Laravel "Route Not Defined": The Quickest Way to Debug

Laravel "Route Not Defined": The Quickest Way to Debug

Laravel Daily

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malleability - 07.09.2023 23:31

my application breaks when i run
`php artisan optimize:clear`

but then it works again when i run
`php artisan optimize`

optimize:clear as i understand clears cached configuration values and views and some extras
it is that i have implemented something that specifically only works with my cached configurations?

this is a somewhat issue because i need to run some tests for some specific aspects and the cached application wont work with the test because things like db and environment configs which are different for local and for local testing

right after running a test , i will have to optimize:cache before the local environment works again

i need a simpler way to understand why its happening but at this point its works so it doesnt matter but it still bugs me

Mursal sadatat
Mursal sadatat - 30.08.2023 23:56

If you are in hurry just type either of the following code;
php artisan optimize;
php artisan cache:clear;

your routes need to be updated or refreshed;
I’m just a junior student; I’m sorry if my comment sound stupid.

Canopus k
Canopus k - 26.08.2023 16:00

Also this command helps php artisan route:cache

Yasar k
Yasar k - 25.08.2023 22:55

@laraveldaily how to integrate the stripe payment element in livewire and is there anyways to get values payment elements details of stripe in livewire

Fulufhelo Mukwevho
Fulufhelo Mukwevho - 25.08.2023 16:13

Thank you for this, i didn't know you can filter

Mahmoud Bakheet
Mahmoud Bakheet - 25.08.2023 11:04

Generally there are a lot of errors related to the routes recently I get this error and I struggle with
call to undefined method app\models\ModelName\::__set_state()
it's appear when I optimizing app or clear cache or something like that , I know this is not the place that we fix errors but surprise me when I delete
it's work ..
I need to understand this error any help ?

Marcin Kaźmierczak
Marcin Kaźmierczak - 25.08.2023 09:06

Why are you still teaching about blades? All modern frontend websites use Vue, React not blades, not filament. It's better to teach people about building correct API and send information to the frontend. How to manipulate data using frontend. I've been following you for two years and you focus too much on toys around Laravel

Zhiwar Osman
Zhiwar Osman - 25.08.2023 08:30

thank you, I have an issue that every time i change something in web.php , the change not commit till i write php artisan optimize is there any way to fix that problem?

King Stalker
King Stalker - 25.08.2023 08:20

Good tip first place i always also look
