Why JoCat QUIT the Internet for Good | HasanAbi reacts to JoCat Drama

Why JoCat QUIT the Internet for Good | HasanAbi reacts to JoCat Drama

Daily Dose of HasanAbi

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@ellieechoes - 17.01.2024 03:31

IDK stealing art content is a huge deal on twitter. Even if its a joke. Idk how she could say own up that your art is cringe. I think this terminally online behavior is wrong. Also this being cringe being bad is a wrong take.

@spyczech - 16.01.2024 19:59

First they came for jocat, and I said nothing

@xeemis - 12.01.2024 21:32

wow, i dont even think its that bad, its just a bit damn

@rainevermore4683 - 12.01.2024 16:31

I don't even think it's cringe, it's just fun and cute

@CynicalBastard - 12.01.2024 04:28

There is a difference
Yeah, and no one wants to really specify, openly, what that difference is. I can, though. Women, they can, in our society, do all the cringe shit that straight [presumably, white, but it's not really that, is it] males do, but without catching much flak. Men, though, must suffer being burnt up in the sun. That's pretty much it.

@CynicalBastard - 12.01.2024 04:09

I don't anything about this guy
And yet you're fuckin' talking about? doesn't that bother anyone, here? That this bullshit is just...so rampant?

@f4f_mad - 11.01.2024 19:47

Personally I think the JoCat video was very well done and a BOP!

@Vesta_the_Lesser - 11.01.2024 11:54

What's most upsetting is that the people who do this actually think they are doing something. They think harassing random people out of a space is activism. Worthless chuds.

@OilRigWorker26 - 10.01.2024 03:10

Why make excuses for internet hate? Meta humor my ass... Fighting cringe with destructive toxicity and excuses for ick behavior.
Why is this a 40 minutes discussion? Excuses to validate I want my freedom of speech to be toxic. I expected more from Hasan than internets be interneting...

@commandantcarpenter - 09.01.2024 16:28

i didnt care about this brouhaha-escalating-to-threats aside from the fact that jo's animation reminded me of a classic 2008 newgrounds flash animation. i respect that. it was cute, if a little clumsy. poor guy

@walperaph205 - 09.01.2024 14:10

the word cringe lost all of it's meaning

@Dell-ol6hb - 09.01.2024 09:37

It boggles the mind that he got so much hate for this it's just a 30s video in a cute art style, only thing "cringe" about it I guess is that it's a parody song but those are almost always hard to watch anyway. Regardless still didn't deserve any of the hate he got for it

@firepanda1874 - 09.01.2024 03:52

Wow, hasan really out here with Trump IQ

@ordinarymodder905 - 09.01.2024 01:19

>Gets criticized
>"Omg I can't handle this"

@Keihzaru - 08.01.2024 15:37

Don't worry guys, Elon is killing twitter so this soon will stop happening.

@jtemby - 08.01.2024 13:19

It feels like Hasan didn't approach this from a point of compassion for a fellow creator, and instead use the topic to discuss his own plights with DGG and other weirdos.
It felt really wrong to hear Hasan take the perspective of "Yeah, it's cringe, and this kinda stuff happens when you post cringe, but that's just the internet and it sucks, but what can we learn from it"
It also felt like a really surface-level look at the situation, which is weird considering it was a planned segment.

@appa609 - 08.01.2024 10:44

The haters won

@dr.zoidberg8666 - 08.01.2024 07:07

Being very online ruins people. These people freaked out over nothing because something tripped their brain & they thought they perceived some sort of subtle attack or insidious influence.

@bifi7250 - 08.01.2024 06:32

I love how nobody in the chat actually knows why jocat is being harrassed and is just assuming its because of minor twitter drama

@michaelslowmin - 08.01.2024 02:12

Yeah people are just cruel. I was bullied and i bullied in turn throughout my childhood and it just ends up hollowing you out makes you full of regret later in life. If something like this gives you second hand embarrassment, just move on and leave it alone. Always remember these are humans you're dealing with and not just some static thing for your derision

@TheRoamingGamer - 07.01.2024 22:19

there is only one thing in the world that is cringe and that is calling things cringe. Let people enjoy things

@banquetoftheleviathan1404 - 07.01.2024 18:24

it feels like singing about being white, but I dunno, I didn't make the video.

@gwenhunt7271 - 07.01.2024 18:10

Everyone saying the video ‘promotes body positivity’ is hilarious. All of the examples are conventionally attractive video game characters! He’s not a hero, he was just horny posting!

@TheProletariat11 - 07.01.2024 15:36

Bro was just making a Video saying he likes Women of All shapes and Sizes. If being nice to Women no matter how they look is cringe, then I'll gladly be cringe. He didnt do anything wrong

@TheProletariat11 - 07.01.2024 15:32

Liberals are so fucking weird. They pretend to be woke and shit while harrassing people on the internet for no reason whatsoever. We have real problems in this World, like the Ethnic Cleansing of the Palestinians, the Working Class being exploited all around the World, World Hunger, People being hate crimed for being LGBT+, but they are on Twitter doing dumb shit. What do they get out of bootlicking Corporations like Disney?? Disney doesnt give a shit about queer and Black People, they have already proven that so many times. Corporations have no morals, their only incentive is to make profit, and it just so happens most people are not homophobic and pretending to be progressive is very profitable.

@leshommesdupilly - 07.01.2024 14:15

I too have posted a cringe comment that got thousands of people repulsed :D

@Anthony-zm2nq - 07.01.2024 13:40

Fellas, is it gay to like heterosexual women???

@Rage_Harder_Then_Relax - 07.01.2024 13:06

I know nothing about that JoCat video but after watching it, it seems pretty gay to me. 🤷‍♂

@jkteddy77 - 07.01.2024 12:28

I hope the support around his departure emboldens him to return one day, especially for the beloved Monster Hunter 6

@sonyasluss9724 - 07.01.2024 11:54

I like cringe, that’s cutesy. Seems perfect to sing w your kids.
I mean I’m an old rivethead but still like the fluffy & pastel.

@Two-ToneMoonStone - 07.01.2024 10:27

The whole cringe thing has reached the point where it's killing social media. Social media companies have a whole host of their own problems, but social media as a concept truly dies when people don't feel like fucking sharing anything with each other anymore.

@dat1bitch- - 07.01.2024 08:29

Holy shit. Its kinda showing how cringe hasans chat, and this comment section are that you all don't realize what is cringe about the video.
Its the male femiinist "actually I'm one of the good men that respects women" kinda shit.
You guys will never have sex if you think this video is ok or especially if you liked it.

@culixstar - 07.01.2024 07:35

cringe is bs. if you like anything that isn't universally loved by everyone can be called cringe. ppl need to piss off with this crap.

@wolfferoni - 07.01.2024 07:03

I didn't find the video to be cringe at all. I came across it randomly on my recommended page a while back and occasionally watch it because it's cute and catchy. Hearing now that jocat got doxxed and bullied off the internet because of it??? what.

@0r0ch1 - 07.01.2024 06:56

If JoCat is allowed to "le like girls" free from bullying or harassment or weird looks from normies and wetblankets, then so should anyone anywhere else online can like whatever fucked up shit they like online freely, without fear of marginalization or ridicule

But we don't so, fuck 'em, it's a free for all baybee

@Treebeard1992 - 07.01.2024 04:53

Definitely a cringe video, but he did not deserve any of the shit that he got for it.

@skellybonejangles4333 - 07.01.2024 04:40

I really dont get the hate. Im a woman i also like big girls and kitty girls. The song is basically me minus the dick girls and traps (which i also like). But i also like big boys and itty bitty boys so idk. It sounds like a non issue

@endxofxeternity - 07.01.2024 03:55

What was the cringe video?

@faisalmuhammad6908 - 07.01.2024 03:26

So jocat got threatened for being straight and like women no matter their body type and support body positivity?

@Peasant_of_Pontus - 07.01.2024 03:11

This isn't a concept foreign to normies. They excel at it in real life. It's called bullying and it's recent rise in online spaces is the result of monetization, corporatization and normanization of online spaces. Social media was a mistake.

@benjaminjameskreger - 07.01.2024 02:56

Awesome how someone said Adam Friedland when Hasan's clearly talking about Adam's ex & co.

@gundamzerostrike - 07.01.2024 02:31

Wait... isn't the word "cringe" used for when you find something a bit weird (not bad or effensive, just weird)? That's a mild thing, no? Or my understanding of the word wrong?

@floatinjellies - 07.01.2024 02:30

I was laughing about how weird it is- and showed it to my coworker. She aint an online person- and was like “yeah this is fucking weird, you shouldnt talk about women like that.”
So im not surprised the video wasn’t well received by some people. It’s just weird it all blew up

@CosmicRejectsVideo - 07.01.2024 02:12

I can't believe we can't be gay for pussy anymore.

@Ykesha - 07.01.2024 02:02

Thank god I moved to the right.

@llsilvertail561 - 07.01.2024 01:39

I knew JoCat mostly through OSP, so I had no idea about any of this and, I'll be honest, I didn't even realize people thought the vid was cringe until I first saw Hasan react to it and say that it was. I mean whatever ig. I'm not about to police your opinions. But like. Why the fuck do you (people in general I mean, not necessarily Hasan lmao) have to be such dicks about it. My guy is just doing shit he likes. He literally came up with it on the fucking fly during a stream, and then cuz his audience thought it was fun he animated it. He's overall, from what I can tell, a good dude and, even if he wasn't, nothing here is asshole-ish.

On a different note, idk that I agree with Hasan's overall reaction here? Like. Obviously JoCat said it was his. He definitely put work into it and clearly, even now, he isn't ashamed of it or anything, so of course he said something. Hasan saying he brought this on himself (at least, that's what I interpreted it as) just kinda sucks ://.

Idk. Ig I just run in different circles lmao and tend to lean towards "cringe culture is dead". Or, at least, earnestness isn't cringe.

Edit: Also like, maybe it's bc I'm aroace, I really didn't see it as horny posting at *all*. Like, not all appreciation is sexual and, to me at least, this def didn't read like that.
