(OLD) Manually publishing ObservableObject changes – Hot Prospects SwiftUI Tutorial 4/16

(OLD) Manually publishing ObservableObject changes – Hot Prospects SwiftUI Tutorial 4/16

Paul Hudson

4 года назад

2,044 Просмотров

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Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln - 25.11.2020 15:48

You're the man dude 👍

Merunas Grincalaitis
Merunas Grincalaitis - 15.08.2020 13:00

Thank god for this video. Thanks Paul just what I was looking for in a short and to-the-point video explaining how it works visually.

Patrick Philipot
Patrick Philipot - 17.05.2020 19:21

Is it possible, using @observableObject, to synchronize 2 inputfields ? An example would be to enter a length either in cm or in inch using two inputfields. All my attempts result in an infinite loop of didSet.
