Too good
ОтветитьFlora and Fauna are just as important for storytelling as anaything else. Safe to say I am entertained!
ОтветитьI just discovered your content and I love it!
Not sure if you've had an idea or suggestion of this sort (i do see the fungus/mushroom type flora). That immediately makes me think of Ophiocordyceps Unilateralis, or the "zombie fungus" ants/spiders. You could take that a bunch of different ways. It can start & spread from the spores/ants/spiders/insects in early stages to more complex organisms like animals and humans. Later stages could incorporate the mycelium/hive mind telepathic/droning abilities. People with high caliber psychic abilities could even like, psychically hack an infected host or cluster of hosts. Essentially piloting the infected like drones to a degree, perhaps at the high risk of being somehow psychically infected themselves...? Would have to workout how exactly they become infected if they don't actually have physical contact with the hosts.. maybe it's more of a madness that creeps into your mind from exposure to the stresses & chaos of being in the mind of the infected... I don't know... am I rambling now? It happens lol
Also, unrelated, the image of a ravenous beast also popped into my head. A sort of savage reptilian-baboon, like a velociraptor/mandrill hybrid with rabies on steroids. Dont know where it came from but the image in my head is super nimble aggressive & muscular with huge talons/teeth. They like to hunt in packs and play with their food, in a cruel taunting vicious way.
Your thought process and logic are so inspiring.
its awesome but the spino looks "wrong" you should make it go on 4 legs and maybe on the orange one reduce a little the "fins?" parts size
ОтветитьIf you're interested in how dinosaurs may be adapted beside humans in high fantasy, I understand hly recommend checking out Magic the Gatherings Ixalan, a plane inspired by mesoamerican cultures plus dinosaurs.
ОтветитьI am looking forward to seeing the dinosaurs in this absolutely pop off design-wise. :D
ОтветитьI love this so much!!!
ОтветитьI like the dichotomy of the hunter and the shepherd coming into conflict early. especially if that shepherd is Noah stocking the ark, maybe they're after the same prize.
ОтветитьI think it's perfectly fine to diverge from science if aids the story but I'd urge you not to still look in to it, I find it can be well of excellent inspiration
Ответитьthe dinosaur art you offer is pretty wild
ОтветитьI want a copy of this project when it is done. Your work is simply phenomenal. How will we be able to purchase it? Any timeframe when you believe it will be complete?
ОтветитьThat's what I want for Atillantika
Ответитьjust wanted to say this is far from the ''boring'' episode it's actually my favorite.
ОтветитьIt will be super interesting seeing how this compares to some of the wilder ideas in something like Scavenger's Reign!
ОтветитьAs a paleo and fantasy nerd I love this part of worldbuilding. One of my favorite books of all time is The World of Kong: A Natural History of Skull Island(the 2005 kong movie). It detailed all the creatures living on the island, their relationships with each other and the ecosystem, had cool art, etc. Had modern sea turtles living in swamps infested by giant sea serpents😂.
Ответитьit's litarily my favorite part of world building .
ОтветитьI suggest putting Neanderthals in the setting, somewhat with either Elvish, Dwarven, or Orcish cultures.
ОтветитьThis is fantastic! Seeing all of the designs do far it makes me crave to see (read?) the story even more, but I'll be honest, as much as I love these process videos, (and I do, very very much) I'm afraid it's taking away that joy of discovery and sense of awe I had seeing Telurion unfold with each new panel... Of course, that's not gonna stop me from watching them, not after teasing my brain this much 😃
P.S. thanks for introducing me to those two amazing artists, I can't believe I've never heard of Bernard Boutet de Monvel and Hiroo Isono before...
Hiro Isono!
ОтветитьThe wildlife is my favorite part of worldbuilding tbh. For another idea, maybe turn the fact we know raptors had feathers up to 11, with flocks of raptors swooping down from the trees to carry prey back up to their nests, the largest species like utahraptor and achillobator being ones who lost flight (though still posses impressive wings) in favor of simple brute strength. Also, a recent study supports the idea of truly giant dinosaurs, at least in theory. This applies to all dinosaurs, so a giant among giants Argentinosaurus likely existing at some point. Still, it needs stressing these would be rare noteworthy individuals, not the norm.
Ответитьthere is nothing about your work i dont love.
ОтветитьAs an avid fan of monster hunter games the small details can’t be boring to me don’t worry. Keep up the great work👍
Ответить"This is the BORING EPISODE" and so that man was never seen again.
ОтветитьMatt, I'm legitimately excited about this project. It's very similar to a game I started called Pangea: Beyond Extinction. I'm a huge fan of your work and I'll be watching as the project progresses
ОтветитьI will personally fight whoever deems flora and fauna videos boring! Wilderness is always my favorite part of any world and I’m in love with the ideas you have for yours
Ответитьwhat strange triceratops is this lol
ОтветитьWas one of the spinosaur variations Titanosaurus from the Godzilla franchise?
ОтветитьDinosaurs where feathered so I think you should just make them massive two story tall birds
ОтветитьYou got me at dinosaurs. The designs, the world, the characters.... I am smitten...
Also, one of those Spinosaurus designs looks familiar. Legiana mean anything to you?
ОтветитьPositive comment
Ответить@mattrhodesart Will you do more livestreams ?
Ответить@mattrhodesart Question ? Will mountains look different, like having holes, or will hunter make there houses ? And what creatures will live there ? Will the Arc be thrown from the top of a mountain ? What type of solid materials will they use to build the Ark ? Will their be floating cities ? And what type of creatures are they going to fight on the Ocean ?
ОтветитьLove the armor design that mirror's the Triceratops' own crest shape in the plating and how it implies the smith/crafter's respect for the effectiveness of a design which evolved with the creature for its protection. It feels like such a natural conclusion of a lived-in world. And that carrion pincer plant is brilliant, too.
I've been training my illustration skills lately, but I've always loved concept and design and that's 100% my end goal and seeing someone so skilled at concept work talk through their process is inspiring me to remind myself why I'm getting into this in the first place. Thank you for making these available! Appreciate you. :)
this is just simply wonderful
Ответитьoh THATS what you were looking the image on twitter for!
Ответитьjust amazing :,)
Ответитьoh shit this is so cool. Cant wait to witness your story coming to life!
ОтветитьDAMN! How the hell doth thou only have 6.69k subs?! Your art is amazing and very nostalgic to me! I absolutely loved Tellurion! Your illustrations are beautiful, the level of detail on each character, item, creature, their colours and lighting all feel very well balanced! The way each element bounces off each other and separates themselves from the background whilst feeling very much apart of it is awesome! I’m very keen to see your projects grow! Very inspirational!
ОтветитьThe mangrove tree is super cool! Great idea!
ОтветитьI would love to see more creature design, I for one am more interested in that than story. Your ideas are so interesting and I can only hope to be as good of an artist as you one day.
ОтветитьIt’s this part of the creative process that I struggle with the most.
Though I love world building and making lore for my own projects, I struggle sketching them out In the image I want to create it in.
Seeing this helps a little bit as to looking at a different angle and possibly getting my head in a different perspective to improve that area
Love this so very much and can’t wait to see more of your work here!