A POWERFUL EXPERIENCE | The Beginner's Guide

A POWERFUL EXPERIENCE | The Beginner's Guide


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Capayn - 22.10.2023 17:36

still prob my fav video from jack

Tobias Berger
Tobias Berger - 20.10.2023 21:18

I hope they made contact again

A.J.Outlaster - 18.10.2023 03:49

How do you leave comments?

Louisa Dixon
Louisa Dixon - 15.10.2023 14:11

I got this video on 👍👍👍

CoiledDracca - 15.10.2023 10:30

8 years on and still my absolutely favourite game reaction video by you. The Beginner's Guide is a portal to life.

Muffin Man
Muffin Man - 11.10.2023 22:38

The final game contained two impossible puzzles, that someone would really only be able to get past by editing the game, ensuring that Davey would find the ending words, since he just couldn't help himself. He couldn't stand leaving a game unplayable, he couldn't stand not finding an ending.

Muffin Man
Muffin Man - 11.10.2023 22:35

Davey didn't make this to get Coda to make games again because he was worried about Coda. He made this because he needed Coda's games to feel better about himself. Even after all this, he's still only thinking about himself, which is why the only vehicle he could think of to do it was the one thing Coda had asked him not to: showing his games to strangers.

Vexify - 09.10.2023 16:35

how do you leave comments ive been tryin to figure out for 8 years now

Studio Loft
Studio Loft - 06.10.2023 03:04

Has anyone ever noticed the fact that there's almost always three dots in an obtuse triangle position?

Zachary Taylor
Zachary Taylor - 05.10.2023 02:43

Assuming Coda is fictional in some way (which is somewhat controversial), you could make the point that the word Coda is used in music, and generally indicates the final passage of music. It literally translates to "Tail" in Italian.

Mork - 04.10.2023 12:02

Imagine i climbed a tree when i was a child. I remember how the tree's crust felt. I remember the shapes of the leaves. I might've fallen out of the tree and hurt my wrist. All of these experiences create an image and emotion within my head. When i try to transfer this image and emotion to you, i have to break it up and formulate it into words. I feed these words to you. You recieve these words, and try to recreate the image and emotions i give you in words. But all of it is influenced by your own feelings, opinions and images. The tree in your head is not the same tree as in my head. Maybe you never fell out of a tree, or you never climbed a tree at all. Now imagine you try to feed my image to someone else. You, once again take the image and emotion you have in your head, break it up into words and feed it to someone else. But now its influenced by you, your opinions, your words, your emotions. Its a completely different story. That is this game

DrinkSomeWater - 26.09.2023 13:12


Dolphins are weird
Dolphins are weird - 19.09.2023 12:40

The juxtaposition of Jack's past bursting-with-energy personality and this game's moodis... something. I don't know what but there's something.

October - 17.09.2023 05:51

does anyone know the name of the song in the housekeeping game?

Kathryn Hughes-Duckworth
Kathryn Hughes-Duckworth - 16.09.2023 04:11

This is a brilliant game and how you react to it shows you are a good person. I felt the same as you going through it, you worry about him and hope for a happy ending only to find it's all twisted up and then you look it up online and discover another twist, Coda isn't real. It's all Davey talking to himself but also talking to you about himself while hiding that it's him he's talking about then breaking through the 4th wall at the end showing the one who needs help is Davey. Thank you for showing this game.

Elmy Y
Elmy Y - 12.08.2023 09:07

I'm struggling with my jewelry brаnd right now and this whole video just made me feel alive again. I called it awake aesthetic but I felt like I'm losing being awake & make something aesthetically acceptable.

Thank you Sean🩵 thank you for being a genuine and kind human. You are enough and I feel that I am enough now.

The Faceless Story Maker
The Faceless Story Maker - 12.08.2023 02:07

I like how when he says "Coda thinks this" or "Coda does this" it was actually what he thinks and does. not Coda.

Atfg - 09.08.2023 17:26

Jack not that you will read this but this is why you are my idol and you always will be

Tinna Sell
Tinna Sell - 09.08.2023 02:06

My headcanon: Coda is the Narrator's real name and this is his life before Stanley showed up. Also, Coda is NOT a bear.

Kriwen - 31.07.2023 01:17

2023 Gang!💚

LECKY - 12.07.2023 23:42

He said at the beginning that he liked looking at the games to see who coda was without “all the messy in person” stuff. Coda didn’t need someone just focusing on his games. He needed a friend to talk to.

Michael Buehler
Michael Buehler - 30.06.2023 23:54

There have been a lot of creators online that have been a lot like Coda or Davey.

Nick Warman
Nick Warman - 24.06.2023 20:57

you are so loud 👎

psycrosilvin - 23.06.2023 09:12

i have not heard about this ever in my life until today and i did not expect a game called the beginners guide i found on TIK TOK of all places was about to make me cry in front of my dad. powerful stuff after reading a lot of the comments and really just sobbing over this, even during the moments where it feels like nothing is really going on. beautiful work, glad to see more stuff from davey but god damn that hit my feels like a semi.

BloodyMetalAngel - 20.06.2023 11:30

I would love to see each of these “games” become actual full games!

Death Merchant
Death Merchant - 18.06.2023 11:47

This whole game sums up what it's like living with mental illness. It's a shame I have only recently found your channel and videos because you have brought me so much laughter and smiles, which means the world to me. I just... thank you for doing what you do. It really is greatly appreciated.

Nicolas - 18.06.2023 01:05


Zero [:
Zero [: - 13.06.2023 16:15

this game is so interesting to me bc i feel so confused after seeing it am i the davey ? am i the coda ? am i both ? i love analysis of media i find it lovely and something i want to do in my life. i also want to create media it’s amazing and is inspiring again another thing i want to do in my life. i relate to both of them so much and maybe that’s why i am confused i have empathy for both of them which is something that i’m not sure i’m supposed to have. right now i don’t think i can answer all the questions i have but i know that from this point on i will think differently say things differently analyze things differently create things differently be a person differently. this game was amazing i know that everything else i’m not sure on.

Jacob Lawson
Jacob Lawson - 04.06.2023 05:53

This game gave me a lot of inspiration to do a lot of things.

Marcy - 02.06.2023 04:54

Coda is kind of a bad friend tbh

LeeLee1985Official - 28.05.2023 13:48

I absolutely love this kind of thinking.

Soksok - 24.05.2023 19:48

Like the 1937472nd time watching this. He should revisit it. :)

misguidedsaint 3
misguidedsaint 3 - 23.05.2023 08:44

So we know coda is davey, now who is R?

Gabriel Jensen
Gabriel Jensen - 17.05.2023 04:26

The housekeeping section is honestly my favorite part, I love how it is calm, like a rest point. Instead of being sad, it's peaceful and makes you feel happy

ADRIAN CHRISTOPHER - 16.05.2023 00:58


Boolius 10:30
Boolius 10:30 - 15.05.2023 14:12

I keep coming back

Drachenschnitzel - 08.05.2023 21:36

this guy has alot of talking energy 😂

Brando - 03.05.2023 07:24

“Him her itself idk anymore I’m so confused” me thinking of chris from mrbeast

d3dk3ny - 01.05.2023 00:34

It is my belief that video games can become what books are to us today.

Brando - 30.04.2023 11:09

Man the vibe this whole game gives off is like nothing else, it changed my whole aspect on what games should be, and gave me my first interest in game creating myself.

Mia Hume
Mia Hume - 30.04.2023 08:14

Im so glad im rewatching these videos. I love you jack as the the best friend for years. I've been watching you all the way through middle school and now im going to college. You helped me to get through things and feel safe to be myself. Thank you for being there for us, we love you so damn much. Forever and always <3

Athen Ayres
Athen Ayres - 28.04.2023 18:58

That was probably one of the most beautiful games I have ever seen.

It's funny though, during most of the game I had come to the conclusion that Coda was using games as a sort of journal for his own thoughts, but when you think about it that was just the narrative that Davey was giving us. We have to remember that we have no information from Coda's point of view. Perhaps Coda merely liked playing with wacky concepts of games, and when he met Davey, he really did "infect" Coda's games. I like to wonder whether all of the games Coda made after he met Davey were not actually about how Coda was feeling, but about how Davey was feeling.

Davey mentions this feeling of emptiness in himself, a hole that needs to be filled. I think he had never realised because he was so obsessed with Coda's games, it gave him some sort of purpose, and when they no longer reflected something fun or wacky and rather a deep emotional issue Davey was hiding from, he started projecting onto Coda.

Of course, we'll never really know.
