The Warframe Community Hates Digital Extremes Right Now!

The Warframe Community Hates Digital Extremes Right Now!


1 год назад

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lolpe1000 - 05.07.2023 21:42

Warframe as a game is amazing. I was an old player from PC but moved to PS5 because I didnt have money to build a good new gaming PC. I thought I could transfer my acc but I was wrong. They have been promising cross save for years (since 2019 from what I remember) and4 years later still nothing lmao. At this point this is a joke. I havent played for so many years because of this. I dont want to lose hours of progress and start anew.

PS: That wolf frame seems dope af tho

corey miller
corey miller - 02.06.2023 04:47

I mean... i'd love to play warframe more but... I can't play on my pc. fuck starting over - give us cross save or it's absolutely over for me soon.

Michael Herrington
Michael Herrington - 14.04.2023 04:38

But warfrsme has never had a stable point.

Speedo Dragon
Speedo Dragon - 04.04.2023 02:58

the probably with the majority of nerfs is that it has no place in a PVE game. power creep happens when they keep releasing new things and making them better than the old stuff so people feel incentivized to spend time or money getting new stuff. THEN they turn around and go: "people are speed farming and not needing to spend days to collect resources, nerf there we go now everything is poop and we can rake in the player hours and money respectively" only to rinse and repeat. All current changes happening are aimed to suck money or time. and then there are channels who thrive on the mass production of COPIUM.

GuiBecK - 13.02.2023 19:47

What a pointless video. Is this how you get your revenue? Reading social media for the least amount of time needed for ads? "People are mad at nerfs and voruna being female" who legitimately cares?

Andre83925 - 05.01.2023 10:03

Srsly you and the other nolife losers nothing can do but whinig. Nothing else. Hey... Just say.... No necessary to spend your time with this game. Thats all. Anyways you earn income with this stuff so stop whining. Losers.

Chris Lucas
Chris Lucas - 21.12.2022 11:36

And people just need to chill out and change their play styles. This is why people don't play the game and why it's eventually going to die. The game just changes way too much, way too often, and it's way too annoying. The Devs just keep ticking and chipping and chipping and chipping away at the. That are playing, and they just get tired of it.

Иuсleая Ротдто
Иuсleая Ротдто - 07.12.2022 13:00

I stopped playing Warframe mid 2021 because it got boring and too much grinding. Most new thing are too much grind and it's horrible for beginners. I stopped telling my friends to play it so they wouldn't have to grind like every one else. I tried returning but at that exact time, they Nerfed my primary main, kiva ogris. Rip

Иuсleая Ротдто
Иuсleая Ротдто - 07.12.2022 13:00

I stopped playing Warframe mid 2021 because it got boring and too much grinding. Most new thing are too much grind and it's horrible for beginners. I stopped telling my friends to play it so they wouldn't have to grind like every one else. I tried returning but at that exact time, they Nerfed my primary main, kiva ogris. Rip

Иuсleая Ротдто
Иuсleая Ротдто - 07.12.2022 12:54

What happened to most of the old streamers? Dk diamantes is gone and Quite shallow. Idk who else is gone. They did they quit cause of this?

Rfreaky - 05.11.2022 21:00

DE gives us more tits and every one is mad. Well that confirms it, people are stupid.

EGZODYA - 02.11.2022 01:40

just play destiny ladies and gents

HalfLucan - 02.11.2022 00:01

I'm gonna play Duviri for like a whole 12 hours and not play the game again for another year

Bell - 30.10.2022 16:06

I don't like the ammo nerf, my snipers and assault rifles drain ammo quickly. I couldn't care less about the new frame, she's not even out yet. AOE nerfs are... fine? I honestly think blast the radius should still be larger than how it is now, but vertically. Or that's just me. A lack of patches and fixes piss me off and so far DE is doing a terrible job at reading the room. Still, people should take a chill pill and play another game. Warframe isn't that good as to be the only thing worth playing...

Skitarii Ranger
Skitarii Ranger - 29.10.2022 21:53

I for one welcome our new dommy nuke frame overlords…

They were always here.

Peter Fox
Peter Fox - 29.10.2022 20:31

So, in short:
... there are lots of extremely IMMATURE people around the world who are not able to apprechiate other people's hard work and are also not able to discuss things in a grown-up fashion, like normal people should. Welcome to the world of internet forums and the bad socialised VG-addicts who "unlearned" their social skills whilst hanging infront a screen "all-day-long" ;)

I really believe DE is reacting to the community positivly and properly. Because they do :)
No company can do all of the works at the same time! So even DE has to pick their battles and priorities what to do first and what to fix later. When immature consumers - who really are nothing but "happy campers" - cannot understand the easiest things and decide to go on a temper-tantrum ... WHO CARES ?!?!?!?!!?

Rosumparat - 29.10.2022 02:10

The werewolf frame looks amateur compare to Madureira's concept. The head is too small and disproportionate, its arms are too thin and its feet are too small. so overall is nothing but a huge meh.

Kenny Lee Jian Siong
Kenny Lee Jian Siong - 27.10.2022 09:15

Nerfs are needed. But the way DE Nerfs them isn't getting sympathy from the players.

OmniSpar - 25.10.2022 21:11

Whats the point in a squad if ur whole team can kill a enemy that's level 80+ by just looking in their direction

OmniSpar - 25.10.2022 21:10

I understand the needs for some nerfs cuz the damg people do insane and takes no thinking
What so ever

Gigantic Impact
Gigantic Impact - 25.10.2022 21:07

Virgin Incel: "eww furry frame"
Based Chad: "Ah yes finally, the Beast Frame".

OmniSpar - 25.10.2022 21:02

Why people hatin warframe ;-; nuuuuu

[SIGH] - 25.10.2022 19:08

Wow those wolf frame criticism are really the most vapid thing our of this game. Kinda makes melee look deep and complex

Lt-General_Goon - 25.10.2022 14:52

Cross play ruins shooter games, the skill of controller players isn't high enough for most of the later on bosses and enemies

Banana Joe
Banana Joe - 25.10.2022 12:39

I love being forced to play with console peasants it's so FKN amazing but really fuck cross play.

Eaglehood - 25.10.2022 07:39

Right now? I was under the impression they always did.

Captain Bucket
Captain Bucket - 24.10.2022 17:35

The reason why I think people complain that the werewolf frame is female is because they named her Fenrir. Who in the Norse mythology is a male wolf. Sure it doesn’t sound like much, but it’s like having a chick be named John.

vamrack - 24.10.2022 02:35

I love how the wolf frame looks

Akmal Basyarahil
Akmal Basyarahil - 23.10.2022 17:53

wokeism ruined our game

J Van B
J Van B - 23.10.2022 11:46

No they dont

Rudal Kun
Rudal Kun - 23.10.2022 09:08

haven't play it since february this year, i miss the old warframe tho, back in late 2017 up until early 2019 warframe was on it's peak ngl

I'm Your NME
I'm Your NME - 22.10.2022 17:11

The way you tried to twist it into some weirdo misogyny thing is more weird than people that simply don't like the frame.

Zest - 22.10.2022 15:55

People complaining about aoe nerfs meanwhile I’m eating popcorn while I have 78% used on the kuva hind

D - 22.10.2022 10:53

whoever is running the online chat is also extremely ban happy. It's as if they have personal vendettas against people they simply don't like. Getting your chat banned effectively bans you from trading. This is super sketchy after spending money on the game.

I can't in good conscience recommend this game to anyone.

Adrián Alejandro Peña Espinosa
Adrián Alejandro Peña Espinosa - 22.10.2022 03:58

i dropped out of the game... for real, fuck khal... i just want to play with my frame, FUCK KHAL, also nerfing nova but not saryn, octavia or wisp? wtf

Edit: Wolf frame looks amazing eventhough it doesnt look much like a wolf and it looks more like a infested demon.

WintersMonologue - 21.10.2022 22:06

People complain it's too easy and then complain when they make it "harder" or change anything to their easy mode farming. How dare DE touch the META for AFK farming and lazy mission builds. :)

Halo - 21.10.2022 18:44

Wolf frame is making me reconsider my opinion on furries

Emberframe - 21.10.2022 12:25

Crossplay is amazing, it has elevated the game massively, but the nerfs where handled badly, other weapons should have been even buffed a bit more. Pretty much everything is still fine, I can get to lvl cap still so aoe still works.

Alejandro Gonzalez
Alejandro Gonzalez - 21.10.2022 10:59

Nerfs are okay, however people who play this game from my experience want to casually play the game and max MR and all syndicates and just play content. Not to many are try hard’s that I have seen, so simply put the community just wants to get through the content quickly without much grind. Cross- whatever is going to fun for the time being. But no nothing is going to make the people happy. If you are going to have something overpowered in the game, make everything in the game overpowered then nerf/buff based on weapon use.

Slavic Odyssey
Slavic Odyssey - 21.10.2022 10:58

This is unfortunate timing since I'm trying to grow a channel that's just my friends pissing about in video games. That being said the ones with the most success is Warframe.

I'm happy my channel is gaining an audience but don't want to play one game cause as soon as it dies so does the channel. I still upload other games but they get nowhere near as much attention as Warframe.

YuiYui - 20.10.2022 21:58

i dont mind the changes at all they didnt do anything but add or adding more stuff and are saying they will ad stuff fans are killing each other for like crossplay

Roronoa Omar
Roronoa Omar - 20.10.2022 18:24

What do you mean "right now". They're always mad.

Nicolai Manoli
Nicolai Manoli - 20.10.2022 13:45

Female warewolf warframe is just a bad idea, and kals mission are sooo boring

Itta Pupu
Itta Pupu - 20.10.2022 05:33

I met a guy a while ago that was so dead set on only playing male warframes. I remember him giving me crap cos' I played a lot of Valkyre or Saryn at the time. Weird dude. Hope he's doing better now.

Frost - 20.10.2022 04:35

maybe DE should just make a good game for once these last 10 years lmao

Frost - 20.10.2022 04:33

DE nerfs everything people use because they're both fun AND good -- everybodys mad -- DE makes a surprised pikachu face
DE makes a fucking dogshit warframe because they're too lost in their trash canadian beer -- everybodys mad -- DE makes surprised pikachu.jpeg
DE existing needs to just stop at this rate... absolute garbage humans playing at being good game devs lmao

Eridian - 19.10.2022 22:59

The nerf needed to happen. Anyone that liked to actually play the game, and not just afk spam shit, should not care about it as it really doesn't effect us.

Wahid Laaleg
Wahid Laaleg - 19.10.2022 22:59

if you find a the werewolf frame being a female the why u love wolf girls???
i will return with more facts
