NEW TIER LIST for PATCH 12.12 - League of Legends

NEW TIER LIST for PATCH 12.12 - League of Legends

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@zachd7695 - 03.07.2022 01:33

I’m really enjoying Vex in the mid lane. I feel so once I hit 6 I have so much roaming capabilities with my ult to really help me snowball. I feel like she is super safe while laning if you can hold onto your passive, her wave clear is really nice with a E, Q combo. Surprised to see her B tier in the mid lane.

@josecaldo1591 - 27.06.2022 08:20

where is nunu?

@jo3l197 - 24.06.2022 23:29

wdym kata get huge nerf lmao

@radosam8415 - 24.06.2022 20:27

A tier champ
46% wr

@dleyne5180 - 24.06.2022 16:38

>Kat in A tier
What a joke

@zoruna5594 - 24.06.2022 14:12

Katarina being A Tier after the changes is a joke 😂 these changes dumped her winrate and she‘s not A tier at all now 😂

@KrillixKai - 24.06.2022 04:14

Nerfs for supports all around, always.

Every single patch is a support nerf, yet the only role in the entire game that can't even defend itself is, "OP". Sure... bullshit. -.-

@oakryanoakryan1703 - 23.06.2022 14:13

The Fiora nerfs are wrong, they nerfed the scaling of passive from 5.5% per 100bAD to 4.5% per 100bAD, a huge nerf to her late game true damage, with early game untouched

@ether6521 - 23.06.2022 10:15


@EOMMunaware - 23.06.2022 06:55

Any low elo people I am diamond 2 @ Ekko or int add me. I will go on my smurf and climb you out :)

@andrewnguyen2701 - 23.06.2022 05:35

How is Bel Veth AA range going from 125-175 a “nerf” ?

@Pigraider268 - 22.06.2022 17:48

And Seraphine got really beautiful skin recently

P.S.: Fasting is disgusting, but it shouldn't be considered support, but adc

@nightcorechords5705 - 22.06.2022 14:34

Kayle S tier, excuse me?

@ghostek7792 - 22.06.2022 13:43

IDUNNO about the seraphine S tier lmao. Ive played seraphine only otp since pbe release . I only play her mid however, whenever i get filled bot lane she is DEFINITELY stronger bot lane. but her kit has alot of innate weaknesses. no matter what way you look at it it takes a LONNG time to get strong, like any traditional adc, except even less dps early and mid game. her biggest weakness is by far her projective movement speed and damage on targets. unless you're building deathcap or really ap heavy you're mostly just playing for really good ults and late game W(her w by far is her most broken ability). I wish they gave her a little more solo power, and she doesn't suck by any means, but I definitely would argue against her being S+. despite her kit being relatively easy and straight foward to understand, her cooldowns are really heavy early game and all of her damage are literally skillshots that really require your team to help lockdown enemies.

@zachfoster5653 - 22.06.2022 07:28

They don’t nerf a champ so they can delete a whole fuckin predator trees power?

@lloydegildner7554 - 22.06.2022 06:04

"laughs at everyones stupidity in katarina"

@pac665 - 22.06.2022 03:36

nice so after Viego has been 48% wr for months now we decide to gut not only his burst damage (one of the few things he has going for him) but also his reset power (literally his whole kit) AND we remove his only gank tool, that being the stealth w. riot is retarded beyond belief. This is it. I quite ranked.

@Lukz99 - 21.06.2022 23:22

you moved Sera and MF from A to S but there is no green arrow on them

@lignox7570 - 21.06.2022 22:34

Uh... not speaking about amumu supp coming back in the meta with this mana boost ?

@tehstrongbad - 21.06.2022 19:55

Why the shit are they nerfing Viego? He’s got a 49% WR across ALL ranks.

@notthisnow589 - 21.06.2022 19:00

Honestly, hope Riot do something with the tank supports. I main Rell and despite she's faring way better than the rest (Leo, Ali) the class is struggling a lot

@dreamyxi8130 - 21.06.2022 17:59

Fiora: dropping in 10 dmg Analysts: shes not OP Tier anymore lets put her on the verge of S to A. Me: Facepalm

@blakewilliams8148 - 21.06.2022 17:22

Can someone explain why Zed is so high? Just came back to the game but everywhere else I see him in like D tier

@campuscolt65 - 21.06.2022 17:00

When is this patch supposed to come out

@yassintayel7891 - 21.06.2022 16:29

How about kaisa ?

@bro-cz8yh - 21.06.2022 15:43

i always thought the narrator sounded like ezreal didnt know he actually was the VA for him tho :O

@sovient5002 - 21.06.2022 14:47

So cool having Ezreal tell us about the lol teir list!

@m54354 - 21.06.2022 14:42

So bad tier lists nowadays lol

@darkvoid364 - 21.06.2022 14:42

Riot fucked up with the tank update and now they’re trying to fix it. There should be no reason that a vayne with no tank items has 3000 HP and 120 armor. There are tank items for a reason. They need to nerf AP to the ground. No reason why Lux could Q and ulti you and you lose 1400 hp instantly. Or the fact that 1000Ap veigar can one shot with ult.

@rolandasgrigaitis708 - 21.06.2022 13:43

Skillcapped, why would you move blitzcrank into S tier? His Q buff does literally nothing. If he grabs the wrong target, even in lane, he's f*cked. Even if he grabs a squishy target he still needs to rely on his team to finish it off, this buff does absolutely nothing to him. His R buff doesn't make any significant difference aside from clearing the wave. You always want to punch your enemy before trying to execute him with your R. ...But the sad thing is, you can never estimate how low your enemy has to go on health until your ultimate actually kills him, it's just pure luck. I honestly think these are just placebo buffs. If instead they buffed his W movement speed or E damage, it would be way more impactful than just Q or R damage, as Q increase literally doesn't change the playstyle and R is just a prediction spell. Imo in low elos if you're smart enough and you know who to grab, and you're a blitz main, it will BARELY increase your chances of winning, blitz at A+ at best. Blitz still has tons of mana issues and he can't waveclear whenever he likes it, and biscuits doesn't fix this problem, therefore you are required to clear minions without using your W or E, which really sucks for him. Going for mana option makes him less tanky, or if you go for frozen heart, you skip the epic item because you want to go for the locket. That's the main problem for playing blitz. Runes/itemization doesn't solve his poor mana pool and this "damage buff" really doesn't do anything good for him aside from getting lucky kills. If riot instead decided to increase his mana pool by 100 mana, and remove these buffs instead, I would be so much happier. Honestly guys, when playing blitz in lane, if you miss a SINGLE Q, you've lost the lane (assuming the enemy knows how to punish you). You've lost all your mana, your W slows you down so enemy can attack you, and you probably pressed E before landing the hook. I know it's a long post but there's no way in hell this "buff" can bring blitz back into S tier. Just because numbers are good doesn't mean that in practice it will do anything good. As a blitzcrank main who has over 1000+ games, I know he will still be a decent pick instead of OP, and most of his wins will rely on enemy being clueless and failing to ward their jungle camps aside of anything else.

P.S. you win the lane as a blitzcrank not because you're 2v1 the enemy laner who is adc or support, but because you drag him into a zone that has more allied minions than him. Blitz isn't really a tank, he's more like a squishy support who can teleport enemies to your location. If blirz really was a tank, such as Nautilus or SIon, he would be broken.
And the worst thing about blitz is that he's a binary champion. If you land a single lucky hook early on, you can stomp the lane and basically win the game. But if you miss one, like maybe enemy mechanics are too good and he knows how to dodge it, you put yourself in a screwed position with 0 mana pool. So honestly I don't suggest you to even play blitz unless both enemy adc and support has no dashes unless you like playing casino a.k.a coinflipping. Blitz ain't that good, really, but I still play him because I feel like I'm good at predicting hooks, tons of games gave me lots of experience of how enemy players' mind works, but that's about it.

P.S.S. If you're still reading this, DO NOT CAST A RANDOM HOOK WHEN CHASING THE ENEMY. Run up to him into a straight line, cast your E to knock him up (trust me he will try to juke you so it's not hard to get close to him), and then walk away for 0.5 second and only then hook him. Only hook as your last resort, ALWAYS E THEM FIRST.

@magnum7980 - 21.06.2022 13:29

Just play phase rush full ap on groggy now that pred is nerfed

@barforlifebarforlife6019 - 21.06.2022 11:49

man why did they have to do viego like that

@aitruong4199 - 21.06.2022 09:09


@rubenveizagachavare3994 - 21.06.2022 08:22

why does he sound like spotify at the end when he does the add

@tronthepom3596 - 21.06.2022 08:18

why are ur tier lists so bad

@kool-aidman6955 - 21.06.2022 07:23

I don't understand why Bel'Veth is in A tier. If you ask me, that champ belongs in OP tier, even in the lower elos. I recently had to play against the rank 32 Bel'Veth, and it was cancer. The only reason we won is because her entire team was useless. Not to mention she did the classic baron throw and went glass cannon instead of bruiser. Regardless, that champion is beyond cracked!

@JohnJohnson-yi6jg - 21.06.2022 06:22


@TheTuta69 - 21.06.2022 06:05

imagine thinking fiora nerfs are gonna impact her at all 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡

@carpenoctem8490 - 21.06.2022 05:52

Even when adjusting shaco build they have to nerf him. Holy shit.

@Pharomid - 21.06.2022 05:27

Aphelios isn't the worst adc lol he's just difficult to play.

@jabuka2502 - 21.06.2022 05:08

my girl akali needs some buffs

@jamiedempsey2183 - 21.06.2022 04:17

Skill capped: we recommend low elo players to play brand....
Also skill capped: brand is a b tear champion

@manueljimenez3508 - 21.06.2022 03:11

heimerdinger buffs are looking good insta nerf next patch lol

@jobdragstra4055 - 21.06.2022 02:07

Malzahar top >>>>

@komandokruk - 21.06.2022 01:34

Belveth A only? I'm literally destroying everyone at PBE with her

@Lynter - 21.06.2022 01:34

I love your channel but I have to admit the Katarina part is confusing. Not really good intel there.
If you guys wanna know more about the 12.12 patch related to Kat come to my channel. :)
