Nvidia Cuda, cuDNN,  Conda, PyTorch and TensorFlow Installation with Ubuntu 22.04

Nvidia Cuda, cuDNN, Conda, PyTorch and TensorFlow Installation with Ubuntu 22.04

650 AI Lab

1 год назад

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Manfred Kremer
Manfred Kremer - 27.09.2023 16:55

I have problems with this procedure. Already at the very beginning at updating the kernel there is a mistake: instead of .deb it must be *.deb This I finally figured out. When I try to install the NVIDIA driver in the recovery mode, the installation is terminated, because it needs cc, but in my system (i specially prepared a virgin system to do the procedure) cc is not found. This makes it difficult to follow your instructions.

Roger - 23.08.2023 22:26

tip: It is better to install the cuda version in a virtual environment, so you can install as many versions as you need, than to install only one version for the whole ubuntu kernel.

DarKayserLeo - 06.07.2023 21:14

is it always recommended to install the lastest Nvidia drivers? In my case I want to install cudatoolkit 11.3. is there any incompatibility?

Oscar Llerena
Oscar Llerena - 26.06.2023 01:00

I think it is important to quote that in the moment of producing this video the newer kernel was the one that the author is updating to, which is kernel 5.18. Because some new fellows might think that they have to downgrade their kernel to 5.18 when it is not needed.

Oscar Llerena
Oscar Llerena - 09.06.2023 11:37

Hi thanks for the tutorial, i have some questions:
1. how do you decide to make the whole process on kernel 5.18? Will it be the same for 5.19?
2. I have a nvidia gtx 3050 but when looking for the driver, I have two options one with Ti and another without Ti. The "Ti" is for titan?

Oscar Llerena
Oscar Llerena - 09.06.2023 10:34

sorry for asking ... how do you get that information output in the terminal at the left with the ubuntu logo and all the useful information

Mubeen Ahmad
Mubeen Ahmad - 27.05.2023 15:51

i have 5.19.0-42-generic Kernal ?

Shubham Kulkarni
Shubham Kulkarni - 05.04.2023 01:08

I followed your setps, installed drive in reboot successfully but still getting this error:
NVIDIA-SMI has failed because it couldn't communicate with the NVIDIA driver. Make sure that the latest NVIDIA driver is installed and running.

Please help

linuxbrad - 24.03.2023 16:50

Thank you! I wouldn't have even known what questions to ask, but you have enumerated the process quite clearly. Keep up the good work!

Андреев Алексей
Андреев Алексей - 21.03.2023 20:07

CUDA version in nvidia-smi output does not shows actually installed CUDA toolkit version, but show the latest suitable CUDA version for current driver. To check actual installed CUDA version please use nvcc --version command

Daniel Wulf
Daniel Wulf - 28.02.2023 01:13

for MX Linux users installing cuda as deb package:

sudo add-apt-repository contrib

doesn't work out of the box, use instead:

sudo apt-get install software-properties-common

SpaceExplorer - 22.02.2023 06:47

thank you. I have hated how difficult this process has been I hope this video works!

Netty - 09.02.2023 12:34

Hello, at the beggining all installed all but nothin shown. After restart the terminal nvidia-smi showed cuda but nvcc not. I solved that with:

check if it is in your PATH by “whereis nvcc”, if it returns “nvcc:” then you need to add below two lines in “.bashrc”
usually “.bashrc” file path is like “/home/username/.bashrc” then add below two lines (change cuda version with installed version)
export PATH=“/usr/local/cuda-11.4/bin:$PATH”
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=“/usr/local/cuda-11.4/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH”
then save and close the file
check “nvcc --version”

Hope that it helps someone. I used it because NVIDIA-SMI sowed CUDA but NVCC --version not.

Solomon Goldgraber Casspi
Solomon Goldgraber Casspi - 27.01.2023 00:54

Hi thank you for the tutorial. I have a question, during the driver install, I had a request for “install sign kernel” and things didn’t work out. I tried to install it but got an error because secure boot is enabled. Should I disable it? And how should I do that?

Sir_no_Name - 08.01.2023 11:16

Hey there I want to know if I need to update the Kernel in order to get everything working. Because the LTS supports only up to 5.17 and I worry that I break something. Also I wanted to know if I need to update the Kernel, if it makes sense to update it to 5.19 because that is what ubuntu 22.10 now uses

Ian Woolf
Ian Woolf - 27.12.2022 15:36

Every time I reboot after nvidia driver installation I get a "oh no something went wrong" screen. I tried to follow your directions, but dpkg of linux-modules won't install because the kernel isn't installed, and the kernel won't install because the linux-modules aren't installed.

Yousef Unfiltered
Yousef Unfiltered - 03.12.2022 16:43

clearly from the prompt you got from python after downloading tenserflow shows that it isn't supporting gpu

Krzysztof Dymanowski
Krzysztof Dymanowski - 07.10.2022 23:31

Hi, two questions:
1. Is the 5.18 kernel necessary?
2. When I try to install 5.18 kernel it breaks my machine, probably due to having very new hardware in my rig. Can I install an earlier kernel ( say 5.15 ) and then just keep going with the installation and everything will work fine?

Sin nada
Sin nada - 15.09.2022 02:22

el peor puto tutorial para instalar, no sirve para un culo, no explica nada y ya tiene instalado todo, así que chimba, eso pa que?? si va a hacer algo hagalo bien, instalando todo desde cero, así es que se debe hacer, la gente porque es así parce
