WHO: Vaccine-derived polioviruses

WHO: Vaccine-derived polioviruses

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@therealwarlord1701 - 18.01.2024 23:14

Can anyone else read between the lines here?

@BYGODYOUARESPECIAL1 - 29.04.2023 12:29

@World Health Organization (WHO)
Could you please show me where I can read the completed studies regarding herd immunity, safety and efficacy of the polio vaccine ? Thanks.

@acworthian7340 - 08.04.2023 02:20

Open gain of function and coercion to test on humans. This is evil. Bad things for money.

@dasarathcjob9664 - 11.09.2022 09:23

This is good message about polio

@amandadangerfieldpiano - 26.07.2022 23:41

Read the book Dissolving Illusions.

@camo6884 - 26.06.2022 04:10

So , if there are vaccine derived polio viruses, is there vaccine derived coronaviris?

@Jessica-gk4on - 21.01.2022 19:40

Stop messing with nature! Wild polio caused paralysis in less than 1% of people, the rest just had a cold! Why didn’t the smart scientist find out why 1% got paralysis?
Try and help them?
Also that paralysis wasn’t permanent like we got told, it was the treatment that made it permanent! The nurse who wanted to help kids move their limbs got hounded by the medical profession and they wanted her licence removed! Yet she won and we call her work “rehabilitation “ and physiotherapy.
It’s a scandal how pharma have made billions of vaccines through the decades and people believe they are the hero’s!

@rosesandsongs21 - 04.01.2022 00:59

So from now on we will have to get vaccinated against the vaccines we receive, get used to it.

@Hands2HealNow - 19.11.2021 19:17

The paralysis caused by vaccines has not been studied, published, and proved out.

@alieden3566 - 19.09.2021 23:24


@thatsmystrike2 - 05.07.2021 13:43

So, if there are vaccine derived polio viruses, there must be a different reason for the eradictaion of polio in western countries.

@anuradhadalmia3960 - 06.06.2021 13:15

Pushpa bhargava an Indian writer wrote about this in hindu newspaper in 2014

@queen4269 - 15.05.2021 00:23

So polio is still a thing..

@bairuta08 - 14.12.2019 11:45

You can never reach even near 100% immunity with 100% vaccine coverage, because there are more and more people with compromised immune systems, especially in communities with malnutrition problem. And if a live weakened viruses and bacteria needs multiple unprotected hosts in order to mutate, then they are going to easily do that. And it’s a matter of time when those viruses and bacteria will mutate into a form that is going to bypass your vaccine created immunity, maybe it is already happening, because fully vaccinated communities like soldiers and navy’s get the disease they should have been protected from by vaccines. Vaccinated does not equal protected. People get this into your heads. There is no way we can eliminate all the problems that cause people to be immunocompromised - there’s just too much in the world: famine, malnutrition, HIV, cancer, people with organ transplants. Viruses and bacteria will always find a host in which it can mutate, vaccines are only adding to the problem, because when before these severe forms of disease were rare, now they can become more common.

@qhudz_ - 10.12.2019 06:39


@dem3850 - 28.10.2019 11:10

"herd immunity" is junk science, its been disproven many times, in published, peer-reviewed studies. It was first suggested by Hedrich in 1930s and it's been twisted and manipulated ever since. Do your own research

@laxarad100 - 20.09.2019 06:07

so the vaccine causes the polio disease. thats horrible!

@camara.infinita - 23.03.2019 08:09

