Beginner's guide to Exploration in Elite Dangerous

Beginner's guide to Exploration in Elite Dangerous


3 года назад

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@-Grovesy- - 07.10.2022 01:55

You didn't like the videos in the description for the guardian FSD drives.

@leemills6825 - 24.08.2022 12:40

that couple of minutes begining right after u clear the station letter-box till the second you press J, thats you being britifyed =D it may be toolate already ma man

@jambothejoyful2966 - 28.06.2022 20:55

Imagine turning on your engine before flipping the master switch irl

@kronikkronolov9793 - 04.06.2022 00:40

How can anyone listen to this guy and not hate this game? What a self loathing pos.

@Karlosovic77 - 05.03.2022 19:25

This is not a beginner's guide, it's a rant.
As a "beginner" with 30hrs in game, I barely understood any of this.
I know enough this game to have an appreciation for his frustration, but for someone wanting to move from Bounty Hunting and Cargo missions into exploration, this taught me nothing.
If you're a true beginner at exploring, keep looking - this video won't help you.

@aloseman - 24.02.2022 03:09

For the algorithm!

@thomasacord6194 - 21.12.2021 19:58

Beginners guide to exploring:
1) learn engineering
2) learn physics
3) Download Elite Dangerous
4) learn game terminology
5) watch this video...

@nuncapasaran9374 - 24.11.2021 04:01

tfw you've been out there so long you try to use the "s" button to scroll down to teh comments of this video

@apogeus2 - 30.09.2021 05:24

there is no such a scanner anymore

@godrilla5549 - 29.05.2021 22:34

Note to humanity: let a minimalist culture design space craft fuction.

@nic5997 - 29.05.2021 20:03

Can you give an update about Exploration on moons and planets, now that the Odyssey dlc is released?

@TheMysteryMushroom - 27.05.2021 12:37

Guardian stuff in beginner exploration, calling POI's pointless... All these things as a beginner are interesting. This is not a beginners guide to exploration as I watched this video and still don't know what star types might have what planets, what planets are good for scanning, what planets have different biological or geological POI's. Talking about the clouds and those metal crystals are NOT beginner stuff. Traveling to Sag A is NOT beginner stuff, wtf?

This video is better off named "Video about exploration" rather than a guide. It doesn't explain anything about HOW to explore or HOW to use probes.

@nakedmidgetmauluser7684 - 18.05.2021 21:09

This guide is pretty horrible, it says "Beginner's guide to Exploration in Elite Dangerous". I am a beginner but yet i have no clue what hes talking about.

@chadvader974 - 18.05.2021 00:25

The squeaky ball noise gets me every time :P

@lucassmith4524 - 08.05.2021 20:38

Dang I was king of disappointed that your bobble heads were working like normal. They missed a trick there. It would be cool if your bobble heads suddenly all get pulled forward decisively and fail to bobble. They’d be pointing out gravity wells at that point

@TopDrivesShorts - 03.05.2021 11:13

The worst beginners guide to elite dangerous I have seen absolutely useless

@hoodwinker7932 - 19.04.2021 12:16

I like the fact that the earth still has ice caps in the future 😂

@Ghostrydr1972 - 04.04.2021 09:36

Probably the worst video explanation of anything I've ever seen.

@mattkirk1553 - 21.03.2021 15:49

"visit the old c**t" had me crying haha

@Netbase2000 - 18.03.2021 02:12

So much useless bla bla. Don't call this beginners guide

@chrispavlopoulos176 - 05.03.2021 17:44

Can i do the same road to reaches multiple times after i sell the data or since i have discovered these planets i can not discover them again and i need to go a bit further away from my first starting point i order to do another toad to riches that will contain new undiscovered planets ?

@Nightspeedy - 02.03.2021 17:48

Im not hating on this video, but this is VERY unclear lol

@mitchymitch2169 - 01.03.2021 15:52

CMDRS your galaxy is yours to explore get out there.

@rclines001 - 28.02.2021 06:22

Best tip as of now. Go to a human technology broker and get the 5A modified FSD that was released after the recent community goals. And don’t forget to add mass manager to it. No BS, it changed my exploration Phantom from 65ly to 71ly. And yes, I had the fully engineered level 5 with mass manager 5A fsd.

@dustee2680 - 28.02.2021 00:37

nothing beginner about this i still have no idea how to do anything

@emre30489 - 22.02.2021 12:13

Wtf dude. Just get to the point. Nobody comes here for comedy or to hear jokes. . People watching this video to learn shit. Be serious and say what you are going to say or dont make this videous at all.

@watchingufrmbhindu8979 - 15.02.2021 10:26

For such a endless black void it's really hard to find undiscovered things

@Wholenewcris - 11.02.2021 06:19

"beginners guide" and yet two minutes in I have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.

@xel_los - 04.02.2021 11:07

Hhe.....Hhe........Hhe I’ve been mapping systems by flying away from the star and trying to eyeball from the light reflections on them as they move with the star...... about 10 min to an hour per system 50-100 systems since I recently started exploring.... who knew there was a scanner for that........

@akinatronic8946 - 26.01.2021 11:21

i'm french and the bully on british pleased me

@xperiahenrik - 23.01.2021 16:29

Don't blame us poor programmers when a game has stupid default controls :( Blame the clumsy designers!

@knightworld3019 - 06.01.2021 13:59

RTR and Went got me Elite so I am happy with that grind.

@michaelhill6453 - 31.12.2020 08:59

This doesn't seem like a beginners guide if you're recommending the Guardian dohicky.

@Obake352 - 30.12.2020 06:38

Well, guess it's time to get back to exploring soon. Seems like painite mining in the colonia region has dried up. Time to go insane again!

@thestarnerd7172 - 27.12.2020 22:05

I don't even think Uranus had a ring

@lucifermorningstar4503 - 27.12.2020 14:24

Thanks for your video's blowing up shit is sooo much fun and satisfying and u get paid as well win-win

@julbot1 - 22.12.2020 14:55

One thing I recommend when you go exploring, find a good radio station to have on while you're out there. Good music and radio hosts help break the monotony that can set in sometimes.

@GodDemis - 22.12.2020 12:40

Limpet controller is a retarded idea IMO. It should have a universal limpet launcher and you program the limpet for the use you need it. On the fly, not docked or anything.

@devone6139 - 22.12.2020 04:18

Funny, I started playing two days ago and have nearly 1000 systems mapped. It's a really enjoyable grind, IDK why.

@toornery - 22.12.2020 01:53

youd think that exploration is end game
even with their buffs after the CG
the payout is no where near mining payout

@kachkeis6920 - 21.12.2020 19:05

Yoda was right about exploration: "Patience you must have, my young padawan." Exploration goes deeper than you think. You do not only explore the black, but also yourself. (Ah, and you get a lot of money, yay.)

@TheHoolie86 - 21.12.2020 19:01

additionally AutoDock feels like, Rover building self driving cars ;-)

@kachkeis6920 - 21.12.2020 18:57

For those who want 3x payout for cartographic data - Limited time left, apparently until December 24th included. (Can anybody confirm the date?) I guess it'll work until the next 'tick' > Server reboot, which takes place every Thursday morning. The Community Goal in the Coalsack Nebula is the reason ; it is over, but you still can get 3x payout for your data if you bring it to Betancourt Station in the system 'Musca Dark Region PJ-P B6-1'. I did not take part in that CG, I made half a billion with my data there two days ago, as the triple payout is active for everybody in the game. I am in the region right now, will keep you posted here when I go back there with my data, to confirm if it still is a thing. O7.
EDIT 24.12.: Still works.

@kawazu874 - 21.12.2020 18:11

That trolls.. I couldn't stop laughing.. Thank you !

@sebastiendevolder - 21.12.2020 14:04

Thx for this video, helpfull and funny ! I have question : IS possible to plan a lonnng way travel on the Galaxy Map with hundreds of jumps? Inside the game ? Or maybe, with external tool? Thx.

@tudomerda - 21.12.2020 06:51

Uranus ring job "has nothing to reveal", I would've used, "it reveals shit" :-)
