Economic CRISIS in America: Big Signal for India?

Economic CRISIS in America: Big Signal for India?

Think School

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Amit Patel
Amit Patel - 27.09.2023 22:36

Godi media is 😂😂😂😂

dave yeefong
dave yeefong - 27.09.2023 14:47

America no money, why worry, ask zenlensky to donate back to USA. He a billionaire

Osiris - 25.09.2023 20:40

The USA has 8,134 metric tons of gold, is the global reserve currency, and has a military to back it up.
The USA has an advanced, diverse, and innovative economy.

chirag vaghela
chirag vaghela - 21.09.2023 23:38

Totally outstanding as always!

SEBASTIAN BALBO - 18.09.2023 01:11

Are money or are digits ?

SEBASTIAN BALBO - 18.09.2023 01:00

Usa failed 4 TIMES before the 2 world wars

Trigintaduonion - 17.09.2023 10:35

Just Google how much they have in gold reserves. Then tell me if they've got money or not

Putu Susila
Putu Susila - 15.09.2023 12:29


Robert Sien
Robert Sien - 13.09.2023 19:14

That's why we should stop dealing with other countries we have everything we need right here in USA

Cristian Montano
Cristian Montano - 06.09.2023 03:04

To obtain financial freedom, one must either be a business owner, an investor or both, generating passive income particularly weekly or monthly basis. That’s the key to living financially stable.....

Mal Palmer
Mal Palmer - 04.09.2023 14:47

India be careful as USA will now look to loot from India

Ankita Saha
Ankita Saha - 04.09.2023 12:26

Why are you giving music while you're explaining. It's breaking the concentration.

Enam Hoque
Enam Hoque - 03.09.2023 20:58

No us visa for India.

Ali Maqsud
Ali Maqsud - 02.09.2023 18:43

is it cash money or digital Money.

jascam1 - 02.09.2023 02:31

USA politicians have no accountability to the citizens and as a result most citizens have no respect for those elected officials. Until inept/ corrupt politicians suffer the same fate as any other citizen we’ll continue on this downward trend.

Ram Lakshmanan
Ram Lakshmanan - 31.08.2023 23:42

This shows your lack of understanding of several concepts including national debt, debt ceiling, money supply etc. Why don't you ask yourselves these questions:
1. How come the US has not defaulted even once in spite of being forced to extend debt ceiling 78 times? Why does no other leading economy in the world has any such debt ceiling restriction?
2. How come the US economy collapsed in spite of rating downgrades in the short run or in the long run?
3. How is the US able to finance its deficits by printing more money, and yet the US Dollar is still a strong currency and it even remains a reserve currency in the world?
When you research more and learn from it, you will know why your flaky theories and conclusions don't hold water. Please get into some depth! Surface level analysis is not sufficient!

raj kapoor
raj kapoor - 31.08.2023 18:31

USA will keep paying lower interest rates on all bonds as these bonds are not adjustable. There new tax policy like one at time of president Clinton has already suggested minimu tax 11% instead of 0% eill end the deficit and payoff bonds. Wait and watch. US takes 2 billion pays back 1 Billion based on dollar market value and keeps growing she makes china and other countries drop its currency value to keep exporting. Looking at Indian currency at one time Rs and Dolkar were equal, in early 79' dollar was 5 ruppees, now it is 83 rupees 1600% devaluation. Now countries are learning, but still helpless, before Yuan or Rupee becomse stronger need base changes. In next 10 years consumption of fuel will reduce to 50% of todays consumption and expirts will uncrease at rate of 5% increasing by 63% in ten years and other countries will pay usa for natural gas at inflated rate of about 2%. So in year 10 USA will have 97% or more income for fuel/ POL sales.
So other countries need to learn for their imports, exports and consumption control NOW. UDA is not coming down in next 10 years for sure.

Neha Singh
Neha Singh - 31.08.2023 12:18

Capitalism is a burden on mother Earth..

John teringo
John teringo - 31.08.2023 03:33

It's understandable that you have concerns about the current economic and global challenges, as well as the political power struggle in the UN.

ONE GOD ALLAH - 30.08.2023 21:07

Peace be with You 💚
We Invite You To Join The Religion of Islam, as you may find peace. Islam is the latest Revelation from Allmighty God (Allah) for All the Human & Jinn kinds WorldWide. Our suggestion just Study all Religions including Islam, Then you're welcome to convert to the religion of Islam in order to successfully pass this Test of life and be Saved from everlasting Punishment Of The HellFire. We wish All the Best 🕊🌷❤😊❤

♡LivLiv♡ - 30.08.2023 15:27

USD is literally destroying the world. We need to step it down!

Technolus - 30.08.2023 07:20

Think school: the education system is broken, and we help by making clickbaity videos, not on maths or science or any sort of academic subject, but mostly focussing on contentious politics.
Step 2: profit from people's ignorance and wishful thinking

Technolus - 30.08.2023 07:00

Except there isn't really a consensus that debt can't continue to increase a lot more than this. And you can still reduce debt drastically just by reducting the deficit for a few years. So it is neither much of a problem nor is it at all unsolvable.the thing is the USA is a powerhouse and nobody realistically expects them to default. The debt limit increase was simply 2 parties bickering for power.

Naidu Molakapuri
Naidu Molakapuri - 30.08.2023 02:51

America has no money

Economically America is getting weaker .

These are most common thumbnails from majority of social media channels.

If those thumbnails are true then why america still encourages ukraine.

Sometimes same social media channels told that America has got good amount of money by selling weapons to ukraine.

Which is true

What is the credibility of these social media channels

Kelvin Johnson
Kelvin Johnson - 29.08.2023 14:34

Well, i do have my reservations about the economic crisis. Wall Street pitched so-called quality stocks with high profitability and low debt, as a kind of insurance against whatever the economy might throw at you. Quality stocks have underperformed the S&P500 this year, My $650K portfolio is down by approximately 20%, any recommendations to scale up my ROI before retirement will be highly appreciated.

nico van deventer
nico van deventer - 29.08.2023 12:22

They print trillions

Sai Sai
Sai Sai - 29.08.2023 10:26

Is going for masters in 2024 to US is worth by considering all this? Please rply..

Lince P Thomas
Lince P Thomas - 28.08.2023 20:07


roger55es - 28.08.2023 16:28

The US likes spending other country's money

XXXNO NAMEXXX - 27.08.2023 23:16

The idea that some other currency would replace the US Dollar is pretty dreamy at this point. Economy size dictates the type of response. Comparing the US economy to small countries who've defaulted aren't very good comparisons. Gold and Silver will tell you all you need to know and currently they are dead money. The current situation is also not comparable to 1929. Why? Because the Federal Reserve is regulating market responses. Does this mean the US shouldn't be concerned about paying off it's debts? No it does not but I've been saying for 20 years the US should be coming up with new plans to pay that debt and instead we get presidents who want to cut taxes and/or spend more money. Reminds me of a something my grandfather told me growing up as a kid on the farm. He said, "I never met a president who didn't have a mind to spend money on something." The truth is they are all spenders and what we need is another Bill Clinton that can pay the bills. He had the right ideas about debt.

shalemraju kumbha
shalemraju kumbha - 27.08.2023 19:44

31 trillion dollers debt America economy collapsed surely

raj mohan Dutta
raj mohan Dutta - 26.08.2023 13:05

Who has?

Does Russia has does China has forget about India

food tech buddies
food tech buddies - 22.08.2023 08:36

Yes, it obvious. Why send their finance secretary to China? 😁😁🇨🇳
USA, you're threatening China with war. And you're borrowing money from them!? Really!? So hypocrite. And more. Hahaha

Sanyam Jain
Sanyam Jain - 20.08.2023 19:46

Why can't US sell gold from there reserves?

your favourite channel
your favourite channel - 19.08.2023 21:50

Bad time started for usa,usa destroyed so much countries Iraq,Syria,Yemen, Libya the curse of 30 million people definitely hit back,

Hrushikesh Avachat
Hrushikesh Avachat - 18.08.2023 05:56

The GDP to debt ratio of 200 percent is also sustainable provided the underlying project being financed by the debt is cash-flow positive.

Ishwar RAJPUT - 14.08.2023 20:37

*** I like your way of explaining situations in very details. I like your English. At first you see an Indian man talking about the America, Europe, China etc. and you are like what does he knows about world economy. But after watching your 3,4 videos i am impressed. you have done your research and you can explain anything in good English. Thank you. Keep it up. **

MKhauzVlogs - 13.08.2023 08:26

Indian is soley dependent on US trade just do research 75% US currency is the reason bank still sells credit.😅😅😅😅 2023 to 4000 years can 1 INR be equal with 1 USD do the math .

dia diet plan
dia diet plan - 12.08.2023 16:05

Jai sriram we can 80 rupees per dollar, we can build more temples...add jai krishna also...

hitendra mahida
hitendra mahida - 09.08.2023 06:33

At once I thought UK and EU is in trouble as well- nothing happened and markets are just moving higher. Crazy.

Antonio Bianh
Antonio Bianh - 08.08.2023 23:57

In light of the ongoing global economic crisis, it is crucial for everyone to prioritize investing in diverse sources of income that are not reliant on the government. This includes exploring opportunities in stocks, gold, silver, and digital currencies. Despite the challenging economic situation, it remains a favorable time to consider these investments.

Eddie-luzifer - 08.08.2023 03:56

The USA does not want to admit that the sanctions they made against Russia DID NOT SERVE ANYTHING 😂😂😂😂

Prakyath Shetty
Prakyath Shetty - 06.08.2023 08:34

Ok what's next after economy crisis. Who will be the world leading currency. If people wants to choose which is the currency that rules the world, it has to be the country that have trust, standards, impartial, good leading, global peace making and motivating the world to go ahead to next level of phase together to be powerful.
Other wise there should be top 3 currency that should rule the world in which trading is simplistic and ease of access. The option to choose the countries either roubles, rupees, yuan, dollar etc for trading according to their needs and nation will always be in competition with balanced.
But there should be NO one country that has to be in power and taking advantages of it to lead the world. In terms of economy.
Leading the world for one country should be in making anti terrorism activities and global health&peace

banuri gopal reddy
banuri gopal reddy - 05.08.2023 18:44

No need of feeling too happy when USA is in crisis, we should help them rather than pushing them.

David Stanley
David Stanley - 05.08.2023 14:12

the greatest Depression is coming between 2025 & 2030

Mich Pich
Mich Pich - 05.08.2023 09:47

All these pieces of data and stats merely serve to reinforce the idea that it's not who says it, what they're saying or how the situation on the ground really is, really. Groups like Fitches and Standard and Poors claim 'poor' countries like Pakistan, Cameroon or Somalia have poor debt to GDP ratios, yet these same learned people conveniently ignore the US 's debt that's out of this world and simply uses the very same 'poor' countries to fund its extravagant lifestyle. One rarely sees the US achieve a poor rating of AA or worse. The US financial halls of power simply talk up the 'bad' results and keep milking the global markets as usual - this is why they want to control Russia, China and the global south. This is the "Rules based Order" they want to defend at any cost, in my opinion.

Brijinder singh Bhatia
Brijinder singh Bhatia - 03.08.2023 09:52

This is a great knowledge of economics of the world

pachuco - 02.08.2023 23:57

the usa has been broke for many years! nothing new/s here

Riggs Nicole
Riggs Nicole - 02.08.2023 13:23

Great video, a number of the most eminent market experts have been expressing their views on the severity of the impending economic downturn and the extent to which equities might plummet. This is because the economy is heading towards a recession and inflation is persistently above the Federal Reserve's 2% target. As I'm aiming to create a portfolio worth no less than $850,000 before I turn 60, I would appreciate any advice on potential investments.
