The goat was delicious
ОтветитьOh my
ОтветитьThis world lost 😢 of it meaning for life
ОтветитьYou take it to a livestock auction and expect it not to get processed🤦🏽♂️. Once you choose to sell a animal at a auction and is bought, it is no longer your property. It's a exchange of goods. The lawsuit should be thrown out.
ОтветитьThey sold the goat and normally all sales are final. If they didn't want it to be slaughtered they shouldn't have put it up for auction.
ОтветитьDon't take your pet to a livestock auction if you don't want it slaughtered.
ОтветитьYum yum
ОтветитьHungry man Vers emotionally motivated Girl .
ОтветитьI'm seriously worried about Shasta County. Those people are insane and it's only getting worse. If not for Mt Shasta tourism that place would be West Virginia.
ОтветитьWell gee, WHO TOOK THE GOAT to the livestock auction?
ОтветитьSo you sold someone a goat? and then didn't give them the goat? and now people are shocked the police are involved?
ОтветитьI’m so sorry to hear. But you don’t take a beloved pet to the auction. Period…
ОтветитьSo this is basically the kid''s parents fault for not being responsible adults and informing her of what the auction meant and then allowing her to enter into this agreement as a child?
ОтветитьWhat was she expecting? Now lawsuit.
ОтветитьSen. Brian Dalhe looks like the kind of republican who thinks he's a God because he's a senator. Leave it to a senator to lie to a little girl about what he's going to do
ОтветитьMmmmm. Now I'm hungry..
ОтветитьAs I was raised on a farm, I understand when a beloved pet meets an unwanted death… the steer I raised from a calf, the pony I rode, the geese I raised all met a similar fate. But, folks… auctions are all about putting your stock up for sale. A don’t come and take your pets away. Everyone signs a contract. The new owners decide what becomes of the stock. Everyone who turns an animal over can expect this outcome, regardless of their own personal regrets. While I think the auction folks were certainly heartless, I’m betting they were not the new owners. Typically they only conduct the selling/buying process as auctioneers. They don’t usually buy the stock themselves. They cannot undo a contractual sale.
ОтветитьJoke country
ОтветитьSeller's remorse! No case here. But call Alvin Bragg, he will file an indictment for this unspecified crime.
ОтветитьMaybe your lawyer should look Into federal agriculture laws because what you did violated all of them. You will be charged and have to pay all court fees and fines.
ОтветитьLaw is law, no matter what. Who cares about the bond that little kid made with her goat? Well, I'm a grown woman now, but I born an animal lover and the way people do animals has always gotten to me from the beginning! That's why, in 2008, I became a vegan. Now, and I have 0% respect on how they did this little girl. Nobody was smart enough to figure out a way to let her keep that particular goat. Even though I have lived on a farm for many years, I have to say that farmers are some of the dumbest heartless folks on the planet. Law enforcement, too. Just follow the rules and that's all that matters, no matter how stupid the rules turn out to be.
ОтветитьWhere do these men sleep?
ОтветитьThe issue here is that the fair had no claim on the goat. It was sold and the right to press charges fell to the buyer, who refused and was fine with letting the girl keep the goat. The fair had no legal right to do any of this.
ОтветитьThe lesson to be learned here is that people are just awful and we desperately need a meteor to come down soon.
ОтветитьYall do understand that lots of th meat you eat was some child's best friend for 6 months? If every kid that cried, (nearly every one of them, and rightfully so) got to keep their domestics there would quickly be a shortage of beef, pork, lamb, cabrito, and turkeys. The next batch of babies they buy make the pain go away and the process continues. Also the kids have lots of cash in the bank after a few years
ОтветитьThe goat doesn't have much meat anyways so there was no need to get her pet seized at all
ОтветитьNone of my family or friends will have anything to do with shasta county fair after this
ОтветитьI know it’s blatant hypocrisy to return a goat awaiting slaughter when everyone involved including the little girl eats animals BUT she is child who loved her goat Cedar. She deserved to get him back. The fair didn’t want to set a precedent and have their 4H program extinguished because many children would follow and have an attack of conscience too and ‘renege’ on the 4H agreement to give up their beloved animals to be slaughtered.
ОтветитьHey, here is an idea, DON'T STEAL PROPERTY SOLD AT AUCTION! That makes you a thief. The goat was at the Fair when the mom saw her daughter crying and crying about having to give up her goat then decided to steal/rescue the goat (from the LA times account). The fair did NOT immediately call the police but sent messages requesting the goat back and warning of police intervention. So, the County Fair was within their rights, but it is weird how zealous they were for this goat. Does it have special magical properties? Even the State Senator who won the bid said he was ok with it not going to slaughter. Imagine if all CA police were this diligent to get drugs off the street!
ОтветитьIt's clearly a display of overreach of government power! Sorry, little girl 😢. Look, it's 2024 now, and the same thing happened in New York .Peanut, the squirrel, and Fred the raccon got euthanized 😢. They sent 12 officers just to raid the house of the owner to capture these two animals and took them.5 hrs to complete their operation and yet so many illegals in our country that needs a serious jail time. We live in a " STUPID TIMES".
ОтветитьThat animal was sold at auction they knew what they were doing