible heartburn 8hrs later

John benjamen
John benjamen - 29.10.2021 06:47

Ahh give me a break

Catherine - 14.10.2021 13:38

I believe that ACV is not supposed to be taken regularly because i came down with Ulcer.

Sylvia Gaston
Sylvia Gaston - 16.09.2021 23:39

I guess I am stopping from take a sip everyday to help with sinus problems. This is my 4th day and I now have a bad scratchy throat and that was just with 1 sip of 1 tsp in a cup of water...ONE SIP. Strong stuff. I'll stick with my 1 sip a day of Oil of side effects and its a natural antibiotic.

Donald Reynolds
Donald Reynolds - 04.09.2021 12:32

I’ve been sick with nausea for six months no cure then I drink apple cider vinegar with water and I was well in one day the nausea is gone

JosephD. - 04.08.2021 11:58

A human stomach is supposed to be acidic, and most heartburn is not due to high acid in the stomach it's actually due to low acid in the stomach and drinking ACV relieves the root cause of that heartburn and this is medical fact that cannot be disputed

Praveen Sriram
Praveen Sriram - 26.07.2021 02:03

Watching this scares the heck out of me which is why I’m going to return the Apple 🍎 cider vinegar to Target 🎯 and get my $19 plus tax back.

Frank Gabriel
Frank Gabriel - 16.07.2021 22:07

My mom is a doctor so.... she said that we should be careful while consuming it as it is can be bad for kidney. I also remember that my uncle who had diabetes drank lots of bitter gourd juice daily which completely damaged his kidney.

Thunder Rigos
Thunder Rigos - 09.07.2021 04:19

Can i cook with ACV and still have some of the benefits

william M
william M - 13.06.2021 12:51

Not certain about the points made but ,if anyone else is searching for
diet for kidney disease
try Franaar Healthy Kidney Formula (just google it ) ? Ive heard some interesting things about it and my colleague got excellent results with it.

palo pal
palo pal - 15.05.2021 14:13

My face I think might be having a negative side effect. My cheeks are red and I have little rashes or acne on my face jawline and Slightly on my neck. I drink acv 1 tsp to 1/4cup of water at a time.. sometimes just once a day sometimes 3 times a day but always the same ratio. Has anyone else had this type of issue? ...and I don't put acv on my skin only drinking it internally ☹

akshay titare
akshay titare - 13.05.2021 08:16

True, I have experienced it after 8 months, when level of potassium get down.

Tom - 12.05.2021 09:26

Two tablespoon every morning with water .. I been doing this for 7 months and I feel better then ever . I lost 30 pounds without changing my diet and it cured my acid reflux, it does not lower your potassium levels .
