Msfs2020*Performance Stutter Fix* Delete "ALL" Shader Cache to improve performance! Full Tutorial

Msfs2020*Performance Stutter Fix* Delete "ALL" Shader Cache to improve performance! Full Tutorial

2020 fs'ers

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2020 fs'ers
2020 fs'ers - 19.02.2023 01:43

**************************If you decide to keep the shader cache on make sure that you delete the cache whenever there is an update just like you do with rolling cache**************************

Familia Ramírez Ventura
Familia Ramírez Ventura - 28.11.2023 06:17

Hello, I have a problem in fs2020, my camera when I change the position of the mcdu or pad or front adjusts but shakes, my question is if it is due to some Nvidia configuration or maybe it is something related to the screen, my component is a ryzzen 7 7800x3d + 4090 msi trio and 32 ghz ram ddr5 monitor Lg32n600 windows 10 xbox game. I got it thanks! I wait your answer.

Richard Buckley
Richard Buckley - 20.11.2023 04:01

Again, following your directions to delete "ALL" shader Cache ......, but I do not have a "Disk Cleanup" tab and cannot get to something that refers to the DirectX Shader Cache. Now what??

Richard Buckley
Richard Buckley - 20.11.2023 03:45

I was following your directions for deleting the files in the DXCache and the GLCache and that went fine. I also have another folder in the NVIDIA folder named NvBackend with a number of files in that folder. Since you didn't mention this folder, should I just leave it alone and move on to the next step?

Shayan Khan
Shayan Khan - 05.11.2023 19:06

I dont see DXCache file in the NVIDIA Folder

AlexD - 05.11.2023 02:26

I dont have DXCache folder anymore idk why, i dont remember if i deleted or not but even if i delete it should recreate again no ? but it doesnt. Now i found it in LocalLow - Nvidia - PerDriverVersion - DXCache, btw what should I choose in Nvidia Control Panel - Shader Cache Size Driver Default or Disabled ? I want to get ridd of stuttering in games. I always had it on Driver Default but I get some nasty stuttering in Apex Legends idk if its the game or my gpu. Sorry I havent watched the full video so idk if you explained the Shader Cache Size

DROGE - 28.10.2023 05:36

You have your Power Management mode set to "Normal" in that video!! It needs to be set to "Prefer Maximum Performance". I'm surprised someone making videos about settings for FS doesn't know that it's absolutely essential to set Power Management as above. Also, deleting the folders in hte Nvidia Cache folders doesn't cause any problems - they get replaced as the new shaders are built.

316zaúl - 25.09.2023 00:20

If I have shaded cache to 10gb, should I change it to 10gb in nividianprolfile inspector

seamymsg anarchist
seamymsg anarchist - 11.09.2023 12:41

to be able to delete ALL files and not have files in use, disable shader cache size in nvidia control panel, restart computer and then use the steps in the video, then reenable shader cache size in the NCP.

Walter Thomassetti
Walter Thomassetti - 07.09.2023 00:42

I've tried to remove the DX cache without any succes. I'm not able to remove them. Do you have any idea what i should do next?

vl P1LOT lv
vl P1LOT lv - 03.09.2023 23:17

If you do delete the folders by accident, they will automatically regenerate

Diekololajes Akanji
Diekololajes Akanji - 02.09.2023 05:06

Do you recommend turning off hyper-threading is yes or no please explain

Raze Germany
Raze Germany - 30.08.2023 15:17

Changing the Shader Cache Size does nothing to the FPS - placebo. Also deleting the cache does nothing, but freeing some space on SSD/HDD till the next start of the game.

Owen Klein
Owen Klein - 30.08.2023 08:48

Out of curiosity, what would happen if you deleted the DX and GX files?

Diekololajes Akanji
Diekololajes Akanji - 28.08.2023 21:57

Do your recommended turning off shader for msfs ?

oOo Taff oOo
oOo Taff oOo - 27.08.2023 19:05

GL cache not showing

Ulf Holmström
Ulf Holmström - 25.08.2023 19:04

Hey man! you just fixed my game that broke down and was unplayable because of stuttering.. now everything works like a charm! THANKS! Br from Sweden.

Alex Sp
Alex Sp - 23.08.2023 19:40

So noob question is it advisable to turn of the Shader cache for MSFS.... not really getting if your saying it should or should not be turned off for better performance? Great videos by the way.

Der - 23.08.2023 12:51

After deleting the shader cache I get a high GPU temperature about 75degrees when starting MSFS. Before doing this “fix” the GPU temps didn’t exceed 65degrees in all phases of the flight. I got a small not noticeable performance boost and now msfs is unplayable because of the temps. Not worth it

Petercross - 04.08.2023 03:41

I just Format my HDD everyday and reinstall.

Luc H
Luc H - 02.08.2023 19:06

disconnecting the Meta Quest 2 when you play on steam helped me..... no more stutters and highest resolution values now without any stutters 🙂

Owen Klein
Owen Klein - 01.08.2023 09:04

Dude you’re an actual magician. I have an i5 12400f with an rtx 4070. Fps usually isn’t an issue, I get 30-40 but I have DLSS frame gen so it looks like I’m always 60+ but the stuttering was still very bad. When I did this, I figured it wouldn’t work but I’d try anyways and this probably removed 90% of the stutters and seemed to increase my average fps by 3-10 fps

YANN DORYAN - 30.07.2023 20:34

Thank you for this tutorial. I just tried it, and MSFS is different now. All stutters have disapeared. 👍👏

Chris Daniel
Chris Daniel - 29.07.2023 22:36

I turned it on and put it to unlimited and I no longer have back pains.

Pascal - 25.07.2023 15:39

I have the Steam version installed on my D storage. I need a different path i guess??

Pascal - 25.07.2023 15:36

Pretty great video! I am wondering what is the sense of the shrader cache and rolling cache anyway? Thanks!

Tom Maxwell
Tom Maxwell - 17.07.2023 13:47

What version of windows are you working with? I'm on windows 11 and was not able to delete any files in the cache folder. I also didn't have a "cleanup" option under the C: drive properties. So in the end the only thing I could do is change the cache size. Too soon to tell if that made a significant difference.

Josh Rumble
Josh Rumble - 04.06.2023 05:38

Nice worked well. Got a pint waiting for you at the bar. Cheers

Mets747 - 02.06.2023 09:03

Does deleting the cache files reset my NVIDIA game filters and or NVIDIA control panel settings?

Solo Trippin'
Solo Trippin' - 25.05.2023 17:18

ooooh god it helped!! Thanks a tonne!

7lI112 - 24.05.2023 05:17

what happnes if i set it higher then 10gb?

Cody West
Cody West - 23.05.2023 03:03

What about turning off the shader cache within steam? Is it ok to do that and have the setting to 10 gb within the nvidia control panel?

Dario - 22.05.2023 16:34

Sry i don't undestand if it's better to put the Nvidia cache off in to flight sim Nvidia pannel.thank you

Pennywise - 17.05.2023 19:40

So gpu drivers that should run your graphics actually F..k it up? Maybe someone should inform nvidea i do not want to jump through these hoops for a game to run normally

Pabo Ramirez
Pabo Ramirez - 10.05.2023 20:01

Hey man! Just commenting here to let you know it worked just fined in my laptop . Thank you so much

tjfSIM - 05.05.2023 20:19

Very helpful video, thanks! Could I ask, what exactly is the benefit of disabling shader cache just for MSFS? Does it simply negate the need for deleting the cache files regularly after updates etc?

Freeman Bg - TV
Freeman Bg - TV - 01.05.2023 09:36

By the way. This its working not only for MFS
This itd working for every game or app.

Gianpaolo Pazzini
Gianpaolo Pazzini - 29.04.2023 20:47

Never turn off shader cache

LargeBoyLuke - 25.04.2023 09:06


Pedro - 18.04.2023 03:58

I would like to just thank you.
I run my MSFS on a 5600x paired with a 3080ti.
I've been losing interest in playing MSFS after some updates.
I guess it was because of the performance issue which annoyed me.
I even though that my system specs were getting obsolete.
But now you seemed to have solved it.
And now I feel like going back to MSFS again.
Thank you.

Liam Clements
Liam Clements - 15.04.2023 09:02

I have a 4TB ssd, is it worth selecting 100GB or should I stick with 10GB?

Martin Egegaard
Martin Egegaard - 11.04.2023 17:22

I cant find the diskcleanup in the prop on c drive it just says details?

AMGiant - 04.04.2023 17:16

I only have a DX cache folder, no GL folder. Any ideas why ?

Greg Miller
Greg Miller - 03.04.2023 06:13

Urgent! At some point you mentioned something about the number of cores or was it CPU’s? I changed something to “1”. Msfs won’t load saying “your computer doesn’t have the capacity to run” … or something to that effect. Help!

EdTheGr8 - 01.04.2023 07:47


Carlos Quesada
Carlos Quesada - 01.04.2023 00:09

Hi, I also have a NvBackend folder along with those two.... anything to do about it?

Wrongway Feldman53
Wrongway Feldman53 - 31.03.2023 15:45

The rolling cache still wont work for months now, every time I try to delete it it jumps to 100% instantly & does nothing even if I let it sit for a few minutes, & no one ever replies to my asking for help on it they just say, well mine works, good for them, I even did do a total clean reinstall of MSFAS that takes a day or two to download & update everything, still wont work

Benson007 - 28.03.2023 07:23

Hi there thanks for your great videos. Just after some help - I’m seeing a lot of long black rectangular pop ins occurring in my scenery, a lot at lower levels, I have a high spec system and follow a lot of your setup but don’t know what’s causing this. These seem to kinda grow and grow in size as opposed to just appearing
